Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jamie and Francessca    03/28/2012

Jamie and Francessca lie on the bed wrapped in each other’s arms watching the morning sun peep through the window.

Francessca: I don’t want to get up. (Snuggling closer to Jamie who wraps his arms tighter around he smiling thoroughly enjoying the moment) 
Jamie: Me either I could lay here forever!
Francessca: Me too! (She tilts her head smiling up at him them lays her head on his chest)
Jamie: Come on we have to leave this room sometime. (He teases)
Francessca: I don’t want to go out there! (She whines moving away from him a little and propping her head on her palm)
Jamie: Why not? (He grins his eyes questioning) I met your Grandmother she great!
Francessca: You know what’s out there Jamie? (He looks at her grinning and sakes his head) Life is out there! Life with Grandmother’s, cousins!
Jamie: I met your cousins they’re nice guys. I like them.
Francessca: You met those cousins! There are dozens more! On this block alone I have two Aunts, five cousins, three Great Uncles ad everyone knows everything before it happens. You don’t know! (She says rolling her eyes)
Jamie: Are you kidding? I grew up in Pine Valley! I have Aunts, cousins, Uncles, Sisters every place I look not counting all the step, Aunts, Cousins..
Francessca: Okay I get your point but do we have to get up now? Can’t we lie here a few more minutes? (She lies back on his chest enjoying the warmth against her cheek)
Jamie: Sure. (He grins contentedly)
Francessca: You, know you still didn’t tell me how you found me?
Jamie: Promise you won’t get mad?
Francessca: Why what did you do? (She pulls away slightly tilting her head to look up at him)
Jamie: I ah, (He stammers) eavesdropped on your uncles phone call the other day. (Then rushes through the rest wincing as he waits for her response)  
Francessca: You what? (She sits up smiling secretly pleased)
Jamie: The other day Zach and Kendall took the kids to Krystal and Carmen’s opening…
Francessca: Yeah, I missed it! How was it? (Her eyes bright with excitement)
Jamie: Oh, it was great! The kids loved it they have all kinds of games and what not, the food was out of this world!
Francessca: Did Carmen make the bread pudding? I would love some right now! Or Zeppolie’s I wonder if my grandmother made some? You should have one she makes the best! (She sits up her eyes twinkling)
Jamie: I don’t think I had one of those I had something called Bisegetti? (He frowns uncertain of his pronunciation making her laugh)
Francessca: Biscotti.
Jamie: Yeah that’s it. (He leans back against the headboard pulling Francessca with him)
Francessca: So are you going to tell me how you found me? (She teases enjoying Jamie’s mounting frustration)
Jamie: I was telling you when you started talking about Zeppelins. (She laughs) 
Francessca: Zeppolie’s they’re like donuts. They’re so good! We usually have some in the store we should go get some and a cup of hot chocolate!
Jamie: Are you hungry? (He looks down her concerned)
Francessca: No, I don’t think so. So are you going to tell me or what? (She grins trying desperately not to laugh)
Jamie: Okay, So I was at Carmen’s…
Francessca: So what did you have? (She interrupts again)
Jamie: What? (He looks down at her confused)
Francessca: What did you have to eat at the opening? (She lays her head back on his chest)
Jamie: I had the fried chicken potato salad apple pie.
Francessca: Ummm, A nice warm slice of apple pie that sounds so good! I think there’s some in the frig downstairs I could heat it up in the microwave and a scoop of ice cream. (She says dreamily)
Jamie: Are you sure you’re not hungry? (He asks again feeling a little frustrated by her turning the conversation back to food)
Francessca: No, I’m fine so what happened? (She grins to herself she’d forgotten how much fun it was to tease him and how much she’d missed doing it)
Jamie: I was at the opening when you called Zach. I saw him walk towards the back so I followed him and listened. I heard him say Brooklyn and I put two and two together. (He rushes through the story then sighs in relief at finally finishing it)
Francessca: I’m impressed! (Her face serious her voice stern) Sneaking around eavesdropping on private conversation. You’re a regular super sleuth! Go, Go Gadget Go!
Jamie: I thought you said you wouldn’t get mad? (He looks at her feeling a moment of dread. Francessca looks at his serious expression then burst out laughing)
Francessca: I’m just busting your hump!
Jamie: Oh yeah? (He growls playfully pushing her back on the bed and tickling her)
Francessca: Jamie, Stop! Stop! (She giggles trying to move away from him but he traps he beneath him)  You’re going make me go to the bathroom! (She giggles. Jamie stops his assault his hand resting on her stomach just as the baby kicks. He looks down at her his face filled with awe)
Jamie: Wow!
Francessca: That is always amazing to me too. (She nods in agreement resting her hand atop of his)
Jamie: Yeah it is isn’t it? You know we haven’t talked about this.
Francessca: What’s to talk about I’m pregnant with Rego’s child. (She says her voice sounding forlorn. She slips from the bed and walks to the window starring absently down at the street below)
Jamie: That’s why despite everything he did to you, you still wanted to marry him isn’t it? (He asks coming up behind her and laying his hands on her shoulders)
Francessca: I found out a couple of weeks before the wedding. (She sighs her voice forlorn)
Jamie: That was the day I saw you at the hospital isn’t it? I knew something was up the way you bolted out of there.
Francessca: Yes. (She says turning towards him her face filled with sadness and regret)
Jamie: Why didn’t you tell Rego then? (His curiosity getting the better of him)
Francessca: Because I wanted to be sure he was marrying me because he wanted to be with me not because of some moral obligation, odd expectation of a man with no morals. (She laughs at the irony) 
Jamie: Can I ask you something? (He says tentatively not sure he wanted to hear her answer) If you hadn’t found out you were pregnant would you have gone through with the wedding?
Francessca: No, I was going to break it off. Then I found out I was pregnant and I latched on to this delusion that we were going to be this happy family! Like suddenly Rego was going change and become this loving devoted partner! What a joke! (Sniffing back tears turning back towards the window)
Jamie: Are you going to tell him? (He says from behind her his voice low and concerned)
Francessca: I don’t want to but I don’t see where I have much of a choice he’s going to find out sooner or later not like I’ll be able to hide it much longer. (She shrugs walking back towards the bed and sitting in the edge. Jamie walks behind her taking the place on the bed beside her)
Jamie: How about if he found out later or never at all?
Francessca: The only way that’s going to happen is if I stay away from Pine Valley for the next twenty years and I wouldn’t be able to do that. I’ve only been gone two weeks and I miss everyone so much. I miss Pine Valley I love it there. The thought of never going home, of my child not knowing his grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins breaks my heart and I can let Rego chase me away from my home I won’t! (Her voice filled with bitterness as she begins to weep openly. Jamie places his arm around her holding her close)
Jamie: We don’t have to figure it all out right now we have time. (He smoothes his hand over head as she weeps and waits for her to calm before speaking again)  It looks really beautiful out. Why don’t you and I go down to the store say “Hi” to your grandmother I can check Nick’s hand and arm and then we can spend the day together and figure it all out.
Francessca: I like the sound of that! (She miles through her wiping her hands across her cheeks)
Jamie: Spending the day together? (He smiles)
Francessca: That and you and I figuring this out together. Thanks for looking for me I’m really happy you’re here. (She hugs him tightly)
Jamie: So am I. (he smiles back)
Francessca: I love you Jamie Martin.
Jamie: I know and I love you too. (He leans his head down kissing her passionately enjoying the feel of her responding to him) Marry me Francessca.
Francessca: Marry you? (She pulls away starring at him momentarily shocked) Why now?
Jamie: Because I love you and I’ve wanted to be with you since I first met you.
Francessca: Are you sure it’s not because of the baby and because you’re feeling sorry for me?
Jamie: I have wanted you and wanted to be with you all along, way before I ever knew you were pregnant.
Francessca: You don’t think we should wait until all the dust settles and I’ve told Rego everything?
Jamie: No, I don’t we’ve waited too long and I don’t won’t to wait anymore. I want us to get married now what do you say?
Francessca: You mean right now?
Jamie: Right now today! (He stands pulling her to her feet with him)
Francessca: What? (She looks at him surprised then frowns) I don’t know Jamie I have to…
Jamie: Think about it? (Cutting her off mid sentence) You’ve been thinking about us for months stop thinking and listen to what your heart says. (He place his hands on her shoulders forcing her to face him) What is your heart telling you right now? (He looks down at her searching her eyes for answers)
Francessca: It says that while you’re taking a shower I should call my Uncle Vito. (She says beaming from ear to ear)
Jamie: I ask you to marry me and your heart says call your Uncle Vito? What the hell? (His brow furrowed looking confused)
Francessca: He knows people that can do stuff! (She says walking to the nightstand and pulling her phone from her purse)
Jamie: Who are these people that he knows and what kind of stuff do they do? (He says walking behind her)
Francessca: Relax Jamie, (She giggles patting his arm) you said you wanted to get married today he’s on the borough council he knows people that can get us stuff like rush a blood tests or marriage license get a judge to marry us you know that kind of stuff.
Jamie: So you’ll marry me? (He grins broadly feeling almost euphoric)
Francessca: Yes, I’ll marry you. (She says throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him) I love you Jamie and I’m not running away from it anymore.
Jamie: I will never ever get tired of hearing you say that!
Francessca: And I will never get tired of saying it. (She states firmly pulling him to her and kissing him deeply)

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