Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Liza and Wellington    01/04/2012

Wellington stands in front of the bookshelf trying to juggle several books a top of his cast the curses under his breath as they all topple to the floor as Liza walks in.

Liza: What happened here Ahab? (She giggles squatting down to retrieve them)
Wellington: God I can’t wait to get this thing off! (He picks up the pencil from the table pushing it down inside the cast scratching the skin beneath it)
Liza: So when do you get that off?
Wellington a couple of days give or take.
Liza: Oh, poor baby! (She leans in brushing her lips against his)
Wellington: Should I lock the door he teases wriggling his eyebrows at her)
Liza: As much as I’d love to I have to be in court in two days
Wellington: How’s your case going?
Liza: Okay I guess I came in here and I still haven’t found the case study I need.
Wellington: Oh, here (He reaches for a book in the pile on the table reads the cover then hands it to her) I think it’s in this one. (Liza flips through quickly scanning the pages then stops)
Liza: This is it! (Grinning happily) Thank you! (She leans in kissing his cheek)
Wellington: You know I can still lock the door! (He winks at her grinning mischievously)
Liza: Well you did save me about an hour looking for this so we could meet up after work, maybe have dinner go back to your place. (She says moving closer to him snaking her arms around his neck)
Wellington: Only if you stay the entire night and not sneak out before the crack of dawn.
Liza: I have to I only have casual stuff at your place. (She pouts)
Wellington: I have a great solution for you why don’t you just move in with me? (He reaches in his pocket handing her a key she stares down at it a moment then back up at him her eyes round with surprise)
Liza: You mean you want us to live together?
Wellington: Why are you so surprised? We’ve been dating for a year and we practically do anyway. Why not make it official?
Liza: Oh my God! Are you sure? (Her voice trembling)
Wellington: I have never been more sure of anything what do you say?
Liza: Yes! (She squeals jumping into his arms and kissing him hungrily)
Wellington: Keep that up and I’m going to lock that door anyway!
Liza: Go right ahead (She whispers kissing him again just as his phone rings) Don’t answer it.
Wellington: I can’t I’m expecting a call from Zach. (He pulls his phone from his pocket clicking the receiver as he does) Wellington Swift. (He says grinning broadly as he watches Liza slowly unbutton her blouse he moves quickly to the door closing and locking it)
Aidan: He, Aidan Turner.
Wellington: Hey what’s up? (His gin broadening as Liza slips the blouse seductively from her shoulders and lets it fall to the floor)
Aidan: I have the information you wanted on one Lola Colgate. If you’re free now I can drop it off for you.
Wellington: I ahh…um…dum (He stutters as Liza undoes the zipper turning her back to him and shaking out of it)
Aidan: Look if it’s a bad time we can meet up later. (He holds the phone from his face and grimaces at before putting it back to his ear as Liza walks seductively towards Wellington she moves behind him pulling the jacket from his shoulders sliding it down his arms)
Wellington: Ahh… yeah, why don’t I meet you down at the “Serving Spoon” in about an hour? (He chokes out as Liza unbuttons his shirt kissing his chest as she undoes each one)
Aidan: Okay I’ll be ther...r (He says staring at his phone at the sound of a distinctive “click” then grins knowingly) Good for you mate! (He grins placing the phone in his pocket and walking to his car)  

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