Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ryan and Erica            02/24/2012

Ryan sits up in bed starring out the window. It looked nice out spring like in fact. These were days he used to call “Greenlee” days. These were the kind of days they would play hooky from work and take the day to do something fun just for the two of them.  He really missed that. He missed Greenlee and he wanted her back no needed her back. And, he needed the truth from Erica or did he dream what Erica had said to him. Was the entire thing a lie did she just say that to give him something to hold on to like she said? Either way he needed answers and the only one to give them to him was Erica. He’d tried calling her today and yesterday but it kept going to voice mail was she avoiding her or was she really as busy as she said she was. The only way to find out was to get the hell out of here! If he had to spend another minute cooped up inside this room he was going to loose it! He throws the covers back swinging his feet out of the bed and slipping them into his slippers. He reaches to the end of the bed and picks up his robe wrapping it around himself and belting it before pulling on the door handle and walking in to the hall. He checked the side of the door for the guard then smiled as he remembered he was a free man. He strolled down the hall enjoying being unencumbered for the first time in a long while. He stops in the lounge peeping in and seeing no one he continues his walk stopping by the Nurses Stations and glancing around he turns his head as the elevator doors open and out steps Jackson Montgomery.
Ryan: Jackson (He says walking towards Jackson who looks less than pleased to see him)
Jackson: Ryan, I was just on my way to see you there’s some paperwork you need to sign so we can make your release official.
Ryan: Good to see you to.
Jackson: This will only take a few moments we can step down to the lounge and get it over with if you have a moment.
Ryan: Sure, I have all the time in the world! (Grinning happily at Jackson whose expression remains stone)
 Jackson: Lets get this over with shall we? (He moves quickly towards the lounge placing his briefcase on the table and opening it. He pulls out the documents placing them on top then reaches in to his pocket for a pen and hands it to Ryan) I need you to sign here (He says pointing to the document then flips the pages) And sign and initial here.
Ryan: You don’t mind if I read them first?
Jackson: Go right ahead. (He looks at him his eyes cold then walks to the window and looks out)
Ryan: So once I sign this I’m free and clear.
Jackson: You’ll be free but we all know what you did.
Ryan: I helped a man who was threatening my daughter’s life.
Jackson: So he could go kidnap and almost kill an innocent girl! But then some one always suffers for your decisions don’t they.
Ryan: You still blame me for Greenlee’s death don’t you?
Jackson: Is there some reason I shouldn’t? I knew if you came back into my daughter’s life you would destroy her and you did!
Ryan: Look Jack Greenlee was the love of my life. There isn’t a single day that I don’t think about her or wish she was here.
Jackson: Were you thinking about Greenlee when you tried to destroy Zach and Kendall by running around like the town crier spreading your so called truth?
Ryan: If you want to blame some one blame Zach he’s the one that kissed his sister in-law!
Jackson: And you went running to Greenlee with the news! You just couldn’t wait! You saw a way of getting Zach out of your life Kendall’s life and especially Greenlee’s. Instead you took Greenlee form all of our lives! You just couldn’t handle the bond that she and Zach developed! You were jealous so you had to destroy it and instead you killed my daughter!
Ryan: Everything I did was for Greenlee. She needed to see how misplaced her faith was I had no idea she would take off on the motorcycle!
Jackson: A motorcycle you bought her! A motorcycle she should have never been on! Would have never been on if it wasn’t for you!
Ryan: Greenlee loved that bike! Everything I did was to get justice for her!
Jackson: And I suppose that everything you did after that was for Greenlee too? Do you really think that she would have wanted you to help a man that killed her friends? Seduce a sick woman so you could destroy her husband? Put your child’s mother in an insane asylum so you could steal her child from her? No! Everything you did was for you! No one else but you! We’re done here right?
Ryan: If you mean have I finished signing these papers yes I’m done. (He hands the pen and papers back to Jackson)
Jackson: Good! Then you and I have no further business! (He opens his briefcase tossing the papers inside then closes it snapping the latches into place)
Ryan: Jack, I really meant it when I said I was sorry.
Jackson: I’m sure you are but that doesn’t bring my daughter back now does it? (He hoist his case off the table heading for the hallway just as Erica walks in)
Erica: Jack! What are you doing here?
Jackson: The DA’s office had some final papers for Ryan to sign. I guess I could ask you the same question?
Erica: Ryan is my friend Jack I was coming to see how he is.
Jackson: Ahh yes, I’d almost forgotten despite everything that’s he’s done to your family he’s still your friend. I hope you show that kind of loyalty to all your friends? (His back to Ryan he stares down at Erica his expression warning her not to betray what she knew)
Erica: Of course! I’m always loyal to the people I care about.
Jackson: Be careful Erica the women who care about Ryan tend to end up hurt or dead. (He looks back at Ryan then stares down at Erica his eyes sending her a silent warning)
Erica: Bye Jack. (She nods he head slightly then steps around him walking toward Ryan as Jack walks out the door and down the hall)
Erica: Oh Ryan, you’re looking so much better! (Her arms extended and hugging him)
Ryan: So what was that all about? (He hugs her back then sits in the chair Erica taking the seat beside him)
Erica: What was “What” About?
Ryan: That little exchange between you and Jack?
Erica: Oh, you know Jack he disapproves in our being friends. He’s afraid you’re going to hurt me. (She smiles)
Ryan: And that’s it? There’s nothing else you want to tell me? (His eyes pleading)
Erica: Other than the fact that you should be very careful Jack is looking for any reason any reason at all to send you back to prison.
Ryan: Wow he still “Really” hates me!
Erica: Unfortunately for you he still blames you for Greenlee’s death.
Ryan: Do you?
Erica: Ryan, Greenlee’s death was an accident it was no ones fault.
Ryan: Thanks Erica but he was right my focus was on hurting Zach and not how it would hurt Greenlee.
Erica: You had no way of knowing what would happen. And we can’t change the past Greenlee’s gone and all we can do is just move on with our lives.
Ryan: So she’s really gone? (He sighs heavily and hangs his head)
Erica: I told you Ryan, I just wanted you to get better nothing more. I’m sorry if what I said hurt you in any way. I was just so worried about you that night I would have said anything to give you a reason to live.
Ryan: I understand and I thank you for caring so much. (He wraps her arms around her giving her a quick hug)
Erica: Now what you should do is stay as far away from Jack as possible. (She sakes her head waving her hand in a hatchet motion)
Ryan: Okay, Okay! (They laugh)
Erica: Now, do you have any idea what you’re going to do when you get out of here? (She smiles inwardly satisfied that Ryan had put the entire Greenlee thing behind them) You know there’s always a place for you at “New Beginnings”
Ryan: Thanks Erica I’ll keep that in mind.
“Perhaps I can help you with that?” Calls a voice from the doorway. Ryan and Erica look up to see very impeccably dressed tall thin man standing in a few feet away.
Ryan: May I help you? (Ryan says rising to his feet and walking towards him Erica trailing behind her curiosity peaked by the tall blonde thin yet muscular gentleman standing in front of her. He was devilishly handsome a mischievous grin playing on his lips)
Gentleman: Excuse my manners. (He says extending his hand toward Ryan and shaking it) Devereaux St. Jacques I’m the new CEO of Cambius Enterprises (He says smoothly his accent hard for Erica to place, he takes Erica’s hand and kisses it their eyes locking for a moment) And your Erica Kane I’ve long admired your work.
Erica: Thank you! (She tosses her hair back over her shoulder smiling brightly)
Ryan: Why would the new head of Cambius want to help me? (He’s eyeing him suspiciously)
Devereaux: Actually it would be you helping me.
Ryan: How could an ex con help the CEO of Cambius?
Devereaux: I’d like for you to come back to Cambius. (He says smoothly satisfied with Ryan’s bug eyed stare knowing fully without his answer he would take the job)

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