Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tad and Jake    05/02/2012

Jake: Thanks for taking Trevor. He grins looking over at Trevor sleeping soundly on the sofa)
Tad: No problem the girls love having him. (He says pointing Jake to the chair next to him)
Jake: I wouldn’t have asked you but Amanda’s working tonight. (He sighs heavily)
Tad: How’s that going by the way?
Jake: So far so good. Amanda is really happy about it. (His voice dipping at the end signaling to Tad it was not so okay for him)
Tad: Yeah, but how do you feel about it?
Jake: I’m okay with it whatever makes Amanda happy makes me happy. (He huffs rising from the chair and walking to the sofa to check Trevor)
Tad: Yeah, sure you are. (He says following behind him)
Jake: No really I’m okay with it. (He shrugs) I mean I’m going to have to get used to her working again.
Tad: Thought so. (He grins knowingly)
Jake: What do you mean, “you thought so”? (He looks at Tad and scowls)
Tad: Well I got the distinct feeling you liked having Amanda at home doing all the wifey things. (He grins waving his hands in the air)
Jake: I have to admit I got used to coming home at the end of a long day and having her and Trevor waiting for me dinner on the table. (He says dreamily)
Tad: Your pipe and slippers Amanda bare foot and pregnant. (He mocks)
Jake: I don’t wear slippers and is there something wrong with liking having a stay at home wife like we had when we grew up? (He shoots back irritation heightening his voice)
Tad: Where the heck did you grow up Mr. Brady? Our mom was a nurse! (He says with a laugh)
Jake: I know. (Feeling a little disgusted with himself)
Tad: Have you told her how you feel? (Feeling some empathy for his brothers position)
Jake: I couldn’t she was so excited and she had all these really good reasons why she needed to I couldn’t be the pin in her bubble. I was trying be supportive but, now that’s she’s actually doing it (He sighs) I’m having second thoughts. I just really liked having that whole fifties traditional thing going.
Tad: I never took you for a chauvinist! (He teases)
Jake: I’m not a chauvinist. (He whines)
Tad: Oh, my bad you’re spoiled. (He smirks)
Jake: I’m not spoiled! (He snaps then sighs) I just you know miss her
Taylor comes down the steps and walks in to the living room.
Taylor: Hey Jake how was work? (She smiles walking into the living-room and hugging Tad)
Jake: Good how are the wedding plans going?
Taylor: Great! I think we’ll be ready. (She smiles up at Tad then lets go of him)
Jake: Are you sure you want to marry this guy? (He teases enjoying the scowl on Tad’s face as he says it)
Tad: Hey!
Taylor: Never been more sure of anything in my life! (She grins wrapping her arms around his waist and grinning happily)
Jake: When do your parents get in?
Tad: The General and the rest of the troops get in next week. (His smile more of grimace)
Jake: You sound a little nervous brother. (Jake grins from ear to ear enjoying Tad’s obvious discomfort)
Taylor: I told him there wasn’t anything to worry about my family is going to love him (She leans in and kisses his cheek) almost as much as I do.
Jake: As long as he doesn’t talk!(He looks at Taylor and winks)
Tad: Hey! Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?
Jake: Brother of mine when you get nervous you develop terminal foot in mouth disease. (He and Taylor laugh)
Tad: I’m not that bad! (His mouth twisting up his eyes growing small)
Jake: That’s because you’ve never heard yourself. (He verbally jabs as he places Trevor’s belonging in to the diaper bag)
Tad: Honey tell him I’m not that bad. (He whines shuffling over to Taylor and waving his hand towards Jake)
Taylor: Well… (She grins as her voice trails off)
Tad: Oh come on! (He throws his hands up in the air)
Taylor: Stop worrying you’ll be just fine. (She giggles grabbing his lapels and kissing the end of his nose)
Tad: I know I will as long as I have you. (He wraps his arms around her waist drawing her closer and kissing her)
Jake: Okay, I think I’ve had enough of this love scene. I ‘m going to take my son go home and wait for my wife. (He leans down picking up his son then the diaper bag and walking toward the door Taylor following behind)
Taylor: Speaking of Amanda how’s she liking the job.
 Jake: She’s happy. (He mumbles as Taylor pulls open the door) Look I’ll see you two tomorrow.
Tad: Night.
Taylor: Night! (She says closing the door behind him and walking back towards Tad) Did I miss something?
Tad: No, they’ll be fine (He rolls his eye to the heavens and says a silent prayer)
Scene Shift Amanda at Fusion standing behind the bar as one of the bartender places a case of alcohol on the counter.

Amanda: Thank you so much for bringing that up for me.
Bartender: Anytime! Did you need me to bring anything else up?
Amanda: Do you think you and Mark could bring up a keg I think this one is almost empty.
Bartender sure thing, be right back. Hey Mark! (He calls down to the other end of the bar) You want to give me a hand?
Mark: Sure! (He wipes his hand on a towel then follows behind the bartender. Amanda grabs a cloth and begins to wipe off the bar as Devereaux walks up and taps on it)
Amanda: Hi! What can I get for you?
Devereaux: Two martini’s dry.
Amanda: Coming right up.
Devereaux: This is a really interesting bar I’ve never seen anything quiet like it before.
Amanda: Is that good or bad?
Devereaux: It’s good very good in fact.
Amanda: Thank you very much we really appreciate your patronage. (She hands him the drinks as a waitress walks up to her holding out a clipboard)
Waitress: Amanda can you sign this for me?
Amanda: Sure (She reaches to the clipboard reads it quickly signs it and hands it back) Thanks Wendy. (She smiles)
Devereaux: You know you have an endearing smile and lovely bone structure and a beautiful speaking voice. 
Amanda: Thank you.
Devereaux: It’s not just flattery Cambius is looking for a new corporate spokes model and I think you would be perfect. Here, (He says reaching in to his pocket and pulling out a silver case. He opens it and hands her a card) Give me a call at Cambius tomorrow I would love to discuss this further with you.
Amanda: Thank you so much but I don’t think I can.
Devereaux: You don’t have to give me answer now why don’t you think about it and get back to me. (He smiles then walks back to his table leaving Amanda to stare down at the card)

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