Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Liza, Lola and Wellington    02/23/2012

Wellington stares down at Lola his eyes betraying nothing his voice low and controlled.
 Wellington:  Are you going to tell me why you’re here or do I have to tell you?
Lola: What the hell are you talking about? (
Wellington: I just got a very interesting report all about you!
Lola: Have you been spying on me?
Wellington: I call it protecting myself from you!
Lola: Protecting your self from what? What do you think I’m going to do to you?
Wellington: You had offers from four other hospitals around this country why here? Why now?
Lola: I told I didn’t know you were here!
Wellington: How could you not know we were married for pete sake!
Lola: I didn’t come here to cause you any trouble!
Wellington: You still haven’t answered my questions!
Lola: Why do you assume my being here has anything to do with you!
Wellington: Then what does it have to do with Krystal?
Lola: What goes on in my life is none of your business!
Wellington: What about Krystal?
Lola: What about Krystal?
Wellington: What are you going to do try to make up for putting your sister in jail? (Her jaw drops her eyes go wide then narrow in anger)
Lola: You have been spying on me!
Wellington: How, exactly do you make up for that? (Sarcasm dripping from his voice as he glosses over her question)
Lola: What goes on between Krystal and I is none of your business! (She hisses between clenched teeth)
Wellington: David and Krystal are my clients (He steps closer his voice a low growl) you’re my ex-wife with a bad track record you do the math! So why don’t you answer my questions?
Lola: My reasons are personal and have very little to do with you if anything! (She shakes her hair back from her face glaring up at he defiantly) I’ve been here for months!  Have I spoken to you, called you on the phone rung your doorbell?  No! I haven’t come anywhere near you since I moved here! If I hadn’t been working the ER it probably would have never seen each other! Why is my being here such a threat to you?
Wellington: Because the last time you were in my life you ripped it to shreds walked away and never looked back! (His voice angry his expression pained)
Lola: I was sick! (She squeaks out reaching out to touch his face to comfort him he pulls his face away as if her touch burns him)
Wellington: You weren’t sick you were drunk! Too drunk to be there when our daughter needed you! (He turns away from her trying to control his anger and frustration)
Lola: I left that hospital one time! One time Wellington! Where the hell were you? (She shrieks at his back)
Wellington: In the car driving around checking out every bar in town with my phone glued to my ear calling you! (Spins around to face her his look fierce causing her to step back from him)
Lola: I was there every second of every day! (Her mind goes back to those days the memory of it all almost too painful to bear. Her eyes well with tears that stream down her cheeks)
Wellington: Passed out drunk in the chair beside her bed doesn’t count! (He leans in towards her his face inches from hers his eyes bright with rage and pain)
Lola: I’m sorry Wellington when Juliet got sick I don’t know what happened the stress of her illness the problems between you and me and the fact that no matter what protocol I chose she just didn’t get better. (She looks at him confused still unable to fathom what had gone so terribly wrong) I can’t explain it I just snapped.
Wellington: Maybe if you hadn’t had to be the “Great Lola Colgate” and listened to her doctors and maybe just been her mother instead of using her illness to be in the spotlight…. (His words cutting her to the core. She stares at him shocked her voice trembling she wipes her face hastily with the back of her hand) 
Lola: You have the audacity to accuse me of grand standing with my child’s life? Maybe if you didn’t have to Mr. Ivy league lawyer I wouldn’t have had to make ALL the decisions!
Wellington: You wouldn’t let me! You wouldn’t let me or any one else say anything that was contrary to what you wanted until it was too late! (He shoots back his verbal arrow hitting its target Lola clutches her chest a moment closing her eyes she sighs a moment then speaks her voice sounding dull and tired)
Lola: Look I didn’t come here to rehash the past I just want to restart my life.
Wellington: Again why Here? (He stares at her still puzzled)
Lola: I’m going to go! (She says pushing past Wellington just as Liza walks up wrapping her arms around him smiling broadly)
Liza: Hey! What’s going on?
Wellington: Nothing glad you’re here!
Liza: Hi! I’m Liza Colby! (She offers her hand then shakes Lola)
Lola: Dr. Lola Colgate. (She smiles weakly looking from Wellington to Liza)
Liza: You’re the new head of Oncology at the hospital nice to see you again. I had a look at your resume very impressive! (She nods approvingly)
Lola: I beg your pardon?
Liza: I’m sorry I have a seat on the Hospital board. We met the day you of your interview.
Lola: Oh yes now I remember (She smiles shaking Liza’s hand again) there were just so many people that day, nice to see you again.
Liza:  Sure I understand! How are you finding Pine Valley?
Lola: I’m really enjoying it everyone has been so nice. (She shoots Wellington a side glance that doesn’t escape Liza’s notice)
Liza: Good I’m glad! Pine Valley Hospital is lucky to have you.
Lola: Thank you! I’d better get going I have a patient I need to see.
Liza: Sure! Great to see you! Take care!
Lola: Good to see you. Take care Wellington. (She turns and walks down the street Liza’s eye following her a moment before turning back to Wellington)
Liza: So how do you two know each other? (She turns toward Wellington searching his face for an answer)
Wellington: Why don’t you and I skip this entire thing go home and talk.
Liza: Not “that” talk? (She smiles at him nervously)
Wellington: No, don’t be ridiculous (He smiles hugging her to him as they begin to walk) there are just some things I want to tell you.

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