Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rego and the PI   03/21/2012

Rego sits in one on the chairs outside the gate absently thumbing through a magazine covertly watching the man who was watching him. He’d first noticed him when he’d pulled out the drive way and he wasn’t sure who’s man he was but he had a pretty good idea. He adjusts himself in the chair pulling his carry-on closer to him. He’d first notice him about a mile after he’d sped out the drive he would have noticed him sooner if he hadn’t been so involved with his memories from last nights dinner and Brooke. It’s became very apparent to him very quickly that she was trying to hide the fact she knew as well as he did exactly where Jamie was and not just hiding it from him but from his father too. It wasn’t what she said it was the way she was not saying it. He had to give her credit she was smooth probably what made her a good reporter. It had been fun to needle her at the table his father oblivious as usual! Jamie wasn’t at any conference in New York! Jamie had tracked down his fiancée and was making his play for her and he was going to make dam sure that didn’t happen! And Brooke’s evasiveness had said more than words.
Rego: So Where’s Jamie this evening? (He probes grinning to himself)
Oliver: Brooke was just telling me that Jamie has a conference in Manhattan. (Reaching for the glass of whine and sipping it)
Rego: Really? (He raises his eyebrows in mock surprise) When did this happen? I don’t recall him mentioning it before?
Brooke: It was scheduled some time ago but he put it off with wedding and all. With everything going he figured he’d go. Besides it’s a good way to get out of Pine Valley for a few days. You know get a change of perspective.
Rego: Jamie has a good idea at that. I was thinking I should attend the meeting you had set up in New York. (HE smiles down the table to his father who stares back at him surprised)
Oliver: What bought this about? (One dark eyebrow raised)
Rego: I decided I should take your advice Father. Nothing could possibly be accomplished sitting in my room in the dark brooding.
Oliver: Glad to hear it!
Rego: So Brooke where’s Jamie staying maybe he and I can meet up maybe try to make a menses for very thing that’s happened between us.
Brooke: I’m not sure next time he calls I’ll ask him.
Rego: That would be great! So where’s the actual conference I mean what building?
Brooke: Some where on the campus of New York University.
Rego: My hotel isn’t too far from their maybe we could have lunch. I’ll just call him.
Brooke: No, (She says smoothly) I think what Jamie needs right now is space. You understand.
Oh yeah he had understood perfectly! You were giving your son a leg up on the situation or so she thought. She and Jamie had been undermining him from the very beginning every time he turned around Jamie was whispering in her ear. He couldn’t stand the fact that he’d won and he wasn’t going to let him this time either! First thing he needed to do was get rid of the man following him. He didn’t think he was one of his father’s men he was positive he was Slater’s. Which meant Slater was serious about his threat he’d have to tread very carefully, very carefully indeed remembering the expression on his face when they last met. He reaches into his pocket for his phone opening the email he’d received then deleting it. Every thing was set all he had to do now was wait for his flight to be called and perhaps think of something to say when he saw her. The same task he’d set him self to for days now. What would he say? What excuse could he possibly give for his actions when there wasn’t any? He shifts in his chair again placing his phone back in his pocket. He couldn’t explain and there was no explanation he could make that she would except the only thing he could do was beg her forgiveness and pray she gave it. He checks his watch again then looks about the room Zach’s man still sitting there pretending to be engrossed in some magazine. It wouldn’t be much longer they should be calling his flight shortly as soon as he shook this guy he was off to his helicopter. Ahh, there it was loading first class the only way to fly. He reaches into his pocket pulling out his ticket then standing and joining the line. HE watches from the corner of his eye as he moves in position close enough to watch him but far enough away not to attract his attention not bad but he needed to work on his driving skills. The clerk takes his ticket and checks it then hands it back to him allowing him to pass and walk through the tube he glances back as the clerk takes the man ticket then scowls as he reaches for the phone Rego waits a moment allowing the woman with the rolling carry on to pass stepping in to the open air space a few feet before the plane entrances where over sized bags are collected he hands the baggage carrier five hundred dollars waits a moment as the clerk at the front of the gateway argues with the Private Investigator then slips down the ladder walking quickly yet casually to the waiting car. Had to love these small town airports. By the time Zach’s man realized he wasn’t on the plane it would be too late.
Rego: How long till we get to the heliport? (He slides into the seat closing the door firmly as the engine revs and the car pulls off)
Driver: Less than three minutes it’s on the other side of the airport.
Rego: How long before we can take off?
Driver: As soon as you get there.
Rego: Perfect. (He relaxes back against the cushions grinning to himself the corporate helicopter would be much faster anyway)   

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