Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Krystal and David   04/25/2012

Krystal walks into the hospital carrying a basket Darius in tow.

Darius: Daddy! (He screams running and jumping in to his arms)
David: Hey buddy how was school today?
Darius: It was okay. (He pouts)
David: Okay what happened?
Krystal: Hi ya honey! (She gives him a kiss) His teacher sent home a note because Mr. Man here didn’t do to well on his last three spelling tests.
David: Oh, really and why not?
Darius: I don’t know. (He mumbles starring down at his hands)
David: I know why you Endre and AJ have been spending more time playing than studying. After dinner I want you to go upstairs and study and I won’t accept anything less than an “A” understand?
Darius:  Yes Dad. (He looks at Krystal eye bright) Hey Mom?
Krystal: Yeah honey? (She smiles ruffling his hair)
Darius: How soon for dinner?
David: How soon are we having dinner? (David corrects)
Darius: How soon are we having dinner? (He repeats with a roll of his eyes punctuating each word as his parents smother a laugh)
Krystal: As soon as you and I get home.
Darius: Dad if I study when I get home could we play for a little while after dinner?
David: I’ll tell you what (He says placing the child on the floor then kneeling in front of him) when you go home and study hard and when you’re done I’ll quiz you and if you pass then tomorrow you and I will do something together okay?
Darius: Okay! (He squeals jumping up and down. David and Krystal look at each other and grin)
Opal: Oh hey you three. (She smiles and waves)
Krystal: Hey yourself Opal. How’s everything?
Opal: Just fine I was about to go to the children’s wing to read the kids a story. You want to come with me Darius?
Darius: YEAH! (His eyes bright as he claps his hand together) I like the way you read stories! Can I go Dad?
David: It’s all right with me if it’s okay with your Mom
Darius: Mom can I?
David: May I. (He corrects as Darius rolls his eyes again)
Darius: May I. (Krystal smiles down at him)
Krystal: Sure baby I’ll come up and get you when it’s time to go.
Opal: Come on lamb chop (She reaches out taking Darius’ hand in hers) “Harry Potter’s waiting for us. (Krystal and David watch for a moment as Darius and Opal walk down the hall chatting happily)
Krystal: So how’s your day going? (She warps her arm around his waist as David takes the basket from her hand and walks her in to the lounge)
David: Actually it was a pretty good. They found a donor for Randi.
Krystal: That’s great! Carmen must be over the moon. (She grins happily as David props the basket on the table and begins nosing through it and receives a playful smack on his hand)
David: I know Frankie was. I was talking to Lola and her prognosis looks very good. (He reaches for a piece of chicken leg then bites in to it)
Krystal: She’s still here? (She says over her shoulder placing potato salad and coleslaw on the plate and handing it to him)
David: Afraid so. (He sits down in the chair and Krystal hands him a fork and a napkin then sits beside him resting her chin on her palm)
Krystal: I would really love to know why she’s here.
David: You’re not still worried about her are you? (He wipes his hand then pulls another piece of chicken on his plate then puts a fork full of potato salad in his mouth)
Krystal: Not worried so much as concerned. (David’s brow knit in concern he places the plate down on the table wipes his mouth on the napkin)
David: She hasn’t bothered you anymore has she? Because I warned her! (He says his tone threatening)
Krystal: No I haven’t seen her since the opening. (She sighs and David relaxes letting out a long breath)
David: Honey I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. I don’t think she’ll be bothering us anytime soon. (He says hugging her to him)
Krystal: I would just love to know exactly what she’s up to. (She says pulling away as David’s name is paged)
David: Awww! Wouldn’t you know it? I’ll be right back. (He leans in kisses her cheek then walks out the room. Krystal looks down at the food then sighs as she pulls a carrot stick from the bowl and bites into it. She picks up the fork and begins poking around the plate scoops up some coleslaw and places it in her mouth then almost spits it out as Lola comes in the room reading a file and sits in the chair never noticing Krystal’s presences as she flips through the pages. Krystal swallows the lump of coleslaw then lets out a cat like hiss as she quickly pack up the lunch she’d bought David)
Lola: Krystal, I didn’t see you there.
Krystal: Lets you and I keep it that way you go back to what ever you were doing and I’ll clear out of here. (She closes the lid of the basket then picks up David’s plate and tosses it in the trash)
Lola: Krystal you don’t have to go on my account. I really would like it if you would stay. (She smiles weakly closing the folder)
Krystal: Why do you show every time I step foot in the hospital? (She growls crossing her arms across her chest)
Krystal: I’m not stalking you if that’s what you’re implying! (She tosses the file down on the table)
Krystal: Just seems to me that everywhere I go there you are! (She says with a wave of her hand)
Lola: I’m a doctor this is a hospital and surprise I work here! (Her voice dripping with sarcasm)
Krystal: And why is that? (Her eyes narrowing her voice low) Why are you really here? Come on it’s just you and me right now you can tell me the truth!
Lola: What’s the point? (She throws her hand in the air in frustration and shaking her head)  I’ve told you over and over again. I just want to try and fix things between us.
Krystal: Why now? It’s been twenty some odd years and now you want to fix thing between us why? (She takes a step closer)
Lola: Because you’re my sister, we’re family whether you like it or not!
Krystal: You and I aren’t family not really. (Her smile ironic her tone cold)  Real family does leave them in jail and their niece at the mercy of the courts! A real sister would have stuck around admitted what she did taken her punishment not left me to rot in jail and my baby with out her momma!
Lola: I know what I did! And I’m sorry more sorry than you’ll ever know! And I don’t blame you for hating me! I hated myself for a very long time. Sometimes I still do. That’s why I came here! (She pleads her emotions getting the best of her)
Krystal: Well if you came here to beg for forgiveness you’re not going to get it! (She picks up the basket and starts for the door. Lola reaches for her arm forcing her to stop her voice becoming shrill)
Lola: I didn’t come here to beg you for anything! I came here to try and earn your forgiveness! What I did to you and to Babe was horrible! But I was out of my mind then! (She sniffs back the tears stinging the back of her eyes)
Krystal: And you’re out of your mind now if you think I would let you back in my life! (She pulls her arm from Lola’s grasp her eyes narrowing to slits) You were a no account drunk just likes our father and just like him you only think about you and what you want! Never mind anybody else!
Because of you I almost lost my child!
Lola: And my child had died! (She spits back causing Krystal to pause and look at her pain-etched face)
Krystal: Why didn’t you tell me? (Her voice softening)
Lola: I was out of my mind when she died I don’t know what happened to me I was just so lost. I thought I could forget what happened forget her! It just hurt so much. (She says chocking back tears) I couldn’t even think about it let alone talk to anyone. I just wanted something to make it go away you know (Krystal looks away from her peering unseeingly out the window remembering her own dark days after Babes death and her own need to dull the pain of her loss and all the things she had done) I’d never felt that kind of pain in my life. It was like some one just reached in and ripped my heart out. I just felt so empty. So I ran and buried my pain in booze. I didn’t have any idea where I was going till I ended up at your door. You took me in and you treated me with such love and kindness. (She looks towards the ceiling and smiles then back at Krystal) The first few weeks with you and Babe made me so happy. I thought I finally found some peace. Sometimes I’d sit in the window and watch the two of you play out front. I loved watching the two of you together. You didn’t have pot nor window but there was so much love between you, it was so beautiful to watch. Sometimes you two reminded me so much of me and… (Her voice trails off for a moment Krystal’s heart melts a little more as she listens and relives her own pain) She was smart as a whip and a little sassy which always reminded me of you. (She laugh’s then tears begin to stream down her cheeks) And the more I watched the more I could feel the pain creeping back up on me the closer the days came to her (She stops a moment and swallows hard then wipes her cheek with the back of her hand) Do you know the day I took off (Her eyes welling with tears) it was my babies birthday she would have been six if I hadn’t… (She breaks down again then snuffs and looks at Krystal) I only meant to stop for one beer…just one you know to take the edge off the day…I am so sorry…I didn’t mean for it to happen…I just wanted not to feel it just for a little while…It was an accident I wasn’t trying to hurt you. Please…(She begs her voice becoming almost shrill as Krystal reaches over and pulls her into her arms and rocks with her as Lola weeps uncontrollably)
Krystal: Shhhh, (She whispers patting her gently on the back) it’s okay…It’s going to be okay.

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