Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brooke, Oliver and Rego    02/28/2012

Oliver walks in to the living room newspaper under his arm carrying his briefcase he places it beside the desk placing the paper on the corner of the desk and reaches for the mail sorting through it quickly and tossing it back down. He grasp the paper tucking it under his arm then walks to the sofa opening the business section and sits just as Rego comes in to the room.

Oliver: You missed the meeting this morning. (Peering around the paper noting his sons disheveled appearance)
Rego: I over slept. (He walks to the bar pouring scotch into a glass)
Oliver: And you missed the one this afternoon.
Rego: Oh, by then I was too drunk to drive. (He giggles sipping gingerly from the sloshing glass)
Oliver: So this is it? (Folding the paper neatly and laying it on the cushion next to him)
Rego: This is what father? (Turning towards him sipping from his glass grinning like the village idiot)
Oliver: So you’re going to spend your days a drunken lay about?
Rego: It’s actually not so bad you should try it sometime. (He turns back to the bar refilling his glass)
Oliver: What the hell is wrong with you? (Rising from the sofa and walking towards him)
Rego: In case you’ve forgotten I was completely humiliated, the woman I love has left me and gone to Gods knows where. (He takes a gulp on his drink then exhales loudly)
Oliver: And I suppose this is your plan to get her back? (He reaches in his pocket pulling out a long thin cigar rolls it over his lip then lights it taking a long draw his brow furrowing his eyes slits as he watches his son)
Rego: In case you haven’t noticed she not coming back! (He takes another gulp from the glass draining it. Oliver waits a moment staring at him he takes another draw on his cigar exhaling in to the awkward silence then speaks)
Oliver: And?
Rego: Didn’t you just hear what I said? (He looks at Oliver confused)
Oliver: Of course I heard you! (He says firmly placing the cigar in the ashtray) I just don’t believe it!
Rego: What’s not to believe? (He stutters his eyes wide in disbelief reaching for the bottle and refilling the glass)
Oliver: Pull yourself together! (He roars) You can’t throw your life away sitting around the house and getting drunk all day! And if you are you won’t be doing it here! (He snatches the glass from his hand as Rego is in mid sip then reaches for the bottle on the bar throwing them both in the trash can next to the desk)  
Rego: Are you throwing me out?
Oliver: On your ass if you keep up this behavior! You act like a whiny spoiled brat! “The woman I love left me!” (He mocks) Pull your self-together man!
Rego: That’s easy for you to say! (He yells back his anger erupting to the surface) Your fiancée didn’t show the entire town a video of you having sex with one of the brides maid and then this is the best part literally kick your ass into the floral display! (The walls echoing his tirade)
Oliver: And you think getting drunk and wallowing in self-pity is the solution? (His voice rich with irony)
Rego: My God!(His face contorted with hurt and pain) Can’t you just let me deal with my problems my own way?
Oliver: I would if you were actually dealing with them! (He reaches in to the ashtray relighting his cigar blowing out a curl of smoke)
Rego: I apologize for not being the good stoic little soldier! (He bows slightly at the wobbling slightly)
Oliver: Do you think it was easy for me after your mother died? I would have loved (Raising his eyes and hands toward the ceiling his arms flap down at his sides his eyes boring into Rego’s) to have just curled up in a ball somewhere but I had to keep going!
Rego: There’s a big difference Dad, (He mocking and strained) the woman you loved died she didn’t abandon you at the alter!
Oliver: She abandoned you because you were cheating on her! (He blusters annoyed by the profound denseness of his son)
Rego: Oh please Father! (His voice dripping with sarcasm. He leans against the desk grinning waiting for his fathers’ latest lecture) if you have something to say you may as well get it all out now!
Oliver: As you wish! (Chomping down on the end of his cigar he inhales then lays it in the ashtray he turns back to his son his voice deadly calm)  I warned you in the beginning! I warned you again weeks ago! You promised me at the bachelor party that it was all behind you! Did you listen No! Less than an hour later you’re rolling around the floor of the Gazebo! In that moment you let your ego destroy your future! You have been on self-destruct since the day you asked that poor girl to marry you!
Rego: Father I…(His voice drifts off at a loss for words his fathers words ringing in his head)
Oliver: Please I really want to understand this, (He puts his hand to his head rubbing his temple then screams) why did you ask her to marry you in the first place?
Rego: Because I’m in love with her! (He screams back his face red with fury)
Oliver: Are you really because you have a funny way of showing it! (He counters)
Rego: I made a mistake Dad! (He shouts then whimpers to the disgust
Oliver: It wasn’t a mistake! These were not accidental happening they were calculated and carefully planned! Stop acting as if you’re a victim! Figure out what it is and do it but you’re not going to find the answer at the bottom of a bottle! Now go upstairs and get cleaned up and start acting like a man!
(Rego reaches beneath the bar and pulls out a new bottle of whiskey and a clean glass grins at his father shrugs then heads up the stairs brushing past Brooke as she comes in)
Oliver: Hello Darling! (He says smiling coming towards her his arm outstretched)
Brooke: What was that all about? (Hitching her thumb over her shoulder at the hall way at Rego’s fleeing footsteps then sitting on the sofa)
Oliver: How long are you going to keep this up?
Brooke: I don’t know how long did you hide the truth from me?
Oliver: How many more time do I have to apologize? You know what makes us good parents the fact that we put our children first before anyone and anything even though we know that sometimes those decisions conflict with our other relationships. Can you honestly say you haven’t done the same thing for your son? Brooke’s mind flashes back

Jamie: No, (He practically shouts then calms himself looking at her his expression pained) Mom I’ve seen him with my own eyes at the picnic last year messing around with some bar fly. Plus all the missing time that he can’t account for.
Brooke: What did she says when you told her? (Knowing Francessca well enough that when confronted with the truth she would take action)
Jamie: I haven’t. (He whispers in regret)
Brooke: Why haven’t you? (Feeling outraged by the irony)
Jamie: Because I don’t want to hurt her and like she said I don’t have any proof (He shakes his head) and people have to find that kind of thing out on their own you can’t tell them they only resent you for it.
Brooke: So what are you going to do?
Jamie: There’s not much I can do but wait and just be there for her when it all gets shot to Hell. (He shrugs)
Brooke: Are you sure that’s all you can do? (Speaking her inner though aloud regretting)
Jamie: You have any other suggestions? (He looks at her his eyes questioning she thinks a moment not wanting her heart to rule her head or place her son against her step son but after hearing and seeing his pain her heart overruled) 
Brooke: If you love her as much as you say you do then fight for her. You know what they say all is fair in love and war!
Jamie: You know what Mom all is fair, you’re right thanks! (His face brightening he smiles then hugs her)
Brooke: Not sure if I like that but your welcome. (She hugs him close crosses her fingers and saying a small prayer for the least amount of pain and blood shed)”

She looks over at Oliver feeling a pang of guilt she stands and gives him a hug. He was right there were a lot of things you did for your kids.
Brooke: You’re right no matter how old they get they are still our babies. And who knows if I hadn’t given him some of the advice I did maybe things wouldn’t have gone as far as they have. Maybe there wouldn’t have been so much competition between them.
Oliver: Honey it was inevitable. So I guess our little pack is out the window?
Brooke: It was teetering on the edge for a while now. (They both laugh and embrace as Rego comes down the steps bottle in hand deciding his father and surprising Cassandra had been right it was time to get a grip on his self. He stops at the landing and takes a deep breath he places his foot out ready to take the last few steps to the foyer then stops swiveling his head towards the living room at the sound of his name) So what happened with Rego?
Oliver: I told him he needed to pull him self-together and stop feeling sorry for his self. And he chose to grab another bottle from the bar and go to his room. Where’s Jamie I haven’t seen him this evening?
Brooke: He called me earlier he’s going to be out of town for the next few days.
Oliver: I don’t recall him saying he was going out of town?
Brooke: Yeah, um he had a chance to go to conference in New York.
Oliver: Very nice how long will he be gone?
Brooke: I’m not sure he said he’d call. (The look on her face and tone of her voice telling Oliver more than her words betrayed at the same moment her phone rings)
Oliver: You’ll have to tell me more later. I don’t know about you but I’m hungry. I’m going to see what cook’s made for dinner. (He walks out the room toward the dinning room)
Brooke: That’s sounds great! I’ll be right in. (She presses the button on her phone bringing it to her ear quickly)
Brooke: Jamie! How’s it going honey did you find anything yet?…Yeah I know it’s a big place….Just be careful you’ll find her…Sure you will you just need to have a little faith…Stay in touch let me know what’s going on….I love you too honey….Bye! (She hangs up the phone sticking it back inside her purse then walks thru the back hallway to the dinning room.  Rego creeps back down the rest of the steps. He places the bottle back on the bar then looks out in to the hall watching as his father seats Brooke then takes the seat opposite her he slinks back in to the living room glances back into the hall where the soft noise of his father and Brooke can be heard then moves swiftly but silently out the front door closing it quietly behind him. He steps a few paces from the door reaching in to his pocket for his phone putting it to his ear. Then he turns to face the house as the phone rings on the other end.
Rego: This is Rego Sherrigan I’m going to send you number I want to know where the last tower was that it pinged off.  Call me as soon as you have it. (He presses the keys again sending his message then place it back in his pocket as he walks back towards the house he was going to need to shave and shower and pack a bag. As soon as he found out where that call came from he was going after Jamie. Where ever he was he was sure he’d find Francessca. He grins to himself felling better than he had in days. Perhaps he’d eat something first he felt suddenly very hungry)   

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