Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Zach and Kendall   05/10/2012

Zach coming through the door as Kendall walks towards him waving the newspaper.

Kendall: Have you seen the paper today?
Zach: You mean about Lavery? (He places his brief case down next to the door and tosses his keys in to the bowl on the shelf)
Kendall: Yeah about Ryan! How the hell did this happen? (She crumples the paper throwing on the hassock)
Zach: Blame the Governor (He rolls his eye skyward walking past he into the living room)
Kendall: So what are we going to do about it? (She follows behind him as he walks to the desk picks up the mail and thumbs through it)
Zach: Nothing. (He sighs heavily throwing the mail back down on the desk)
Kendall: Nothing? (She pulls at his arm forcing him to turn and face her)  Did I just loose my hearing?
Zach: No, you heard me. (He grinds out trying to hold on to his patients)
Kendall: How can you just stand there and say “Nothing”?
Zach: Exactly what do you want me to do? (He growls his hands stretched out at his sides)
Kendall: I want you to stop him! (She shrieks back at him arms akimbo)
Zach: Stop him from doing what. Earning a living? (He walks away from angrily pull off his jacket and tossing it on the chair Kendall following behind him)
Kendall: Working at “Cambius”! (He spins around and stares at her wiping his hand across his chin)
Zach: I have no control over what happens at “Cambius”
Kendall: We have to do something! We can’t just sit back and, and, and (She stutters) wait for him to attack our family again. What if he figures out the truth about Greenlee?
Zach: He’s not. (His frustrations reaching its peak)
Kendall: How do you know? (She throws her hands up in letting them slap down against her sides) My mother already let it slip.
Zach: And she’s convinced him it was all a something she made up to help him. (He flops down on the sofa leans his elbows on his knees rubbing his temples) 
Kendall: How long do you think it will take him before he figures out we’re all lying? (She takes the seat beside him)
Zach: As long as we all stop talking about it he won’t. (He moans leaning his head back against the cushions and closing his eyes)
Kendall: Come on Zach (her voice softening a little) Ryan’s a lot of things but he’s not stupid! And, now that he’s back at Cambius he’ll all the money and power to do what ever he wants!
Zach: He hasn’t done anything yet. (He moans rocking his head back and forth eyes still closed)
Kendall: So what are we going to do sit back and wait? (She leans back against the cushions in a huff)
Zach: Look Kendall (He opens his eye ad leans forward taking her hand in his) I’ve taken every precaution to keep and our family safe. I talked to Rhea she and Michael will be back day after tomorrow and we’ll all sit down together and work out a strategy to keep this family safe. I’m not going to let Lavery hurt any of us I promise okay. Please just calm down panicking is only going to make things worse.
Kendall: I know you’re right you’re right. (She sighs some of the tension leaving her shoulders)
Zach: For now lets just concentrate on our family okay and us? (He pulls her to him kissing her forehead then lets her go)
Kendall: Okay, (She smiles back then grins devilishly) speaking of family have you heard from Frannie?
Zach: You know she hates that name. (He grins a crooked smile as Kendall giggles)
Kendall: I know, so has she called you?
Zach: Not since the day of Krystal’s opening but she’s okay. (He walks to the window looks out a moment then turns back towards her)
Kendall: How do you know? (Her brow creased her eyes questioning)
Zach: I sent one of my people to check on her. (He runs his hands through his hair looking back at her sheepishly)
Kendall: You sent someone to spy on her? (She stands in front of him crossing her arms across her chest) She’s going to love that!
Zach: Not exactly.
Kendall: What do you mean “Not exactly”?
Zach: I had a guy following Sherrigan. (He states bluntly knowing Kendall was going to like it)
Kendal: You had a guy following Rego why? (She looks at him confused)
Zach: Because he found out where she was and I didn’t want him anywhere near her. (His anger flares at the thought then cools just as quickly)
Kendall: So what happened?
Zach: Nothing, her cousins took care of it for me my guy didn’t have to do a thing. (A satisfied grin playing on his lips)
Kendall: That’s good isn’t?
Zach: Yeah, it’s great. (He sits back down on the sofa propping his arm on the back resting his head on his palm)
Kendall: So exactly what did they do? (She sits next to him reaching for the pillow and against her)
Zach: According to my guy they literally kicked him to the curb. (Her grins satisfied with the outcome)
Kendall: Good! (She nods in agreement) I hope they got in a couple of shot for me.
Zach: Lets just say those are a bunch of guys I wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley. (They both chuckle)
Kendall: So how did he figure out where she was?
Zach: I guess he was following behind Jamie. (He shrugs)
Kendall: So wait (Her eyes opening wide her mouth agape) Jamie knows where she is too?
Zach: Yeah. (He wriggles his eyebrows making her laugh as she swipes at with the pillow)
Kendall: So how’d he find out? (A conspirator’s grin playing on her lips) 
Zach: I have no clue. (He shrugs his grin matching hers)
Kendall: Well between you and me I’m glad he did. Cess needs him besides she’s been in love with him for months.
Zach: Oh yeah how can you tell? (His curiosity peaked)
Kendall: Just the way they look at each other, the way they act when they’re together. Kind of like you and me. (He leans in brushing the hair off his forehead)
Zach: Oh yeah? (Starring at her with mock surprise)
Kendall: Yeah you know how I couldn’t stand you when we first met. You were so arrogant and sarcastic and you acted as if I was the town pariah.
Zach: Honey you were the town pariah. (A devilish gleam in his eye)
Kendall: Hey! (Her jaw drops open her eyes wide as Zach lets out a uproarious laugh at her expression. She playfully slaps his arm)
Zach: No, I know what you mean.
Kendall: I just really want her to be as happy as we are. (She leans in rubbing her nose against his)
Zach: So do I (Doorbell rings) I’ll get it. (He walks to the door and opens it)
Francessca: I told you I’d be back for playoffs! (She grins before leaping in to his loving embrace)

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