Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jamie and Tad    02/20/2012

Jamie waits for Zach to pass watching as he walks back to Kendall before walking in the in the opposite around the row of empty booths towards his father and Aidan.

Jamie: Hey Dad! (They hug each other quickly patting each other on the back)
Tad: How are you doing son?
Jamie: I’m doing okay. (He nods glancing at the children as they run around)
Katie: Jamie! (She squeals jumping in to his arms)
Jamie: Hey munchkin! (He says hugging her)
Kathy: I missed you where you been?
Jamie: I’ve been working. What’ave you been up to?
Kathy: I was supposed to have my art class today after school but Francessca isn’t here. Do you know when she’ll be back?
Jamie: No honey I don’t (His voice becoming somber he leans down placing her on the floor)
Tad: Honey, do your old man a favor?
Kathy: Sure! (She smiles up at him)
Tad: Check on Jenny for me please?
Kathy: Okay! (She says running off towards Jake and Amanda the later waving to him as she pats Kathy on the shoulder and she scampers off he watches her a moment while she searches the crowd of kids for her sister then turns to Jamie)
Tad: Have you had any word on Francessca?
Jamie: That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. His voice getting low but maintaining the smile on his face for anyone looking on)
Tad: You found something? Coming around so his back was to the majority of the crowd)
Jamie: I think I got a clue tonight where she might be.
Tad: So where is she?
Jamie: Not sure exactly.
Tad: What do you mean ”Not exactly”? (Jamie pulls Tad off to the side of the room his voice hushed)
Jamie: I heard Zach on the phone before and I think he was talking to Francessca and I think she’s in Brooklyn.
Tad: Wait a minute you think she’s in Brooklyn? (HE stops Jamie in mind sentence leaning back a moment his face contorted in disbelief shaking his head)
Jamie: Yeah, (he retorts sharply no longer smiling)
Tad: Brooklyn is a pretty big place. (He glances over to where Kathy and Jenny are playing then back to Jamie)
Jamie: I have to find her Dad. (He glances over to Zach and Kendall catching Zach’s eye briefly then clasps his father on the back and they both grin in comradely before continuing)
Tad: Why don’t you give her some time and wait till she calls you?
Jamie: Dad, she’s hurt she’s confused and she’s (His voice trails off)
Tad: She what? (His voice getting serious again)
Jamie: She alone. (He looks to Zach and Kendall who have their family in tow heading towards the door stopping to talk to Krystal and Carmen)
Tad: She’s not alone she has her family. (Following Jamie’s line of vision)
Jamie: If Taylor was gone or when Dixie was missing you didn’t just sit and wait you went after her despite what everyone was telling you.
Tad: Okay, I get it. (Putting his hands up in surrender and smiling) So how soon are you leaving?
Jamie: I need to talk to Aidan first then I’m going to go home pack a bag and I’m out of here.
Aidan: Talk to Aidan about what? (He grins walking up beside Tad)
Tad: What’s going on Fish and chips? (Extending his knuckles and they bump)
Aidan: Not much just enjoying the festivities what’s up with you two?
Jamie: I think I got a lead on Francessca and I wanted to know if you could help me narrow it down.
Aidan: I’ll try what do you have so far?
Jamie: I know she somewhere in Brooklyn.
Aidan: I’m not sure but I know someone who might give me a couple of minutes. (He reaches in to his pocket pulling out his phone as he walks away a few paces at the same moment Jake walks over to the group)
Jake: Hey guys what’s going on Tad?
Tad: What’s happening brother?
Jake: Nothing much what’s up with you guys?
Jamie: I was hoping you could do me a favor?
Jake: Sure, what’s up?
Jamie: I’m going to be out of town for a few days I was wondering if you could fill in for me at the clinic?
Jake: I have a pretty light schedule this week I don’t see a problem. (Jamie sighs in relief)
Jaime: I’m going to call Chuck too and thanks I really appreciate it. I owe you one (He reaches out and shakes Jakes hand)
Aidan: I think I have something for you here I’ll walk you out.
Tad: I’ll talk to you later?
Jamie: I’ll give you a call before I go. (He hugs his father then heads towards the door Aidan beside him)
Jake: Where’s Jamie off to?
Tad: Cherchez la femme.
Jake: What?
Tad: To find a woman so to speak and keep that to yourself speaking of which who’s your new friend? (Nodding his head toward where Lola stands talking to Amanda)
Jake: Oh, that’s Lola Colgate the new head of oncology she’s new in town doesn’t know too may people Amanda thought it would be a great way for her to meet some folks. (Folding his arms across his chest nodding in satisfaction)
Tad: Can you do me a favor this time? (Looking from Amanda back at Jake)
Jake: What?
Tad: Just be careful please. (He looks across the room to where Lola stands with Amanda watching the children play. Something in his gut telling him something is off)
Scene shift to Amanda and Lola watching the children play and chatting)
Lola: How long have you and Jake been married?
Amanda: Going on three years. How about you is there a Mr. Colgate somewhere?
Lola: I was married a long time ago. (She smiles weakly a sadness coming over her)
Amanda: Oh, I’m sorry.
Lola: It’s okay, (She glances over a Trevor who is attempting to eat one of the balls in the ball pit and then throws it towards another child)
Amanda: Excuse me a second (She says racing over to him as Trevor tries to run in the opposite direction)
David: What the hell are you doing here? (The sound of his voice causing her to jump)
Lola: David? Last I knew this was a free country. (She shakes her hair back from her face then steadies her resolve)
David: I warned you to stay the away from my family. ( he growls his look venomous)
Lola: I’m nowhere near your family! As far as I know this is a public place.
David: This is Krystal’s place and you’re the last person she’d want here. (His lips curled back his teeth bared)
Lola: Jake and Amanda asked me to lunch I swear I had no idea. (She shakes her head starring back at him shocked)
David: Jake and Amanda it figures! (He shakes her head his voice bitter)
Lola: Don’t start blaming them! They have no idea about Krystal and me they were just trying to be nice.
David: Lets try and keep it that way! The last thing I need are the sanctimonious Martins breathing down Krystal’s neck! I want you out of here before she see’s you! (He orders leading her towards the door)
Lola: How long do you think the two of you can avoid me? (She says walking quickly ahead of him)
David: If Krystal had it her way the rest of her life and I can’t say I don’t agree with her. (She stops almost to the door turning to look at David)
Lola: At some point she’s going to have to deal with this.
David: But not today! Just go please before she sees you. (He looks back over his shoulder then back at Lola nodding his head towards the door)
Lola: This isn’t over! (She flings her purse and walks quickly out the door stopping when she gets to the sidewalk and peers back through the window as Krystal exist the kitchen followed by another woman to the applause of their family and friends. She sighs then turns away coming face to face with Wellington’s)
Wellington: You and I need to talk now!

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