Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kendall and Amanda   03/19/2012

Kendall walks down the hall and to the front door open it quickly smiling brightly.

Kendall: Hey you got here quick! (She swings the door shut behind her following in to the living room hurrying in front of her to remove her swatches and sketch board off the sofa and placing them on the haceks)
Amanda: Hey, yeah I can’t stay long I have to meet Jake over at Jamie’s clinic. I see you’ve been keeping busy.
Kendall: Yeah I really have things have really taken off! (She offers Amanda a seat then sits beside her) So what’s up?
Amanda: I wanted to know if the Manager job over at “Confusion” was still open?
Kendall: Yeah, (Eyes wide and hopeful) you interested?
Amanda: Yeah I am. (She smiles brightly)
Kendall: Well you got it! (Extending her hand to shake Amanda’s)
Amanda: Oh my God really? (Taking Kendall’s offered hand and shaking it tentatively still in shock at how easy it was)
Kendal: Really! You were great the last time you I know I can trust you and it saves me a lot of time interviewing people so if you want it it’s yours.
Amanda: Thank you so much! (She hugs Kendall then laughs to herself)
Kendall: Your welcome. So what’s up what’s going on over at the clinic? (She reaches for her swatches and begins to organize as she talks)
Amanda: Nothing really (She sighs relaxing having a quick daydream about her future) Jake is filling in for Jamie and I promised him I’d help him out.
Kendall: Why? Where’s Jamie? (She says holding a swatch up to the light then writing on her pad)
Amanda: He had to go out of town suddenly. (Catching herself before she said too much)  He’ll be back in a couple of days and Jake is filling in for him.
Kendall: So what’s up with your rush back to work I thought you liked being a stay at home mom. (She stops her work a moment starring at her surprised)
Amanda: I do but lately I’ve just feeling a little claustrophobic.
Kendall: A little claustrophobic! (She snorts absently placing the swatches in her toolbox) I don’t know how you can live there after what happened! (Her hand flying to her mouth her expression sorrowful) Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.
Amanda:  No, it’s okay (She smiles shaking of the chill that always came over her when she thought of Emily Ann) but it was our home long before Emily Ann and I’m not going to let her take that away from us.
Kendall: Well good for you! (She grins reaching over and patting her lightly on the back) 
Amanda: And with Randi in the hospital I don’t I can’t even escape over there anymore. (She sighs feeling a sudden sadness thinking about how sick she was and what she was going through)
Kendall: How is Randi? I popped over to the hospital to see her the other day but she was asleep. (Feeling a similar sadness to Amanda’s)
Amanda: I talked to Frankie last night and he said Randi needs to have surgery to remove the tumor but they can’t do the surgery until they get her anemia under control.
Kendal: So what’s the hold up? (Feeling a rushes of anger) Why don’ they do the transfusion or whatever already?
Amanda: Randi has really rare blood and Pine Valley has a shortage.
Kendall: Oh no! (Her stomach lurching)
Amanda: Yeah, but there was some good news. Jake was on the phone this morning calling the National blood registry to see if they found a match and some one came in to the Hospital last night.
Kendall: Oh thank God. (Her hand flies to her chest as she sighs in relief)
Amanda: Yeah, Jake said they still need more but that’s a prayer answered. Whoa look at the time (She glances down at her watch then rises quickly from the couch and walking towards the door Kendall following behind))  I better get going!
Kendall: So when do you want to start?
Amanda: Is the day after tomorrow ok with you? (Turning back towards as Zach rushes into the room shrugging into his jacket)
Kendall: Day after tomorrow would be perfect! (She nods in agreement)
Zach: Okay honey I’m off! Hey Amanda! How are you? (HE walks quickly to the desk picking up some folders then sticking them inside the briefcase and closing it)
Amanda: I’m good how are you? (Grinning at his whirl wind movement around the room)
Zach: Late! (He grins placing the case next to the door) But that’s one of the good things about being the boss!
Kendall: Amanda’s going to be taking her old job back at “Confusion”.
Zach: Hey that’s terrific! Glad to hear it! (He walks to the shelf placing his phone in his pocket and grabbing his keys)
Amanda: Yeah I better get over to the Clinic or Jake’s going to kill me if he opens late! (She looks at her watch again then moves closer to the door)
Zach: Jake’s working at the clinic now? (He stares at her a moment his ears alerted)
Amanda: No he’s just filing in for Jamie for a few days. (She grins nervously) 
Zach: Oh, where’s Jamie? (He asks his curiosity peaked by her sudden nervousness)
Amanda: Oh he had to um go out of town for a couple of days! (Realizing she may have said too much) I’d better get going! (She says hurrying towards the door) Kendall I’ll call you! Bye Zach! (She says turning back and waving before closing the door behind her)
Zach: I’d better get going too! (He says kissing Kendall seductively I’ll see you when I get home)
Kendall: I can’t wait! (She says walking behind him to the door he kisses her again then walks through towards the car. He reaches in his pocket quickly pulling out his phone then speed dials listening to the phone ring on the other end as switches over to his blue tooth and climbs in the car revving the engine and pulling down the drive)
Dax:  Morning boss man!
Zach: Morning. Listen you still have the tail on Sherrigan?
Dax: Yes.
Zach: Where is he now?
Dax: He’s at the airport.
Zach: Where’s he flying too?
Dax: New York.
Zach: I need you to stall him.
Dax: Exactly how am I supposed to do that?
Zach: Go do that voodoo that you do so well and get back to me okay?
Dax: You think he’s going after Francessca? He could be going there on business.
Zach: And he could be trouble!
Dax: Alas even I can’t control air traffic I can however have Wilk’s board the plan with him
Zach: Yeah, do that and get back to me.
Dax: Will do out. (Zach pushes the button on the steering wheel terminating the conversation his gut telling him that if Jamie was where he thought he was Sherrigan wouldn’t be far behind)

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