Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Krystal, Carmen and Angie   02/22/2011

sit around the table holding the babies chatting and laughing

Angie: This place is really great the kids are all having a great time.
Carmen: It was a lot of work but it was worth it.
Krystal: Sure was and I couldn’t ask for a better partner!
Carmen: Me either.
Angie: So I guess you don’t miss “New Beginnings”?
Carmen: I liked working on the show but it wasn’t worth the aggravation of working with Erica Pain.
Krystal: In the you know where!
Angie: I can’t say as I blame you for that.
Carmen: So where’s Jesse I thought he said he’d be here?
Angie: He had a problem down at the station.
Carmen: Oh, nothing serious I hope?
Angie: I don’t think so at least he didn’t sound like it was urgent. He’s going to wish he hadn’t missed this.
Carmen: That’s too bad. Make a big plate for him so you can take it home.
Krystal: How are things otherwise? Last time we talked was before the wedding. How ya holding up?
Angie: Okay I guess. I heard from Rhea she and Michael heard from Francessca she’s okay.
Carmen: Thank God! She was so upset. I’m surprised she didn’t kill them.
Angie: I still can’t believe that Cassandra could…It’s just…
Krystal: You’re still really worried about her.
Angie: I haven’t seen her since we left after Francessca’s wedding. I’ve called her numerous times she won’t answer my calls. I went down to Colby’s office this morning and I was told she wasn’t in but I think she’ still avoiding me.
Carmen: Well maybe she really wasn’t there.
Angie: Maybe I don’t know sometimes I’m just so frightened for her. I just don’t know who she is anymore. She just seems so lost.
Krystal: Have you talked to Jacob?
Angie: Not long enough to get any real information with the time difference and all and both our schedules we’ve only been able to talk in dribs and drabs. Thank goodness for these guys! She leans one and kisses one baby then the other.
Carmen: You should have seen Randi’s face when I bought them by earlier and they were so excited when they saw their mommy! Yes you were! Yes you were! (She grins puffs out her cheeks her eyes wide making them giggle causing them all to laugh as Griff comes from the kitchen wiping his hands on a towel then sticking it in the pocket of his apron)
Griff: Hey! (He grins looking from Carmen to Krystal) Everything is pretty much cleaned up back there.
Krystal: Thanks Griff! Griff this is Angie Hubbard, Angie this is Griff Carmen’s sou-chef.  
Griff nice to meet you
Angie: Nice to meet you.
Carmen: Why don’t you sit down with us for a minute?
Griff: I ahh, I still got some work to do
Krystal: The kitchen can wait come sit down a minute.
Griff: Okay, (He says taking the empty seat between Carmen and Angie)
Griff: Who are these little cuties!
Angie: These little guys are my grandchildren this is Sydney and this is Spencer. Their spending the afternoon with Grandma while my son spends sometime with his wife in the hospital.
Griff: I’m sorry to hear that I hope it’s nothing serious?
Krystal: How’s Randi doin?
Angie: She’s not good but she’s hanging in there.
Carmen: Frankie told me the mass got bigger?
Angie: That and her White cell count is way up and she developed an infection and they still don’t have that completely under control either.
Krystal: What about that thing procedure she was waiting for?
Angie: That’s out her doctors can’t wait any longer.
Carmen: Mios Dios! 
Griff: If you don’t mind my asking who’s Randi?
Angie: I’m sorry Randi is my daughter in-law. We found out a few months ago she has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and she not doing very well.
Griff: I’m really sorry to hear that. I’ll be praying for her and your family.
Angie: Thank you so much. (At the same moment Spencer begins to whine) Ulp! Looks like the little people are getting hungry.
Carmen: Let me go heat up their bottles (She pulls two bottles from the bag and heads into the kitchen)
Angie: Can you hold him a minute please? (She hands Spencer to Griff then reaches into the other bag pulling out some of the contents and laying them on the chair beside her) I need their bibs.
Krystal: You look a little nervous there Griff.
Griff: It’s been a real long time since I help a baby a real long time.
Angie: Well he’s taken a real shine to you! Look at him grinning! Yes you are you’re just as happy as a bug in a rug!
Angie: He sure has. Look at him!
Krystal: I don’t know I think he kind of smiles like you.
Carmen: Here’s they are she says handing a bottle to Angie then taking Spencer from Griff) There you go! (She sit down in the chair holding the bottle to his mouth chuckling as Spencer sucks greedily at the nipple)
Griff: I’d umm better get back to work, (He rises then looking down at the scene and smiles) It’s was really nice to meet you.
Angie: You too!
Griff: See you latter little ones! (He waves at the babies who both smile then continue to drink) I’ll see you all later. (He waves again then walks back to the kitchen his head filled with thoughts of the last time he’s held his baby girl and smiling)  

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