Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Griff and Jesse   03/08/2012

Griff steps out the elevator looking up and down the hall confused just as he realizes he’s on the wrong floor the door shut behind him. He glances up at the display see’s the elevator going up then presses the button and waits.

Jesse: Hey, Griff isn’t it?
Griff: Chief Hubbard nice to see you again.
Jesse: Good to see you too! I’ve wanted to thank you for all your help during the prison riot.
Griff: You’re welcome but I didn’t do anything really.
Jesse: Oh you did a lot more than you think. (He sighs loudly as he walks in to the elevator car followed by Griff)
Jesse: Everything okay? (Noticing the weary look on his face)
Griff: I’m fine, just going to see Ryan.
Jesse: I haven’t seen him in a few days how’s he doing?
Griff: He’s doing good! Doing good! (He smiles nodding his head) He gets out of here soon. (HE and Jesse step to the back of the car as other get in)
Jesse: Glad to hear it. How’d you like working with Krystal and Carmen?
Griff: I like it they’re good women. (He smiles happily) That Carmen’s a trip though!
Jesse: Yeah she is. (They both laugh as the door opens and people step out of the car leaving the two alone)
Griff: Keeps me laughing all day.
Jesse: Yeah, she’s good to have around especially now with Randi being so sick. (His brow creasing with worry)
Griff: Yeah, Carmen was telling me about her earlier. How’s she doing?
Jesse: She’d be a lot better if there wasn’t a shortage of the blood she needs.
Griff: I didn’t realize there was a blood shortage?
Jesse: There is always a shortage but for Randi it’s critical. Randi’s blood is rare the supply of her type of blood is almost non-existent! (he spits his anger starting to build)
Griff: What are they going to do? (Concern etched on his face)
Jesse: They’ve put out calls to all the local hospital’s and the Blood Bank but they’re not in any better shape than Pine Valley.
Griff: Man, I’m sorry. (A long sigh escaping his lips)  If you don’t mind my asking what does she have?
Jesse: Hodgkin’s lymphoma, (HE swallows hard then continues) cancer.
Griff: Oh, God. (His stomach tightening)
Jesse: And she’s so young too. (His face contorted as if in physical pain) Seems like just yesterday she was announcing to everyone she was having twins. Angie was running around buying up “Lacey’s”. Going over for Sunday dinner then this hits.
Griff: Oh, man I’m really sorry if there is anything I can do please let know.
Jesse: I appreciate that I truly do. Just keep her in your prayers will you.
Griff: You got it.
Jesse: Man I’m beat. (He sighs heavily rubbing the back of his neck)

Griff: Then go home get some rest. (He grins rocking back on his heels)
Jesse: I will but (he sighs again) first I have to run over to my sons help him get the kids ready for bed then Granpa’s off to dream land! (He yawns then grins at the thought)
Griff: Yeah Grandpa (He teases) I was playing with your precious progeny at the opening this afternoon. (Jesse raises his brow looking some what surprised and nods his head in) They actually do have books in prison and some of us do read them. (He wriggles his eyebrows and they both laugh)
Jesse: Yeah, my wife told me she said Spencer was really taken with you.
Griff: I was pretty taken with him too. They are both really cute.
Jesse: They’re my heart! (He says patting his chest and smiling) and their mother is like my daughter I don’t know what I would do if anything…(His voice trails off as his throat tightens)
Griff: She’s going to be okay.
Jesse: I haven’t said that to anyone not even my wife.
Griff: Sometimes it’s easier with a stranger but I’m telling you and trust me on this Randi’s going to be okay. You have to believe that.
Jesse: I’m trying but sometimes man it’s just so… especially today with all this.
Griff: I know.
Jesse: How do you know? (His face contorting with sudden flair of annoyance at his presumption)
Griff: Your talking to a man who’s had nothing else to hold on too but hope for thirty years you just can’t give up.
Jesse:  I’m sorry.
Griff: Not a problem.
Jesse: No, really thanks man you’re right.
Griff: It’ll work out you’ll see. I’ll check you later.
Jesse: See ya man and thanks.
Griff: Take care! (He waves before walking down the hall towards Ryan’s room Jesse’s words playing over in his head. He pushes the door open and see Ryan sitting up in he chair switching rapidly through the channels)
Ryan: Hey man how’s it going! (He rises from the chair walking to Griff and hugging him quickly)
Griff: You’re looking at lot better than the last time I saw you. (He slides into the chair as Ryan sit’s down on the bed)
Ryan: Feeling a lot better. (He grins broadly)
Griff: So tell me about it! What’s going on?
Ryan: I got offered a job today back at Cambius. (He grins devilishly)
Griff: Wow, (His eyes opening wide) you going to take it?
Ryan: Thinking seriously about it.
Griff: So they want you back as CEO? (Looking at Ryan a little surprised)
Ryan: Not quite the new CEO of Cambius came to see me today and offered me a position back at the company.
Griff: And?
Ryan: And, I don’t know. (He laughs shaking his head)
Griff: You’re going to need a job and when you have a job you can find a job.
Ryan: You’ve got a point. Anyway are you still at the half way house?
Griff: Yeah (he sighs) it’s not so bad.
Ryan: I have a better idea why don’t you pack up your stuff and move in to my penthouse with me?
Griff: What penthouse?
Ryan: Oh, I never told you? I own a penthouse in the Pine Valley Towers. I thought I was going to sell it but if I take the job I won’t have to and I could use the company. Beside it’s got to be a hundred times better than living there.
Griff: You got that right! You sure?
Ryan: Positive you could move in tonight if you want Erica dropped off the key for me earlier. (He reaches in to is robe pocket tossing it to him)
Griff: Would be nice. But you got to let me pay rent.
Ryan: What rent the place is paid for. You know you could just buy the groceries and do the cooking.
Griff: You got yourself a deal!
Ryan: Good, then why don’t you get out of here get your stuff and go home!
Griff: I think I can wait till tomorrow.
Ryan: It’s up to you man.
Griff: If you don’t mind I’m beat it was a long day and I have a few errands to run.
Ryan: Oh yeah, how was the opening?
Griff: It was great exhausting but good.
Ryan: I’m glad, why don’t you get out of here and get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Griff: Okay I’ll drop by after work tomorrow.
Ryan: We’ll if I’m going to take that job at Cambius I need to do some research. (He says tapping the laptop Erica had given him) I’ll see you at home.
Griff: They’re letting you out? (His voice sounding surprised)
Ryan: Tomorrow at ten! (He raises his hand in the air and the two slap them together)
Griff: You need me to pick you up?
Ryan: No, that’s okay I have a couple of stops to make when I get out of here. You okay? (He looks at Griff more closely noticing for the first time the smile missing from his eyes) 
Griff: I’m okay, just have some stuff I need to work through.
Ryan: Can I help? 
Griff: No, just some personal stuff I need to work out. (He shrugs)
Ryan: Okay, (He says deciding to leave it alone) I’ll see you tomorrow?
Griff: Yeah, night Ryan see you later. (He waves then closes the door behind him walking to the nurse’s desk Jesse’s words coming back to him) Excuse me ma’am?
Nurse: Hi, how can I help you? (She smiles looking up from the computer)
Griff: Do you know where you go to donate blood?

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