Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Casa Slater    01/31/2012

Zach tosses his coat on to the hassock as steps down into the living room. looking from Erica to Kendall and back.

Zack: Tell Zack about what? (Looking from Erica to Kendall and back)
Erica: I was just telling Kendall about the interview I scooped for “New Beginnings” And I don’t want anyone to know about the project I’m working on for “New Beginnings”. (She looks over at Kendall who looks at Zach something in her look triggering his curiosity)
Zach: Huh, why would I care about a project at “New Beginnings? (He looks at Erica his eyes assessing looking for any tell she might give)
Erica: Zach, not just you, anyone. (She smiles brightly shaking her hair back from her face her tone just a little too high pitched and Kendall’s eyes gave a slight roll as Erica spoke)
Zach: Yeah why don’t you tell me what’s really going on?
Erica: Well if you really must know but I’d really just rather not it could ruin everything!
Zach: If it’s such a secret why tell Kendall? I mean if you don’t want anyone to know? (He looks at Kendall then back at Erica his suspicions growing)
Erica: I just had to tell someone and who can I trust more than my daughter. (She looks at Kendall her smile just a little too tight)
Zach: Ahh,huh. (He looks to Kendall who’s eyes dart avoiding his) So that’s it?
Erica: Of course right Kendall? (She turns towards Kendall who stands all eyes upon her)
Kendall: You know what I can’t do this! Zach and I made a promise no more secrets.
Kendall: She told Ryan when he was in the comma that Greenlee was alive and she thinks he remembers. Now she afraid that Jack will find out and Ryan will go looking for Greenlee! There.
Erica: You are just unbelievable!
Kendall: Come on Mom this is way bigger than just the two of us were going to need Zach’s help!
Zach: You know we are going to have to tell Jack
Kendall: We can’t Zach!
Zach” What just happened to honesty?
Kendall: Between you and I I’m not going to throw my mother to the wolves! She needs our help!
Zach: Well we at least need to tell Greenlee so can help us decide what to do.
Erica: Oh, no! (She says waving her hands) We can’t tell Greenlee! She’ll just run and tell Jack.
Zach: Okay the least we can do is let her know Ryan is sniffing around.
Erica: And how do you explain he would even suspect?
Kendall: Zach’s right we all know what he’s capable of she needs to be apart of this we’ll just have to figure out away to tell her with out implicating you and the only thing makes sense if me taking the blame.
Zach: I can’t let you do that Kendall!
Erica: You would do that for me.
Kendall: Sure, you’re my Mom besides Zach I’m the only one that makes sense. He was Spike’s father for a while and he almost died in prison I’m the only one with a good enough excuse to see him.
Zach: What are you going to say that’s not going to make him more suspicious?
Kendall: I’m not going to say anything if the topic of Greenlee comes up I’ll just say I don’t want to talk about it, it’s still to painful.
Zach: That’s pretty weak.
Erica: No it’s brilliant! That way Kendall doesn’t have to really shoulder the blame it was just an accident you can’t help how you feel. Oh honey! (She says hugging Kendall to her)
Zach: And then Erica you have to stay away from Lavery!
Erica: Lets get this straight Zach, I’m not going to be dictated to Secondly Ryan and I are friends won’t it be even more suspicious if I just drop him.
Zach: I understand that he’s your friend but the more time you spend with him the more likely you are to confirm his suspicions! Isn’t there some business out of town you could go on right now?
Kendall: The spring line is out in Paris and you could go shopping and visit Bianca and Reese.
Erica: I just can’t pick up and go I have my work here. (She place her hand on her chest shaking her head)
Kendall: Then how are you going to avoid him he can’t stay in the hospital forever and he’s not going to just let this go.
Zach: Will you a least think about what I’ve said.
Erica: Yes, I’ll think about it I promise.
Zach: I the mean time as much as I don’t like it we’ll have to go with Kendall’s plan. And if you could just do me a favor Erica and put some distance between you and Ryan while we work out a plan.
Kendall: And I’m going to go see Ryan later today no I think it would be better if I saw him tomorrow.
Zach: I’d rather you didn’t see Lavery at all! (Kendal walks to Zach wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his chest)
Kendall: I know and I’ll be really careful.
Zach: You’d better! (He hugs her to him squeezing her tight)
Erica: Well I had better get going (She reaches for her purse slinging it over her shoulder and heading for the door)
Zach: Do me a favor swing by here after work the two of us should have come up with a plan.
Erica: Zach, I really have to thank you for going along with all of this.
Zach: We’re family Erica we have to protect each other what happens to you happens to all of us.
Erica: We’ve come a very long way you and I.
Zach: And here we are. (He smiles impishly as Erica smiles back)
Erica: I’ll see you both later (She turns and heads towards the door closing it behind her. Zach looks down at Kendall and shakes his head)
Zach: This is not giving me the warm fuzzies! (He hugs her to him and she hugs him back)
Kendall: Me either. (She hugs him tighter trying to warm the chill that flushed over her) You know what?
Zach: What?
Kendall: Come on lets get the boys and go to Carmen’s and Krystal? It’s going to be a lot of fun and the boys will love it! (She pulls him by the hand leading him towards the door. (He smiles trailing behind her picking up his keys as they pass the shelf and out the door)

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