Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kendall and Erica   01/11/2012

Kendall sits in the living room surrounded by fabric and paint swatches as the doorbell rings. She pushes them to the side of the sofa rises and goes to the door swinging it open and Erica rushes in.

Erica: Kendall! Thank God you’re still home!
Kendall: Hello Mom! Come in (she says her voice dripping with sarcasm swing the door closed behind her)
Erica: Oh my God Kendall I need you help! (Her voice sounding frantic)
Kendall: What’s the matter? (She steps down into the living room scrutinizing her mother’s expression)
Erica: It’s Ryan!
Kendall: What about him? (She says dismissively sitting back down on the sofa and picking up a fabric swatch and examining it)
Erica: As you know Ryan’s been set free. (She says picking up the book of swatches and placing them on the coffee table and sitting beside her)
Kendall: Yeah, I heard about that miscarriage of justice!
Erica: Kendall please I need you to listen to me (she pulls the swatch from Kendall’s hand tossing it on the table)
Kendall: You, know after everything that he’s done to our family I still don’t understand why you’re still friends with him! (She says reaching for the discarded swatches as her mother places her hand atop hers)
Erica: Would you please stop fidgeting and listen to me.
Kendall: Okay, okay what is so earth shattering? (She looks at her mouth twisted in disdain)
Erica: You remember when Ryan was beaten in prison and he was bought to the hospital? (She starts her face and voice filled with guilt catching Kendall’s full attention as an uneasy feeling begins to creep over her)
Kendall: Yeah.
Erica: I was so afraid for him both Annie and I thought he was going to die.
Kendall: Yeah, I remember. What about it (She stares at waiting for the other shoe to drop)
Erica: I was so afraid he’d just about given up and I just wanted to give him something to hold on to.
Kendall: Mom, what did you do? (She says her uneasiness rising)
Erica: I told him that Greenlee is alive.
Kendall: What! Why? (Her anger almost chocking her)
Erica: I just told you Kendall! He had given up all hope and I was afraid he was going to die. (She pleads reaching out for Kendall’s hand. Kendall pulls it away rising and walking towards the window her hand on her forehead trying to digest what her mother just the implications of her mothers actions)
Kendall: We all promised Jack we wouldn’t tell Ryan or anyone about Greenlee!
Erica: That was after I had already told him. (She defends to an unyielding Kendall)
Kendall: Please don’t lie to my face! You know we all promised long before the wedding or Ryan was injured! I don’t understand why you would do that? I know you hate Greenlee Mom but I don’t understand how you could betray Jack like that? (Her eyes filled with disappointment)
Erica: I was trying to save his life! (She pleads coming to stand in front of Kendall)
Kendall: So you sacrificed your family and the man you claim to be so in love with to save Ryan? (Her voice filled with disgust)
Erica: Kendall he was dying he needed something to hold on to something to live for!
Kendall: So you threw Greenlee and her new life under the bus to save him?
Erica: Yes! It was the only thing I could think of that would give him a least a shred of hope. Please, (She pleads taking Kendall’s hand in hers) you have to understand Ryan is my one of my dearest friends I couldn’t just let him die! I didn’t even think he’d remember he was so out of it till he called me today.
Kendall: So instead you broke all of our trust! (She says pulling her hand from Erica’s and walking a few paces away)
Erica: It wasn’t intentional I was desperately trying to save my friend!
Kendall: Yeah, I get it. Sooo, what do you thinks is going to happen when Jack finds out?
Erica: Jack, can never find out! That’s why I came to you.
Kendall: Oh, I get it now you want me to help you hide what you did from Jack! (She spits out her anger reaching boiling)
Erica: Kendall please I’m desperate and I need your help! 
Kendall: What exactly do you expect me to do?
Erica: I expect you to help me! (Her voice rich with indignation)
Kendall: Help you what? (She stares at her puzzled)
Erica: Help me convince Ryan that I only told him that to help him.
Kendall: No, Uh ah! (She turns away from waving her hands up as if blocking and advance shaking her head “no” walking a few paces from Erica)
Erica: No? (She walks behind her pulling Kendall around to face her) What do you mean no.
Kendall: No, I’m not going to help you lie. I’m done with that Mom. Besides what do think would happen if Zach found out?
Erica: I think Zach would understand that I needed you and you were ther for me. (She pleads)
Kendall: Yeah sure he will. (Her voice dripping with sarcasm)
Erica: Look Kendall after everything we’ve been through and everything I’ve done to help you every time you needed it I would think that you would want to help me! (She chastise her voice stern her annoyance showing)
Kendall: Okay, okay what do you want to me to do?
Erica: Oh honey, thank you! (She says hugging Kendall to her then releasing her) Thank you! And I promise Zach will never find out! (Smiling brightly as she shakes the hair back form her face) 
Zach: Zach won’t find out about what (He says coming through the door swinging it closed behind him looking from one to the other)

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