Tuesday, August 7, 2012

 Zach and Francessca   02/01/2012

Brooklyn Francessca and her Grandmother Sophia wrapping cold cuts and Nicky and Tony slice up a cold cut order and hand it to the customer.

Mrs. Callonado: You sliced it thin right? (She gives Tony a sharp eye making him grin)
Tony: It’s thin I promise!
Mrs. Callonado” Yeah, yeah, yeah the last time I could have used it as a coaster.
Tony: Sorry Mrs. Callonado.
Mrs. Collando: See you next week.
Tony: See ya!
Sophia: That one she complains too much! (She waves the spoon then laughs)
Francessca: I need to sit down a minute. (She walks around the counter and sits at one of the tables by the window)
Sophia: That’s the last of them for about an hour or so (She says joining her at the table) Nicky bring me a cup of coffee and bring your cousin some water.
Nicky: Sure! (HE comes around the counter placing a cup of steaming coffee in front of Sophia and a cold bottle of water in front of Francessca then comes back with a plate of cookies as Sophia reaches up and squeezes his face before kissing his cheek)
Sophia: Yaa, you’re a good boy.
Nicky: Ahh, (He blushes)
Nicky: You need anything else just call I’m going to clean off the slicer. (He goes back around the counter and begins to disassemble the slicer and wiping in down)
Sophia: So how you doing? (She sips her cup reaching for a cookie with the other)
Francessca: Okay, a little tired (She sighs sitting back in the chair)
Sophia: So, how are your parents? (She dips the cookie in to the cup then pops it in her mouth) 
Francessca: They’re good they sounded happy when I talked to them.
Sophia: I’m glad! Your mom deserves some happiness. (She reaches out and pats Francessca’s hand) And so do you.
Francessca: I thought I was going to live happily ever after.
Sophia: Ahh, nobody lives happily ever after there’s always some kind of trial to over come it’s how we get through them that count.
Francessca: As much as I like staying here with you I can’t hide here forever and the thought of seeing Rego again of him having anything to do with this baby makes me sick.
Sophia: You’re going to have to find a way to talk to him he’s your child’s father. He’ll figure it out when you finally do come home with a baby. (Her eyes pleading)
Francessca: I know (she sighs) it’s he’s not the person I thought he was. And I don’t know if he’s the kind of man I would want my son around.
Sophia: Well sweetheart the time to make that decision was before you got pregnant now you have to deal with what life has dealt you.
Francessca: Doesn’t mean I have to show all my cards.
Sophia: And what is that supposed to mean? (She stares at Francessca quizzically)
Francessca: I don’t have to tell Rego just yet he doesn’t know, no one does in mean time I can visit some lawyers and see what my options are.  
Sophia: And I’m telling you at the end of the day he’s still your child’s father and no matter what you do in your heart you’ll always know the truth no matter what you tell the world. (She picks up her coffee cup resting the spoon on the saucer and rises then places the cup down walks around the tale hugs her around the shoulders and kisses the top of her head) Just remember what I said. And whatever you decide I love you. Now I’m going to clean off the counter before the afternoon crowd gets here.
Francessca: I’ll be right there I just want to make a call first (She digs in her pocket for her new phone and dials)
Sophia take your time I do this every day today’s no different! (She kisses her head again picks up her cup and moves toward the back of her counter)
Francessca: I’ll be right there! (She calls over her shoulder listening to the buzzing noise of the phone ringing on the other end. Kendall and Zach sit on a bench inside the play –room at Carmen and Krystal’s opening laughing as they watch Ian and Spike bouncing on the trampoline floor with Jenny and Darius)
Kendall: Wait I have to get picture of them so I can send it to my Mom. (She takes out her phone snapping the picture she looks at it and laughs then show it to Zach.
Kendall: Look at this! They look so adorable!
Zach: It’s cute send one to me too.
Kendall: She’s is going to love this! I’m going to send it to your email too! (She grins then looks down and dials the phone. Zach leans back stretching his arms across the back an image of the two of them and Erica and Erica’s attempt to have Kendall lie for her)
Zach: So what made you change your mind?
Kendall: About what? (She places her phone back in her purse then zips it before looking back at him)
Zach: When Erica wanted you to lie to me about Ryan? (He looks at her quizzically)
Kendall: You want the truth?
Zach: Well you’re on a roll. (He grins)
Kendall: I was standing there thinking about every thing you and I’ve gone through and every time I got in to trouble we got in trouble, you were there asking me “Why didn’t you just come to me and tell me” And I just couldn’t make the same mistake again. I love you and our family and we’re in a really good place right now I just couldn’t bring myself to get back on that rollercoaster (He looks at her and smiles wraps his arm around her brushing the wayward strand of hair from her face with the other. He pulls her close kissing her gently as his phone rings)
Zach: Slater! (He says in his perpetually annoyed business voice that always made her snicker)
Francessca: Francessca! (She answers back in the same tone then laughs)
Zach: You okay? (He turns and scans the room quickly seeing Kendall playing with the kids and walks toward the back holding his other hand his ear to block some of the noise)
Francessca: I’m fine where are you? (She laughs again)
Zach: Carmen and Krystal’s opening with the kids (He grins watching Ian dive into the ball pit)
Francessca: Oh, I forgot about that kids having fun?
Zach: I think they’d have more fun if their big cousin were here. (He grins sadly leaning back against the wall)
Francessca: I miss them too! Give them a hug and kiss for me!
Zach: You sound better than the last time I talked to you.
Francessca: Yeah Nonnie has that affect on you. (She laughs picking up the tray of cookies and carrying it to the counter then picking up the rag on the sink and rinsing it then wipes down the table)
Zach: How’s Sophia?
Francessca: She’s great! I’m here in the Deli working and you should see Nicky and Tony they’re huge! (She picks up the paper towel and the spray sprays the table then wipes the table with paper towel)
Zach: A real Brooklyn Deli! They don’t have that in Vegas! (They laugh)
Francessca: Yeah, it always smells so good in here! (She looks around grinning pushes the chair in then walks behind the counter put her smock on and begins washing the utensils)
Zach: Do me a favor when you come back bring me some anti pasta and some imported salami and water mozzarella. The play-off are coming up.
Francessca: Is that your way of telling me to come home? (She chuckles)
Zach: No, just that we always watch the play-offs together. (He rubs the back of his neck peering around at Kendall and Amanda playing with the kids)
Francessca: I’ll let you know.
Zach: Hey stay in touch okay?
Francessca: I will love you. Bye!
Zach: Love you too! Bye! (He closes the phone and walks back into the dinning area as Jamie slides back down in to the booth unnoticed by Zach as he passes.  He’d have to talk to Jake and Chuck see if they could pick up his hours at the clinic it could be a while before he found her but at least he had a place to start)

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