Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Taylor and Jake  07/05/2012

Francessca: I could pick him up for you. I’m going to take Randi’s twins to the Miranda center with me tomorrow so I can pick Trevor up and take him to.
Amanda: That would be really great. Thank you so, so much (She leans in giving Francessca a quick hug)
Jake: What’s going on?
Amanda: Nothing really Fran’s going to pick up Trevor in the morning for me.
Jake: Why? Where will you be tomorrow morning?
Amanda: I have work tomorrow at “Cambius”.
Jake: So, you did take that job, without even telling me?
Amanda: I told you last night I was sure I had an appointment at Cambius in the morning!
Francessca: Excuse me a second. (She says walking quickly towards a shouting and waving Opal. Jake waits till Francessca is out of ear shot before snapping his head back towards Amanda his voice full of venom)
Jake: So that’s it you’re working at Cambius now? You just get up without saying a word to me I might add. You’re gone all day and when you come back you’re the “Cambius Girl” or what ever without even telling me!
Amanda: Unlike you, I listened to every word you said last night! You know when you basically told me I was too immature to make my own decisions and ordered me not too because as you put it “my working wouldn’t be good for our family”! (She spits back)
Jake: That’s not what happened and you know it! (He grinds out between clenched teeth his voice a low growl)
Amanda: Oh so now you’re telling me my memory is slipping too?
Jake: Oh my God! You’re just twisting every word I say!
Amanda: Look Jake I’m going to be working at “Cambius” so get used to it! Come on Trevor lets check you diaper! (She picks up Trevor from the stroller and walks towards the house)
Taylor: Hey Jake how’s it going? (She looks from him to Amanda’s retreating back)
Jake: Not now Taylor! (He says with a dismissive wave of his hand)
Taylor: Come on! (She laughs) You know me I’m not going to give up so you may as well tell me now! You and Amanda okay?
Jake: No, were not okay not by a long shot. (He huffs)
Taylor: You want to tell me about it maybe I can help?
Jake: I just don’t get it you know? (he sighs as he leans back against the picnic table)
Taylor: Get what?
Jake: A few months ago Amanda seemed really happy being a Mom being home with Trevor taking care of the house you know.
Taylor: Being Joan Clever?
Jake: NO! Well kind of. (He runs his hand through his hair shoving the other in his pocket as he paces) She just seemed to be content and I was happy with that and I thought Amanda was too. Now all of a sudden she’s not! (He says with a wave of his hand his tone mocking his smile bitter) Now she wants a career as the “Cambius” spoke model and honestly I just don’t understand what happened.
Taylor: Nothing happened Jake your marriage is just having some growing pains. (She places her hand on the edge of the table, hopping up with ease)
Jake: Growing pains? (He stops his pacing a moment and stares at her)
Taylor: Yeah, Amanda (She shrugs then smiles) is growing and you’re being a pain!
Jake: So this is my fault? (His mouth twist in to a grimace his brows drawn in)
Taylor: Yeah! (She nods) Look Amanda is maturing she wants to know, needs to know that she is capable of doing more than just being a wife and a mother. And she’s experienced a life-altering trauma and trust me on this it changed her perspective on a lot of things.
Jake: Come on all that stuff with Emily Ann way over a year ago! (He stares at her incredulous)
Taylor: It doesn’t matter it still can have an affect on you. (She says with a shake of her head) Amanda almost lost you and her family everything she knew was being threatened she needs to know if God forbid something happened to you she can take care of herself and her son or maybe she just needs to stretch her mind and some adult interaction or maybe she was just bored either whatever it is you need to support her on that not fight her or you’re going to loose her and because that’s what good husbands do.
Jake: I know you’re right but my head says you’re right but my heart still wants what it wants. (She shakes her head then hops down off the table)
Taylor: Well you need to decide what it is that you really want what’s in your heart or your wife! (She gives his a friendly pat on the back then walks over to the table where Angie and Brooke stand leaving Jake still brooding)

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