Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Adrian and Lenka   07/12/2012

Adrian walks into to the crowded bar not bothering to look around but heading straight for the booth. He stops at the second to last sliding on to the bench unnoticed by the crowd.

Adrian: How’s the house beer?
Lenka: Not as good as the beer in Prague.
Adrian: You should try the one in Munich.
Lenka: Do you want anything?
Adrian: No I’m good.
Lenka: No thank you we’ll let you know. (He says waving the waitress away) I have what you asked for. (He looks around casually before passing him an envelope under the wall side of the table)
Adrian: Thanks, (He slides them in to his back pocket as he continues speaking his voice just low enough so only the two of them could hear) what else do you have?
Lenka: He’s in New York this evening he’ll be back in Pine Valley in the morning.
Adrian: What about that shipment he was expecting?
Lenka: So far everything is legit. But he is nothing but careful he’s only been here a few weeks I’m sure he would wait a while before he makes his move.
Adrian: According to my contact in Europe a cargo tanker is set to leave there next week heading for the US.
Lenka: So we have less than two weeks to figure out where and when it will make land.
Adrian: What about this girlfriend of his?
Lenka: Cassandra Foster.
Adrian: How does she play into this?
Lenka: Other than the fact that the man is obsessed with her she doesn’t appear to have anything to do with his business.
Adrian: What do you mean obsessed?
Lenka: According to my sources she’s the reason he took the job at Cambius and came to the United States. When I tell you he is obsessed I mean it! He had a man beaten almost to death for whistling at her outside a club and another is still in a coma! That’s just two stories I know of personally. Adrian: Do you think we can use that as an in?
Lenka: Yeah you could probably use her to get to him if necessary but I would be real careful how you do it. I have another way that would be a little less dangerous. She and my wife are friends. I’m hoping to use that to get closer contact.
Adrian: How long till you make contact?
Lenka: I was hoping it would be tonight. (He finishes off the bottle of beer pushing the empty towards the center of the table)
Adrian: Anything else? (He says leaning forward)
Lenka: I need the WSB to do something for me?
Adrian: What do you need them to do?
Lenka: I need them to take care of Chief Inspector Henry.
Adrian: I thought you already nullified him.
Lenka: According to my father in-law he talks more than a parrot.
Adrian: I think we can handle that.
Lenka: Good and you may need to handle Dr. David Hayward.
Adrian: What’s Hayward have to do with it?
Lenka: He’s the pirate the parrots been singing too.
Adrian: This just gets better and better.
Lenka: Sorry I didn’t know about any of this till today that’s why I had to postpone out meeting.
Adrian: How much does he know?
Lenka: About us nothing but enough about my wife to call unwanted attention to me and that would be a problem.
Adrian: Not a problem anymore I’ll take care of Hayward personally.
 Lenka: Good, I have a plan “B” for our mutual friend if I can’t get to him on a personal level.
Adrian: What’s that?
Lenka: I have a little project that I think I can get him interested in that could give me access to Cambius.
Adrian: That sounds good let me run it past DS first and I’ll get back to you.
Lenka: Sounds good. (He stands Adrian following as they walk out the bar) I have another appointment to keep so I’ll wait to hear from you. (He reaches out shaking his hand as the two reach the sidewalk)
Adrian: Sounds good I’ll be in touch. (He turning and walking towards his car as Lenka walks n the opposite direction towards his own)

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