Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Krystal and Carmen     01/09/2012

Krystal stands in the kitchen with a clipboard and pen checking off items as Carmen counts off the last can of pizza sauce.

Carmen: That’s it everything is ready to go!
Krystal: Yes sir! (The two squeal with excitement)
Carmen: I can’t believe today is finally here! I was so nervous I barley slept!
Krystal: Honey, I was so tired by the time I went to bed last night I was asleep before my head hit the pillow!
Carmen: Oh, that’s right you went to Cessie’s wedding yesterday! I heard what happened! Sooo how was it? I mean after she beat the crap out of that pendejo!
Krystal: That was so good! He went flying like he had wings! (They both laugh hard) But, the rest was lovely and Rhea looked beautiful! And, by the way where the heck were you? I thought you were going to be there?
Carmen: Vinny took me to New York for the weekend.
Krystal: Wow, so when did all this come up?
Carmen: It was all very last minute one of his cousins was got married!
Krystal: Shot gun?
Carmen: No, (She laughs) they just decided they wanted to get married and they went for it.
Krystal: So how was it?
Carmen: It was really nice. Vinny has a HUGE family! Oh my God there had to be about fifty of them there.
Krystal: They must have been something!
Carmen: Actually, it was wonderful! (She sighs happily)  It was just like Randi and I always imagined having a big family would be.
Krystal: I’m really glad you had a nice time. Oh, and Vinny’s mother taught me how to make zeppolie’s.
Krystal: What’s a zeppelin? (She stares at her questioningly)
Carmen: Not zeppelins, (They both laugh) Zeppolie’s are kind of like donuts. They are really easy and I thought we could make them for the restaurant Vinny’s little cousins just love them.
Krystal: Sounds good. (Her yes brightening as an idea hits her) You know they would probably be really good at kid’s parties.
Carmen: That’s what I thought they’re also really good with coffee and no one else sells them around here!
Krystal: That’s my girl always thinking! (They high five each other and giggle just as Griff walks in through the kitchen door carrying a box of produce)
Griff: Goood morning ladies! (He calls over his shoulder placing the box down on the counter) Ready for this afternoon?
Krystal: Ready, as we’ll ever be!
Carmen: How about you, you nervous?
Griff: A little but it’s a good kind of nervous.
Carmen: You’re going to be okay trust me.
Griff: Can I say something to both of you ladies before it gets crazy around here? (His voice taking a humble quality)
Krystal: Sure,
Carmen: Everything is okay isn’t it? (She looks at him her brow) creased with worry)
Griff: No, nothing is wrong in fact everything is right. I just wanted to thank both of you for this chance you’re giving me and I promise I won’t let you down.
Krystal: Well we’re real lucky to have ya it’s not everyday you find a guy that’s used to cooking for hundreds of people everyday.
Griff: I got to tell you they never served anything this good inside.
Carmen: You got that right! (They both laugh)
Krystal: Listen, I’ll be right back I have a couple of calls to make. I’ll see you both in five. (She turns pushing through the double doors and out into the dinning-room)
Griff: I want you to know I do appreciate all the help you’ve been giving me but can I ask you something? (He moves to the sink and begins rinsing the ears of corn then handing them to Carmen who shucks the husk and saps the ends then places them in a large bowl on the other side of the sink repeating)
Carmen: Sure!
Griff: What made you want to help me?
Carmen: Why not? You were the best one in the class you showed interest and you acted like you wanted something better when you got out. Besides some on helped me when I got out even if she did turn out to be a backstabbing sawed off skinny witch! (She starring at the ear of corn holding it with both hands as if chocking it stops a moment takes a deep breath shakes her hair back from her face and then continues. Griff watches her little tirade-making him chuckle) Ahh! I promised myself that I would pay it forward. Besides I can look at you and tell you’re like me.
Griff: How’s that (He says stopping his ok a moment and looking at her then hands her an ear of corn)  
Carmen: You’re a good person who got caught in a bad situation
Griff: Hmm you could see all that. (Surprised by her intuitiveness)
Carmen: I don’t know it’s just a feeling I get (She shrugs dropping it in to the bowl and reaching for the next one. Then cranes her next around to look at the clock) Ey dios mio! I have to go pick up my babies! Do me a favor snap these in half and put them on to boil I’ll be back in forty-five minutes. And could you finish wrapping the potatoes in aluminum foil thanks! (She calls over her shoulder as she runs out the door passing Krystal and the way in) I’ll be right back I have to go pick up the kids!
Krystal: See you in a bit. (She says coming in to the kitchen and walking to the coffee pot) I was going to have a cup of coffee you want some? (She reaches for the cup pouring the hot liquid in to a cup and turning towards Griff)
Griff: No thanks. I have to get this corn and finish wrapping the potatoes. (He says snapping ears of corn and placing them in the pot)
Krystal: Here I’ll wrap some of these potato’s while I’m sipping my coffee(She pulls the chair from the table setting her cup down and pulls a sheet of foil fro the box and begins to wrap a potato)
Griff: Thanks!
Krystal No problem. (She picks up the cup sips it then reaches for another sheet of foil)
Griff: I didn’t know Carmen had children.
Krystal: She doesn’t.
Griff: Didn’t she just say she had to pick up the kids?
Krystal: Oh, sorry she went to pick up her sisters kids.
Griff: Oh, I didn’t know she had a sister.
Krystal: Randi is Carmen’s foster sister she in the hospital and Carmen’s been helping her and Frankie out. (She turns her head quickly as the phone on the wall rings and she rises quickly to get) Excuse me a second! 
Griff: Sure. (He mutters her phone conversation just a muttering in the background as his thoughts begin to fly, it couldn’t be. It just couldn’t!)

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