Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tad and Jamie     06/21/2012

Tad and Jamie stand in the kitchen sipping at their bottles of beer as Tad repeats his question to Jamie.

Jamie: How did you know?
Tad: I figured it out when I hugged her. So what are you going to do when your stepbrother figures out Francessca is pregnant with his child?
Jamie: How do you know the child she’s carrying is his child? What makes you so sure it’s not my child?
Tad: so that’s what’s you’re going with? (He pushes off the counter and turns to the sink running water in the bottle setting it on the counter) Come on Jamie I’m your father and I know you and I know Francessca pretty well.
Jamie: That’s my child she’s carrying. (He looks at his father meeting his gaze squarely his chin jutted out defiantly)
Tad: You can lie to everyone else but don’t lie to me. (His eyes wide his tone sharp) I was there remember? I know you and Cess I know the truth so tell me who else knows she’s pregnant?
Jamie: Randy and Natalia of course and now you
Tad: You still didn’t answer me what are you going to do when Rego realizes she’s pregnant? I figure she’s got maybe another week two tops before the world figures it out.
Jamie: So what if they do? We’re married according to the law any child that results from that marriage is assumed to be the spouses there is really nothing he can do.
Tad: What if he demands a DNA test? What then?
Jamie: He can demand all he wants that doesn’t mean we have to have one.
Tad: He could get a court order.

Jamie: He can try.
Tad: Son, do you really think he’ll just let it go? You’re talking about his child not some stray cat! And if you think he’s going to just give up you’re fooling yourselves.
Jamie: Dad, he doesn’t even know she never told him.
Tad: What the hell Jamie? Are you two that dense? Do you think he not going to question the paternity of the child she’s carrying?
Jamie: Dad, I’m not stupid of course I know he’s going to ask questions but I also know Rego, all we have to do is convince him that Francessca and I were having an affair! That’s not going to be hard he knows how we’ve felt about each other all along and during those last few months they we’re together they barley saw each other.   
Tad: They we’re together enough to make a baby! Tell me something how many times are you going to do this?
Jamie; Do what?
Tad: Try to kidnap another man’s child? You did it with JR and now Rego? Don’t get me wrong I love Cess she’s a beautiful girl her mother is one of my oldest friends but this is Babe and JR all over again only this time you’re in on the ground floor.
Jamie: It’s not the same thing Dad! (He finishes the bottle then tosses it in to the recycle bin Tad following behind him as speaks)
Tad: Explain to me how it isn’t?
Jamie: First (He says turning towards arms folded across his chest sarcastic smile playing on his lips) you explain to me how you can lecture me about what I’m doing when you did the exact same thing for Dixie!
Tad: The difference is I wasn’t trying to pretend that JR was my baby! (His voice rising to a screech) I was protecting Dixie and JR from Adam!
Jamie: And I’m protecting Francessca and our son from Rego same as you.
Tad: So I guess I’m just wasting my breath? (He sighs heavily and shakes his head)
Jamie: I appreciate your concern I really do but you’re not going to change our minds. (He pats his father on the shoulder as Tad walks to the refrigerator opens it and pulls out the platter of cut vegetables and sets them on the counter pulling out a carrot stick and biting in to it)
Tad: Have you told her mother and the rest of Cessca’s family yet?
Jamie: We haven’t had a chance the only people that know are Natalia, Randi and Zach of course and now you and I’d like to keep it that way. (Tad chuckles for a moment then composes him self) 
Tad: Son this is Pine Valley nothing in this town stays a secret for long!
Jamie: It will as long as you don’t tell anyone. I know that Natalia and Randi won’t say anything and Zach..
Tad: Zach Slater is a steal trap! (He reaches on to the plate and pulls another carrot an bites it)
Jamie: So that leaves you, can I trust you with this you can’t tell anyone that includes Mom.
Tad: I have to keep this from your mother too? (He twist in a circle face contorted as if in pain and ponds his fist on the counter) Why the hell aren’t you going to tell your mom?
Jamie: Because I don’t want my lies to be the ruin nation of her marriage! I can’t put her in a position where she has to lie to her husband so if it ever comes out she’ll just as shocked and surprised as everyone else.
Tad: That’s very thoughtful of you. (His voice dripping with sarcasm his mouth twisted eyes squinted)
Jamie” Is this how it’s going to be from now on?
Tad: No of course not, you’re my son I may not like it but I’ll support you.
Jamie; And?
Tad: And, I promise to keep it to myself.
Jamie; You can’t even tell Taylor. (Tad scowls at him and Jamie shakes his head) You can’t tell her.
Tad: Okay, oh and by the way thanks for sharing (He grimaces shaking his head) Oh and why me? Why tell all of this to me of all people? ( He folds the plastic wraps back around the platter and places it back in the refrigerator)

Jamie: For one you’re my Dad and two you’re going to nose around anyway and you’re welcome (They both laugh)
Tad: Come Here (Tad opens his arms and embraces Jamie in a bear hug grunting as he squeezes him) So, are you happy?
Jamie: Never been happier, (He grins as the two walk back in to the living-room)
Tad: Good I’m glad. How are things at the clinic?
Jamie: Fine I checked in with Chuck this morning and my nurse she says he’s been doing great and he said he hasn’t enjoyed anything as much in a very long time but he’s got to get back to the University. So I’ll be back full time on Monday.

Tad: And Francessca?
Jamie: She’s back at “Tempo” till she can’t anymore. She loves working with Mom and she looking forward to being a Mom. What about you and Taylor? Am I going to be a big brother anytime soon?
Tad: I don’t know Taylor hasn’t mentioned it and me I have my hands full keeping up with your little sisters. Speaking of which! (He says leaning his head towards the door as Kathy runs in followed by Jenny)
Kathy: Daddy! (She jumps in to his arms and Jamie laughs at the “argh” sound emanating from his father as he picks her up) It’s so pretty!
Jenny: You should have seen it! It’s like Snow Whites wedding in the forest book! (Her hands on her cheeks eyes huge with awe making Jamie and Tad laugh)
Taylor: It’s beautiful! Exactly what I pictured! (She places her purse on the counter as she comes through, walks to Tad and wraps her arms around his waist hugging him)
Mrs. Thompson: Absolutely beautiful! Oh and we got to met Francessca’s Mom and Dad! What lovely people! She gave us a tour of the house. And I just loved Francessca’s not so little cottage! And Red was just in awe of Rhea’s new security system!
Red: Never seen anything like it! I swear if a bee hiccupped in the attic she’d know it! Tell her thanks again. (He turns to Francessca who stands with her arm around Jamie)
Francessca: I’ll tell her.
Taylor: Anyone for lunch? I’ve got all this food Krystal and Carmen sent over.
Mrs. Thompson: Starved! How about you girls?
Kathy: Me too!
Jenny: Me three!
Mrs. Thompson: Come on lets help get lunch on the table! (She takes the girls hands and walks behind Taylor into the kitchen followed by Tad and Red)
Tad: Ah Red you’re going have to try Carmen’s potato salad and Krystal’s fried chicken! (He grins happily then licks his lips rubbing his stomach)
Red: That good huh?
Tad: I didn’t get this way (He protrudes his belly and pats it) eating junk! Come on.
Jake: Hello! Hello! Where’s everyone?
Jamie: Hey Jake!
Jake: Hey guys!
Francessca: They’re in the kitchen.
Jake: I’ll be back I need to change this guy. (He says taking as fussy Trevor and slipping up stairs)
Francessca: Did you and Tad talk?
Jamie: Yeah, he’s okay with everything. You okay?
Francessca: I’m hungry and I could use a nap.
Jamie: We can leave after lunch and go home take a nap before we meet up with Brot and Natalia tonight.
Francessca: That sounds great only I’m going to sleep this time.
Jamie: We’ll see!
Francessca: No, no sleeping! I’m exhausted and it’s your fault!
Jaime: So you complaining?
Francessca: No, I’m tired and this time I’m going to actually “Sleep” when I take a nap today!
Jaime: We’ll see what happens when we get home.
Francessca: No “we’ll see” I’m sleeping you can wash those pan you left in the sink. (She says then bolts for the kitchen Jaime following closely behind)

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