Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jamie and Francessca    04/11/2012

Jamie and Francessca walk in to her Uncle Vito’s office holding hands and smiling.

Vito: Ahh there she is! (She says coming around the desk and hugging her and kisses both her cheeks)
Francessca: Ciao Zio!
Vito: Look at you! Absolutely gorgeous!
Francessca: Grazie Zio, you look wonderful! You put on a little weight since I last saw you. (She says patting his tummy and laughing)
Vito: You can thank your Aunt Marie for that and this. (He says pointing to his baldhead) So is this the young man I’ve been calling in favors for all morning?
Francessca: Jamie Martin, this is my Uncle Vito Palumbo, Uncle Vito this is Jamie Martin.
Vito: So you’re the young doctor that took care of my grand nephew last night?
Jamie: Yes sir.
Francessca: How did you know about that?
Vito: Are you kidding? Sophia was on the horn telling everyone in the neighborhood and who ever she missed your Aunt Marie called this morning. (They all laugh) I really appreciate everything you did for my nephew last night.
Jamie: I really didn’t do anything.
Vito: What do you mean nothing? You bandaged him took him to the hospital stayed with him spoke to his doctors made sure he got the right treatment. No it was definitely more than nothing and I’ll never forget it.
Jamie: Thank you sir.
Vito: What sir? Uncle Vito to you. Now did you two go see Tommy Clutch over at the hospital?
Francessca: We sure did and the test was done and he put a rush on it just like you said he would and get it to you ASAP.
Vito: And he’s as good as his word! I got it about twenty minutes ago and sent it over to the court house and I got you an appointment with the judge this afternoon.
Francessca: Uncle you are a miracle worker!
Vito: I would move mountains for my favorite niece and the man who took care of my nephew. You know we could use a guy like you in the neighborhood.
Jamie: That’s a really tempting offer sir (Vito lifts his chin and furrows his brow) Uncle but I have a clinic in Pine Valley I need to get back to.
Vito: To bad we could really use a man like you but understand. I have to get up to this Pine Valley.
Francessca: You just let us know when the door is always open.
Vito: Thanks you beautiful. You two sure you don’t want to get married over at the church I can get have the Father marry you he owes me a favor.
Francessca: Who doesn’t? (They laugh)  No really we appreciate it Uncle but neither one of us are Catholic.
Vito: Yeah, I keep forgetting. Are you sure you don’t want me to tell your Grandmother? (He says with a smirk knowing full well the answer)
Francessca: Are you kidding? She’ll have the entire neighbor there. Besides I already did the big wedding thing remember?
Vito: Yeah, I remember Oh boy, do I remember. (He says looking skyward) Listen we’d better getting going. (He reaches for his jacket hanging on the hook next to the door and shrugs in to it)
Jamie: You’re coming? (His eyes opening wide with surprise)
Vito: Sure I’m coming you’re going to need a witness and who better than me to make it official besides how else are you going to get through the traffic around here. Come on lets get you two hitched. (He opens the door allowing them to pass then shuts it firmly behind him)

Scene Shift Some time later back at the “The Karabela Family Deli” Jamie and Francessca follow her Uncle Vito in to shouts of surprise and congratulations as her grandmother runs over to hug and kiss she and Jamie.
Sophia: Congratulation my beautiful girl! (She says hugging her and then hugging Jamie)
Francessca: You told them? (She looks at her Uncle happily surprised)
Vito: I didn’t a say a word. (He says smiling broadly then walking towards the tray of canolli’s) 
Sophia: Don’t blame your Uncle nothing stays a secret in this neighborhood. (She laughs) Mrs. Giordano works down at city hall saw the three of you and she called me.
Jamie: And you did all this in an hour? Wow! (They both look around surprised at all the decorations and people)
Sophia: Honey you should see what I can do when I have some notice. You know I should be angry with the two of you. (She wags her finger at the two of them in mock anger)
Francessca: I’m sorry (She says hugging her)  I should have told you so you could have been there.
Sophia: It’s okay sweet pea as long as your happy I’m happy. (She pats her cheek then searches her face for the answer to her next question) You are happy right?
Francessca: Never been happier! (She hugs Jamie grinning happily as he hugs her back)
Sophia: Then all’s right with the world. I’ll be right back I have to get the meatballs out the oven.
Tony: Congratulation Cousin I hope you two will be very happy.
Francessca: Thanks Tony.
Jamie: Yeah thanks man.
Tony: You take care of my little cousin don’t hurt her (He shakes his hand then pulls him into a brief hug and whispers in his ear) because as much as I like you I’ll have to break your face capire, welcome to the family.
Jamie: Understood. Hey where’s Nicky (He quickly looks around the room then back at Tony) I want to take a quick look at his arm.
Tony: He’s in the back helping Aunt Phee.
Jamie: I’ll be right back Mrs. Martin (He says leaning down to kiss her)
Francessca: I’ll be right here (She smiles back at him feeling happier than she had in weeks)
Olivia: Congratulation! (She says hugging her)
Francessca: Mrs. Falconeri! Hi! How are you?
Olivia: I’m wonderful and I don’t have to ask how you’re doing. Congratulations! (She says hugging her again)
Francessca: Thank you so much.
Olivia: You snagged yourself quiet a guy he’s the talk of the neighborhood. (They sit down at the table)
Francessca: Jamie is absolutely wonderful. (Her voice taking on a whimsical quality)
Olivia: I’m glad you’re happy you definitely deserve it. (She reaches across the table and pats her hand)
Francessca: Thank you. It’s really good to see you.
Olivia: You too honey. I was worried about you after what I saw the news.
Francessca: I’m great I’m married to the man I love.
Olivia: So what happened to the other guy?
Francessca: I have no idea probably chasing after some new whore. (She shrugs feeling a moment of embarrassment)
Olivia: Forgetaboutit him! The guys a complete looser besides looks to me like you made the right decision.
Francessca: Jamie is perfect. I wish I had realized that before I made a fool of myself. (She says with a remorseful sigh)
Olivia: Honey we all make mistakes.
Francessca: Mrs. Falconeri? (She starts not sure how to phrase her question)
Olivia: Please, you’re a grown up now you don’t have to call me Mrs. Falconeri anymore call me Olivia.
Francessca: That’s going to take getting used too. Mrs. Falcon…Olivia can I ask you a question? (She starts again as Olivia reaches for a cookie on the platter and places it on the plate in front of her)
Olivia: Sure!
Francessca: My Grandmother told me about your son and his father. (She hesitates a moment before continuing)  Do you ever regret not telling him who his father is?
Olivia: Honestly, (She says with a shrug) even now I still think that was the best decision I ever made. So what’s up why all the questions?
Francessca: I just… (She starts hen looks towards the door her eyes opening wide as Rego walks quickly towards her)
Rego: Francessca! Thank God I’ve finally found you!
Francessca: Rego! (She stands and begins backing away from him) Oh my God! Oh my God!
Rego: Francessca please you have to listen to me! (He steps towards her as Olivia steps between them)
Olivia: You need to get out of here before you get put out! (She inclines her head towards the group of who stop their chatter and look towards them)
Rego: You have to listen to me I know we can fix this please! (He takes a step closer as both Olivia and Francessca step back)
Francessca: Get away from me! (She hisses)
Rego: Please Francessca just listen to me I love you I know we can fix this.
Olivia: Buddy, I’m warning you have about five second before it gets ugly! (She looks towards the group of men who now move closers their fist balled at there sides)
Rego: Please Francessca just give me five minutes. (He pleads)
Francessca: You love me? (She screeches her anger coming full force) What a joke! So that was “loving me” when you were screwing my so called friend the night before our wedding? There is nothing left between us you killed any love I ever felt for you! Get out of here and don’t come back!
Rego: I love you Francessca and I know deep down you still love me.
Francessca: I don’t love you! I have always been in love with Jamie! The only thing I feel for you is indifference! 
Scene shift
Jamie: What the hell is going on out there? (He looks from Nick to Tony then all three rush out of the kitchen toward the commotion)
Jamie: Get the hell away from my wife! (He bellows coming to Francessca and warping his arms around her)
Rego: Your wife? (His eye open wide with shock)
Jamie: That’s right my wife. (He places his arm around her pulling her close)
Nicky: This is the guy? (He looks at Francessca who nods yes)
Tony: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE SCUM BAG? (He says pushing threw the crowd to stand in front of him) Frankie! Jonny D! Giovanni, Rocco! (He calls over his shoulder)
Rego: Francessca please! (He shouts as they garb Rego tossing him out on the sidewalk. He lands hard sprawled out on the pavement. Tony leans down next to him grabbing him by the collar)
Tony: If you ever come near my cousin again if you every so much as breath in her direction your family will cry when they see what I do to you…if they see you! (He releases him pushing him back down on the pavement then turns and walks back in to the store locking the door behind to cheers from the revelers. Rego stands brushing the dirt from his jacket he stares in the window a moment watching the happy couple then walks back to his car feeling rejected and defeated. From across the street a man watches him closely then dials his phone)
PI: Mr. Slater I located him.
Zach: Where is he?
PI: He showed up here in Brooklyn just like you thought.
Zach: Is my niece okay?
PI: She’s fine
Zach: No thanks to you.
PI: I’m really sorry about that but you have nothing to worry about five huge guys just tossed him out on the street.
Zach: Stay with him and this time don’t let him see you.
PI: Yes sir I’ll be careful.

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