Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jesse and Frankie        05/15/2012

Jesse in his office starring at the monitor with the remote in one hand scrolling frame by frame through the video tape as his cell phone rings.

Frankie: Hey Pops.
Jesse: Hey what’s shaken bacon? How’s Randi? (Smiling into the phone he leans forward grabs his coffee mug then leans back in the chair)
Frankie: She better Dad doctor says her infection is almost gone and they should be able to remove the tumor in the next few days. We’ll no more after that)
Jesse: Oh that’s great news! (His eyes opening wide grinning from ear to ear)
Frankie: Yeah Pop finally some light at the end of the tunnel. We’ll know more after her surgery but this is good step in the right direction!
Jesse: I’m glad for you both son. Hell, I’m glad for all of us I know this will be a load off your mother’s mind!
Frankie: Yeah I’m going to try and find here on my break. (There’s a slight pause in the conversation hinting to Jesse there was more to the call and he hopes it’s not about the donor so far he had nothing) 
Jesse: So what’s up?
Frankie: I was hoping you got a chance to talk to the technician from the lab?
Jesse: No, I couldn’t and before you ask I couldn’t pull the records either without a sopena. (He blurts it all out hoping to squelch further questions) 
Frankie: So I guess we’re up the creek huh? (His voice tinged with disappointment)
Jesse: not quiet I was able to pull the security tapes and I’m going through them as we speak. (He hears an audible intake of air Jesse pulls the phone from his ear as the “Boom!” of words flows through it and sighs in relief having escaped the assault to his ear Frankie looks around the empty sun room then lowers his voice)
Frankie: Have you found anything yet?
Jesse: not yet son it’s kind of slow going. (He sighs placing his mug back down on the desk)
Frankie: How much longer do you think it will take? (He looks as the door opens lowering his voice and standing he walks to the far corner of the room as the Aid wheels a patient in pushing the chair toward one of the tall palms by the window)
Jesse: I have about four more tapes to go through.
Frankie: We have to find out who it was Dad.
Jesse: I know how important this is to you Frankie but I do have a police station to run. (He reminds him hoping reality would calm Frankie down)
Frankie: I’m sorry Dad. (He sighs realizing his father was doing everything he could and it was going to take time) I appreciate everything that you’re doing for us.
Jesse: It’s okay I know you’re worried and I’m going to do everything I can to figure out what’s going on. (He reassures him hoping his words rang true in the end and he did find something)
Frankie: Thanks Dad.
Jesse: You go be with Randi and as soon as I find out anything I’ll call you.
Frankie: Thanks again Dad. (He sys sounding grateful and maybe a little hopeful making Jesse feel a little better himself)
Jesse: I’ll talk to you later. (Jesse clicks off his phone sits back in his chair and goes back to scanning the tapes and sipping his coffee. He reaches for the remote alternately pressing the fast-forward and the pause button as he does. He watches closely sipping at his cup. He places his cup on the warmer then reaches over presses the button to eject the tape then puts in another. Jesse presses the play button then sits back in his chair and views the tape alternately pressing the fast-forward button then leans forward and press the pause button and stares at the image a moment before pressing the eject button and pulling the tape from the machine then walks from his office with the tape tucked under his arm. He traverses the halls making his way quickly to the crime lab. He walks into the office which is a buzz with monitors and machines as the tech sits at a desk head phones on turning he knobs on a machine turning the dial slowly)
Jesse: Hey Donaldson! (He taps him on the shoulder he turns around in his chair pulling the head set from his head and placing them down on the desk as he stands)
Donaldson: What’s up chief?
Jesse: I need you to do me a favor.
Donaldson: Sure what do you need?
Jesse: Can you blow up a frame on this tape for me maybe enhance the image?
Donaldson: I’ll try let me have a look. (Jesse hands him the tape watching as Donaldson pops it in to the machine)
Jesse: I stopped it right on the frame I need. (He steps closer ahs they both stare at the monitor the tech grins nods his head then types on the keyboard before turning back to Jesse)
Donaldson: No problem chief give, me about and hour and I should have something for you. (He moves toward the his computer and begins to type then the image from the tape pops up)
Jesse: Thanks,  (He begins to walk towards the door then turns back) oh and do me a favor, keep this between you and me.
Donaldson: You got it. I’ll bring it to your office when I’m done. (He nods in agreement then turns back to his computer)
Jesse: Thanks Donaldson. (He heads back towards the door as Donaldson begins to move his mouse around the screen)
Donaldson: Anytime. (He calls over his shoulder completely engrossed in his work Jesse closes the door an begins to walk back towards his desk his thoughts whirling he was sure even before Donaldson completed his work it was Griff)

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