Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jamie and Sophia.             03/02/2012

Francessca moves around the deli sweeping the floor and humming she stops a moment brushing the perspiration from her brow with the back of her hand.
Mrs,Castalucio: Have a good night sweetheart! (She reaches over kissing her check) Ooo, that’s a pretty locket! (She remarks holding it in her palm moment)
Francessca: Thank you. (She looks down at it a moment fingering it as she thinks back to when Jamie gave it to her)
“ Jamie: How are you doing? (Concern edging his voice)
Francessca: I’m okay just a little anxious. (She smiles nervously)
Jamie: Can I get you anything? Are you hungry? Need coffee)
Francessca: No I’m fine. (She smiles appreciative for his concern)
Jamie: I have something for you. (He says handing her a small box) I didn’t have time to wrap it
Francessca: This is beautiful Jamie (She says pulling a locket from the box)
Jamie: Open it. (He smiles looking excitedly Francessca fumbles with the locket a moment then opens it to a picture of her and Michael on one side and her stepfather on the other)
Francessca: How did you do this?
Jamie: I saw them a few weeks back when my Mom was going through the photos from the clinic opening and I got the other one from your Mom.
Francessca: I love it! Help me put it on (She asks pulling her hair out of the way and turning around so he can latch the clasp closed) Thank so much Jamie. (She says turning back around to face him) I absolutely love it she says throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him then pulling away slightly she stares up into his eyes lost in the moment as his lips claim hers in a passionate kiss) ”
Mrs.Castalucio: I got a run! Night Nick, night Tone talk to you later Sophia!
Sophia: Night Marie! I’ll call you when I get home. Night Sweetheart! (She turns to Francessca smiling)
Francessca: Night! Be careful walking home! (She reaches down sweeping the debris in to the dustpan then carries it to the trashcan and dumps it in. She walks to the sink and washes her hands then leans against the case as she dries them. She glances at the back counter noticing the small box sitting on it) Hey Nonnie?
Sophia: Yeah honey? (She says looking up from the register then closes the draw)
Francessca: I could use some fresh air I’m going to walk Mrs. Falconeri’s order down to the house. (She reaches for her jacket and gloves from the hook and puts them on then picks up the small box and walks to the door.
Sophia: That’s fine Tony and Nicky are here.
Francessca: I’ll be right back. (She pushes out the door carrying the box as Sophia places money inside the bank bag zips it closed and locks it.)
Sophia: Nicky! (She bellows calling thru the kitchen door)
Nicky: Yeah! (He sticks his head through the doorway wiping his hands on a towel)
Sophia: Throw this inside the safe please, Tony can make the deposit in the morning. (Tossing him the bag. She reaches for a roll of paper towel and the bottle of spray she sprays the counter with one hand and begins wiping with the other just as the bell above the door rings and a tall young man enters tentatively) Hi, can I help you? (She walks to the counter laying her hand upon the bat under it as she did with customers she didn’t recognize that came in before closing)
Jamie: Hi! I was wondering if you could help me please?
Sophia: I’ll try, what’s the problem?
Jamie: I’m trying to find Eighty-sixth Street. (He spreads the map on the counter and points to a spot on the map)
Sophia: Sweetheart that three blocks that way. (She points out the window) I My God! They still make these things; I haven’t seen someone use one in years! Don’t you have one of those GDS things all the kids have now days?
Jamie: Yeah! (He sighs rolling his eyes to the ceiling) I left in such a hurry I left it in the house. (He looks at her looking and feeling a bit defeated)
Sophia: Come, you look tired. (She walks around the counter waving him to a chair)
Jamie: I am tired. I’ve been driving for the last eight hours. (He sighs sitting down in the offered chair)
Sophia: Here, I’ll get you a cup of espresso and biscotti. And we’ll figure it out. I’m Sophia by the way. (She walks around the counter setting up cups for the two of them)
Jamie: Jamie Martin.
Sophia: Nice to meet you Jamie. (Her mind turning quickly to her conversations with Francessca. So this was “The” Jamie Martin! Not bad! She thought inspecting him from head to toe. Not bad at all! Nodding her head in approval)
Jamie: Very nice to meet you.
Sophia: So I take it your not from around here? (She says with a laugh placing a cup in front of him and a tray of cookies she walks back to the counter pours a cup for her self then takes the seat across from him) So where ya from?
Jamie: Middle of Nowhere Pennsylvania. (He chuckles)
Sophia: Yeah? Buddy if you didn’t know it you’re really lost! What are you doing in Brooklyn?
Jamie: I’m looking for a really good friend of mine. (He says shyly reaching for a cookie from the plate and biting into it)
Sophia: This is how you do it! (She grins reaching over to the tray taking the cookie and dipping it in her cup then bites it) Mmmm! (She chews it happily then points to Jamie wiping her mouth quickly on the napkin) Here try it! (She pushes the tray towards him watching as he takes a cookie dipping it tentatively into the cup then bites it smiling broadly as he chews nodding his head in agreement)
Sophia: Good Huh? (He nods again wiping his mouth with the napkin then sips his espresso)
Sophia: Let me guess your looking for a girl? (She grins enjoying the blush staining his cheeks) Come on you can tell (She wags her finger at him a sly grin playing on her lips) me you’re looking for a girl!
Jamie: Well I was umm… (He stutters her grin broadens she leans forward in her chair reaching for her spoon and stirring her cup)
Sophia: This must be some girl to drive all the way from “Middle of no where” Pennsylvania to Brooklyn!
Jamie: She’s very special. (He smiles back proudly)
Sophia: So she lives on Eighty-sixth Street?
Jamie: I think so I’m not really sure. I think she’s here.
Sophia: You think she’s here? You mean you don’t know?
Jamie: She left town in kind of a hurry.
Sophia: So what happened if you don’t mind me asking? (She reaches for a cookie off the tray dipping it in the thick dark liquid before brining it to her mouth and biting it)
Jamie: It’s kind of a long story.
Sophia: Aren’t they all! (They both laugh their heads jerk towards the kitchen at the sound of pots clattering followed by a loud thud then a scream of pain. They look from one to the other then bolt towards the kitchen.)
Sophia: Oh, my God! Tony! What the hell happened? (She looks down at him her face etched with concern and worry)
Tony: The pot rack above the stove fell down and the pots knocked that pot of water you had boiling on the stove!
Sophia: Are you okay?
Tony: I’ll be all right I burned my hand and arm but nothins broken. (He says holding his arm out as Jamie reaches down holding him under the other arm and helping him to his feet)
Jamie: Here let me take a look at that! (He pulls Tony’s sleeve up revealing the singed flesh beneath) Let me run out to my car and get my bag! (He looks from on to the other then runs through the store and out the door)
Tony: Who the hell is that guy?
Sophia: I think that’s your cousins’ friend.
Tony: Not that scumbag that played her? (She shakes her hands looking heavenward)
Sophia: Cosa diavolo c’e’ di sbagliato in te? (Thumping his chest with the back of her hand) Do you think I’d sit around having coffee with that ratto? (She grits her teeth as she places her hand under her chin and flipping them forward) No the other one!
Tony: What other one? (he looks at her confused then wince in pain Sophia reaches over rubbing his back gently)
Sophia: Listen just go along with what I say.
Tony: Come on Aunt Phee! (He whines)
Sophia: You want your cousin to be happy?
Tony: Of course!
Sophia: Then shut up your face and follow my lead!
Nicky: Whoa! What happened here? (He looks around the kitchen the pots strewn across the floor)
Tony: We were doing the tarantella and got carried away! What do you think happened?
Nicky: Looks like the pot rack fell down. (He places the case of olives on the counter)
Tony: Nothing gets by you huh? (He croaks out gritting his teeth against the pain as Jamie walks in with his bag)
Jamie: Let me have a look. (He says walking back in to the kitchen)
Nicky: Who are you again? (He pulls himself up to his full height puffing his chest out and flexing his muscles)
Sophia: Knock it off! He’s a doctor! Is he going to be okay?
Jamie: He’s going to be fine looks like first and second degree burns.
Tony: Hurts like son of a bitch. Sorry Aunt Phee.
Sophia: It’s okay. So what should we do?
Jamie: I can dress it for you but you should really go to the hospital and get that looked at.
Nicky: Come on I’ll walk with you. You can make it the six blocks okay. )Leaning in close wrapping his arm around his brothers shoulder)
Jamie: I have my car outside I can drive you. (He says wrapping gauze around his arm)
Tony: You would do that?
Jamie: Not a problem (Jamie looks at him then does his best Keanau Reeves Voice) I’m a doctor that’s what we do. (They both laugh) Maybe on the way back you can show me how to get to Eighty-sixth Street.
Tony: Hey, no problem man.
Nicky: You want me to come with? (Still eying Jamie suspiciously)
Tony: No, I’ll be okay you just make sure Aunt Phee gets home okay. (He groans wincing from the pain)
Sophia: Nicky you go with them. (She says with a wave of her hand)
Nicky: What about you? (His brow furrowed in concern)
Sophia: Your Cousins here we can go home together.
Nicky: You sure? (Looking perplexed and concerned)
Sophia: Am I sure? Of course I’m sure! Listen I was running this store for fifty years! You go I’ll be fine. I’ll call Sal to pick us up.
Nicky: Ya sure cause I can stay. (He looks from Sophia to Tony uncertain what to do)
Sophia: Go! Take care of your brother. When you get back I’ll have dinner waiting and maybe a little surprise. And you, (She says patting Jamie’s arm) Make sure you come back with them heh? (Giving him a look that was beyond reproach)
Jamie: I will. Come on lets get that looked at. (He closes his bag walking with Tony and Nicky out to the car. She crosses herself once clasps her hands together then says a silent prayer as they pass by closing the door behind them and locks it. She watches as the three get in to the car then pull away from the curb driving down the rain slick street watching till the taillights disappear around the corner. She stares across the street seeing Francessca coming out the front door of the Falconeri’s walking gingerly down the steps smiling to herself) And do I have a surprise for you my girl! (She claps her hands rubbing them quickly grinning mischievously as she walks towards the door)

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