Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Adam and Lenka   07/06/2012

Adam sits in his office scowling thinking back on his confrontation with David. What the hell was he implying and what the hell could he have on Colby. He looks at the pile of papers on his desk pushing them to the side and wonders what the devil was taking him so long!

Lenka: You summoned and I am here what’s the problem. (He saunters into Adams office pulling the chair over in front of his desk and slouching in to it looking bored)
Adam: You and I need to talk. (He stands pulling himself to his full height and staring down at Lenka)
Lenka: Look (Glancing around the room smiling facetiously) I’m here talk!
Adam: It’s about Colby.
Lenka: What about her? (He adjusts himself in his seat the mention of Colby his expression still passive)
Adam: I had an interesting conversation with David Hayward today.
Lenka: Good to see you’re keeping up with your social obligations. (He says with false joviality)
Adam: Oh, this was no social call this was David Hayward with another one of his schemes to blackmail me! (He bangs his hand on the desk then shoves his hands in his pockets as he turns towards the window)
Lenka: Well good luck with that! I have other things to attend to. (He rises from his chair turning towards the door)
Adam: Sit down! (He bellows spinning around to glare at Lenka) If it wasn’t for you and Colby I wouldn’t be in this mess! (His voice becoming an accusatory growl)
Lenka: David Hayward is blackmailing you and some how that’s Colby’s fault and mine? (His lips become a thin white line as they form a bitter smile rising again from his chair as he speaks) Again have a good day Mr. Chandler!
Adam: Sit down you idiot?
Lenka: First off lets not start with the name-calling if you want my help. I have a few of my own Mr. Chandler.
Adam: Please sit down I’m sorry.
Lenka: That’s better sir now,  (He resumes his seat his expression thoughtful) what does your problem with Dr. Hayward have to do with Colby and me?
Adam: David seems to think that you and Colby paid a one Chief Inspector Henry to lie on his report and, that it was Colby that caused that accident at Pine Valley University.
Lenka: Chief inspector Henry’s report says the incident was an accident and it was no ones fault (He shrugs his face betraying nothing) if anyone is responsible it would be that stupid electrical company.
Adam: So there is nothing that David can use to hurt Colby or black mail me? (He stares at him incredulous arms fold across his chest)
Lenka: There is nothing that ties Colby to that accident other then being a student at PVU. (He says smoothly)
Adam: What about Henry?
Lenka: What about him? (He shrugs)
Adam: Are you daft man I just told you! (He stares at him wondering to his self what was wrong with him)
Lenka: And I heard you! I’m just amazed that the all-powerful Adam Chandler would allow some guy to rattle you. (He smirks)
Adam: David Hayward isn’t just some guy he’s dangerous and the sooner you learn that the better! Now answer my question! Is there anything, anything at all that implicate my daughter? (He blusters his anger coming full force)
Lenka: I can promise you Mr. Chandler there is nothing on earth that this Haywort guy or anyone else could use to hurt Colby. (The mispronunciations of David’s name making him smile slightly)
Adam: Good! Now what about Henry?
Lenka: You let me worry about Henry okay?
Adam: What are you going to do? (Feeling a mixture of concern and relief)
Lenka: Help Mr. Henry get re-acquainted with the terms of our little arrangement and I will make sure that she stays safe and happy. I won’t let anyone hurt her. (His voice deadly calm)
Adam: You really do care about her don’t you?
Lenka: I more than just care about your daughter Mr. Chandler as I’ve told you before I love her. Now if we are done (He raises to his feet adjusting the collar of his jacket and smoothing the lapels) I have another appointment have a good day. (Adam watches him leave the office smiling to him self and begrudgingly giving some respect to his new son in-law. He was sharp, perceptive and the definition of cool under scrutiny never once looking nervous or rattled nor did he give anything away he’d handled himself admirably not that it changed how he felt about him. Maybe he had usefulness after all but that was a big maybe still.
 Lenka exits the building heads for his car parked across the street slides quickly into the seat turning the ignition in the same motion. His tires squeal on the pavement as he pulls out into the flow of traffic before reaching for his other phone and dials waiting impatiently as it rings on the other end)
Lenka: Hey, listen I’m sorry I’m late. If you’re ready I can meet with you in say forty-five minutes at the same place?… Okay I’ll see you there. (He hangs up the phone stashing it in the inner pocket of his jacket as he switches lanes turning right at the intersection and heading in to Center City)

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