Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lola and David      01/05/2012

Lola closes her desk drawer standing and walking to the front of her desk as David walks in holding a folder.

Lola: David hi. (David glares at her a moment then hands her the folder)
David: I reviewed your case file everything looks good you can contact my secretary and schedule your patient’s surgery.
Lola: Thank you. (She says taking the folder from him and laying it on the desk)
David: My schedule is open for the next few days. (His voice tight his words clipped)
Lola: I’ll umm, (She hesitates) talk to my patient and get back to you.
David: Good I’ll wait to hear from you. (He says turning and walking toward the door)
Lola: David? (She calls bracing herself against the expression on his face she swallows hard before the continues) How’s Krystal? I was a little concerned after our last meeting.
David: She’s fine a little angrier these days no thanks you.
Lola: I’m sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen (Her face and voice riddled with guilt)
David: Tell me what exactly did you expect to happen? (He folds his arms across his chest his look menacing)
Lola: I knew she would be angry but I didn’t expect…(Her voice trailing off as David snidely interjects)
David: Didn’t expect what? She wouldn’t still be angry? Did you really think after everything that happened after every thing you did to her she would welcome you with open arms and enclose you in her loving embrace? (His laugh rich with sarcasm)
Lola: No, (She starts then takes a breath before continuing) that’s not what I expected at all! I just didn’t think she would still be so angry. (She shakes her head her tone solemn)
David: You left her to rot in jail and you stole every dime she had! Do you know she almost lost our daughter because of you? (Each word feeling like a slap in her face)
Lola: I’m so, so sorry for everything that happened, I was in a really bad place back then.
David: Why are you here? (His eyes borrowing through her)
Lola: I was offered the job of head of Oncology and I took it. (She says feeling more defensive by the moment)
David: You know what I think? (A self-satisfied grin playing on his lips)
Lola: Know but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.
David: I think you took the job knowing Krystal was here and I think you want more from her than you’re saying. (He accuses watching her closely as the emotion flash across her face)
Lola: I came here because I needed a job I found out afterwards that Krystal was here. (She defends choking down her rising emotions)
David: And now that you know what are you going to do?
Lola: What I want to do is repair my relationship with my sister.
David: And how do suppose that’s going to happen? (He steps closer to her forcing her to take a step back)
Lola: I thought maybe we could sit down and talk I mean really talk. (She looks at him her eyes hopeful)
David: And you think talking is going to repair the damage you’ve done? (He laughs bitterly shaking his head)
Lola: I have to try (she pleads starring at an un-yielding David)
David: I have a suggestion. (His voice filled with menace his expression chilling)
Lola: Anything you think will help.
David: Leave my wife alone leave me alone don’t come anywhere near my family! Krystal wants nothing to do with you and after hearing what you did to her and our daughter I agree with her one hundred percent.
Lola: Look I just want to… (She starts again her words cut short as David bellows)
David: I don’t give a dam what you want! I’m warning stay away from my wife stay away from my family or you will regret it!
Lola: David I…
David: We’re done here! Just remember what I said! (He opens the door slamming it behind as she stares at it a moment then breaks down in tears)

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