Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Natalia and Cassandra   02/21/2012

Natalia walks around the house picking up some of the dishes she and Brot left on the coffee table they left the night before. She stops and looks at the photo of Francessca and her from the Memorial Day and smiles sadly wondering how she’s doing. She places the photo back on the table then carries the dishes into the kitchen turning her head toward the door as it clicks quietly closed. She walks stealthily from the kitchen watching quietly as Cassandra slinks into the living room.
Natalia: What the hell are you doing here? (Shouting towards the door as Cassandra creeps into the living room startling her causing her to drop her purse the contents spilling about the floor)
Cassandra: Natalia! (Laying her hand on her chest and breathing heavily) I didn’t expect you to be here! (She kneels shoving the contents back inside haphazardly)
Natalia: I’m sure you didn’t! I thought we changed the lock.
Cassandra: The door was open. (She points back at the door then back to an unyielding Natalia)
Natalia: I’ll have to remember to lock it from now on! You never know when some alley cat going to slither in!
Cassandra: I just came back to get some of my stuff. (She holds up a small seemingly empty back-pack)
Natalia: You’re not taking anything out of here! Cessca packed up everything you had here! Anything that was left behind I’ll send to you!
Cassandra: She’s still not back? (Her ears perking up hopefully)
Natalia: By “She” you mean Francessca the person who took you in gave you a home and called you her friend.
Cassandra: Please, get over it she was never my friend and neither were you! (Her voice bored now that she had what she needed she could dispense with being nice)
Natalia: We tried to be. (Her voice-exasperated arm flapping to her side)
Cassandra: Yeah! Sure you did! (She taunts her voice dripping with sarcasm)
Natalia: I wanted to be your friend and so did Cessca! But you’re so blinded by the dollar signs in your eyes you can’t see the people that care for you. (She pleads hoping to reach at least a small part of her) 
Cassandra: Just stop with the BS and admit it! She shouts holding her hands up halting any more words from Natalia) The only reason you asked me to live here is so you could spy on me for Jesse! (Natalia feels her anger flame Cassandra’s flippant dismissive attitude fueling it)
Natalia: You got that right! We both knew you were trouble the minute you walked through Randi and Frankie’s door!
Cassandra: Finally! The truth comes out! (She laugh’s making Cassandra even angrier) 
Natalia: The only reason I agreed was for Angie’s sake and maybe try to help you pull it together! (Her verbal jab having the desired affect pulling Cassandra’s superior smirk into a frown)
Cassandra: Sweet heart, I have it together I don’t need your help or anyone else! (She says with a snap of her fingers turning towards the door)
Natalia: You just keep telling yourself that! (A satisfied grin playing on her lips)
Cassandra: I was fine before I came here I don’t need you, Francessca or my so-called “Family”! (She shoots back regaining her composure)
Natalia: Okay I’ll buy your hate for me (She stops her at the door leaning her palm against the jam blocking her exit) but what did Frankie, Randi your mother or Francessca ever do to you huh? What did Cess ever do to deserve you having sex with her fiancée the night before her wedding?
Cassandra: Why are you blaming me? You saw the tape! I didn’t force Rego to be with me he was with me because that’s what where he wanted to be! It  was right there plain as day it’s not my fault she was to stupid not to see the obvious! (She says pulling on the door Cassandra pressing it in place with her back. Cassandra sighs heavily turns and heads back toward the living room Natalia yelling behind her)
Natalia: You’re so cold and matter of fact. You never gave Cessca a second thought did you or how what you were doing would affect her. Just spread em and bed em! (She trails behind her as Cassandra she tries the back door and Natalia slams it shut before she can pull it all the way open)
Cassandra: I can’t help it if he preferred me to little miss moneybags! (She spins on her heels walking back in to the living room) Just goes to show money can’t buy you a man or make him stay with you! (Stopping short almost making Natalia run in to the back of her as she stops short)
Natalia: Wow, you are beyond belief! (She folds her arms shaking her head looking Cassandra up and down)
Cassandra: Obviously what I got kept him coming back for more! (She takes a step back posing for a moment)
Natalia: You are so deluded! ( She laughs shaking her head) Rego doesn’t want you!
Cassandra: He must he kept coming back!
Natalia: “Kept coming back” past tense!
Cassandra: I must have something. (Her voice dripping with sarcasm)
Natalia: Well what ever it is I hope it’s not contagious! (She laughs again)
Cassandra: I’m getting the hell out of this gold plated cage! (She starts for the door again but is halted mid step by Natalia’s voice)
Natalia: Funny, when you were living here you couldn’t get enough of it! Running around town trying to convince people you owned it! (She laughs again barbs were hitting home judging by the expression on Cassandra’s face)
Cassandra: Whatever! (She rolls her eyes waving her hand in dismissal)
Natalia: You went after Rego the minute you set foot in this house! (Stepping closer to her chin tilted defiantly)
Cassandra: Yeah right! (She sighs as Natalia steps even closer arms crossed eyes narrowed to slits)
Natalia: You don’t think I saw the way you flaunted and flounce around begging for Rego’s attention!
Cassandra: Maybe Francessca should have been paying closer attention instead of playing dumb! (She snaps back enjoying the look of shock on Natalia’s)
Natalia: You’re nothing but a lying conniving slut!
Cassandra: And you’re a self-righteous, judgmental Daddy’s girl who does everything she’s told!  (She turns towards the door Natalia trailing behind her. She grasps Cassandra’s arm pulling her around to face her)
Natalia: And you’re a self-absorbed whore who would turn on her family for your own selfish needs! You don’t care what you do or how it hurts your family! (Cassandra stares at her eyes cold her voice chilling)
Cassandra: Why should I, it’s not like they care about me or anything I do!
Natalia: Hold on a second let me go get the favors out the closet for your pity party! (Her mouth turned down in an exaggerated frown her voice mocking)
Cassandra: I don’t need your pity I’m fine!
Natalia: You need something the way you’re going your going to wake up and you’re going to have nothing and no one!
Cassandra: I’m going to have every thing and everyone I want including Rego! (Cassandra Stares back at Natalia loving the expression on her face and then she laughs)
Natalia: Keep dreaming! From what I heard from Jamie he wants nothing to do with you!
Cassandra: You know what, what ever I left here just keep it I’ll buy what ever I need. (She picks up her backpack and purse slings them over her shoulder)
Natalia: With what? You haven’t worked one day since you got here! (She snaps)
Cassandra: For information I have a great job and an even better apartment!
Natalia: Oh yeah I forgot you suckered Colby in to hiring you. So tell me how long will it be before you crawl between the sheets with her husband?
Cassandra: Shut up! I’ve had enough of your mouth! (Her teeth ground together her face a mask of fury)
Natalia: Oh, I’m not done yet! You prance around with this huge chip of entitlement on your shoulder like the world owes you something! You’ve either betrayed or turned your back on everyone who cares about you. Randi has been in the hospital for weeks and you haven’t been to see her once. Frankie is probably at the lowest point he’s ever been in his life and he hasn’t heard from you! And your mother is literally worrying herself sick over you and you couldn’t care less! (She clucks her tongue and shakes her head)
Cassandra: Why don’t you just mind your own business and leave me the hell alone!
Natalia: You are my business! We’re family what affects you affects all of us! When are you going to stop pushing us all away? You’re going to push so hard one of these days and you’re going to look up and there’ll be no one.
Cassandra: I told you before I don’t need any of you! I can take care of myself! I’ve been doing it this long! I’m going to be better than fine I’m going to be great! You’ll see! (She makes walks to the door pulling on the knob Natalia walking behind her)
Natalia: You know what I see? I see a scared little girl who’s neck deep in something and doesn’t know how to get out of it. You know what else I see I see you alone wondering what the hell happened!
Cassandra: Screw you Natalia! Screw all of you! (She screams before slamming out the door. She stomps angrily to her car revving the engine throwing the car in gear her tires screeching as she speeds down the drive. She flies out in to traffic causing the cars in front of her to stop short to avoid hitting her at the same moment a another car pulls from the curb to follow behind her)
Man in the back: Make sure you don’t loose her.
Driver: Yes sir. Nice place back there.
Man in back: Yes, very nice and I see my little dove is still winning friends and influencing people.
Driver: Not the way she came out of there she looked pissed.
Man in back: Just shut up and drive. (He watches for a moment as they move back towards the shopping area then picks up the folder from the seat next to him and continues to read)

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