Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brooke and Rhea     070/09/2012

Brooke stand in front of the fruit bowl picking out pieces of cantaloupe on her plate as Rhea walks up behind her.

Rhea: It’s good isn’t it?
Brooke: Hey!! (She leans in giving Rhea a quick hug and kiss) When did you get back?
Rhea: We got in last night.
Brooke: How was the honeymoon?
Rhea: Wonderful! How was everything here?
Brooke: Reasonably quiet.
Rhea: I guess everything has pretty much calmed down. (She sighs in relief smiling and looking around) 
Brooke: Listen, (Her voice becoming low taking on a serious undertone) I really do want to apologize for… (Rhea put her hands waving and shaking her hands)
Rhea: Stop! Don’t go any further neither you or Oliver had anything to do with what happened between Cessca and Rego. He’s an adult he’s responsible for his own actions.
Brooke: You’re sure? (She looks at her quizzically)
Rhea: I’m positive!
Brooke: Oh! I’m so glad! (She hugs her quickly sighing in relief) You don’t know how this all has been bothering me.
Rhea: Well don’t give it another thought besides (She says nodding he head towards Francessca and Jamie) it still worked out we’re still in-laws.
Brooke: Yeah that’s right!
Rhea: I couldn’t ask for a better son in-law.
Brooke: And I adore Francessca!
Rhea: If any ones to blame it’s those two! (They both laugh)
Brooke: I don’t know about you but I’m really hoping for grand children really soon.
Rhea: Me too! Keep your finger crossed! (They both giggle as Opal walks up looking from one then the other then sigh in relief)
Opal: Oh good!
Brooke: What? (She says popping a piece of cantaloupe in her mouth then offering Rhea one)
Opal: Well I wanted to get some more of those ribs but I was waiting for the potential fireworks. 
Brooke: We’re fine!
Rhea: Actually we were talking about Francessca and Jamie.
Opal: Yeah look at them over there! (She cranes her neck nodding towards the big maple where Jamie and Francessca lay chatting playfully on a blanket beneath it) I remember those days when Palmer was young and charming instead of the old coot I’m stuck with! (They all laugh)
Brooke: I haven’t seen Tad that happy in a long time have you.
Opal: No me either I’m just so happy for the two of them I just hope they make me a Great Grandmother sooner than later! (She says firmly making Brooke and Rhea laugh again)

Scene Shift

Jamie and Francessca

Jamie and Francessca lie on a blanket starring up at the sky through the trees as the big puffy white clouds float past.

Jamie: so what do you say we get out of here?
Francessca: Sounds good to me.
Jamie: Hey,
Francessca: What? (She says rolling over and sitting up)
Jamie: Check it out all the Grandmothers lined up (Francessca looks across the yard spotting her Mother, Brooke and Opal chatting around the food table and feels a tinge of remorse)
Francessca: Yes and no Jamie when the truth comes out your mother and Grandmother are going to be really hurt. (She looks across the yard at the three of them laughing and talking then back at Jamie)
Jamie: No ones going to find out. (He moves closer wrapping his arm around her shoulder)
Francessca: Jamie, (She turns towards him her eyes searching his) secrets always come out especially if other people know them.
Jamie: So what do you want to do? (He pulls her close her head laying against his shoulder)
Francessca: I think we should tell him the truth. (She pulls slightly away from him so she can see his face)
Jamie: Are you sure? (He looks in to her eyes seeing the hurt and pain behind them)
Francessca: I don’t want to lie to the people we care about especially your Mom. (She lays her head back down on his shoulder) She’s been a really good friend to me and I don’t want to ruin that.
Jamie: My Mom will understand. (He pulls her closer kissing the top of her head)
Francessca: I just keep thinking about what your Dad said to you and he’s right Jamie. We’re not going to be able to fool anyone and it’s not fair to Rego or this baby. I spent my entire life thinking some one else was my father and I’m not saying I didn’t have a good life I did but, when I found out I was still hurt I was confused and angry. I’ll just be putting this child in the same situation. You understand don’t you? (She turns her head to look up at his smiling face and devilish twinkle in his eye)
Jamie: Dralin, whatever you decide to do I’m fine with. (He said melting her with that southern drawl he affected he pulls her close kissing her gently at first then deeper making her almost forget where they were for a moment) When do you want to tell him? (He whispers still nuzzling her ear arousing her further and making her giggle when he reaches the curve of her neck she pushes gently against his chest putting some distance between them)
Francessca: Maybe in the next few days or so, (she sighs reaching for the empty plates and stacking them next toe her) there just been way too many lies it takes too much energy to keep up with them and I can barley stay awake now. (She yawns)
Jamie:  It’s still kind of early you still want to go home for a little while?
Francessca: If that’s okay with you?
Jamie: That’s fine with me! (He says looking at her suggestively then wiggles his eyebrows at her and they laugh) Lets go say our good byes and we’ll get going.

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