Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cassandra & Rego    01/19/2011

Rego lies on the sofa holding an ice bag to his head as the Cassandra enters flinging her purse on to the desk chair)

Cassandra: Hey! (She says taking the seat next to him on the sofa)
Rego: God! What are you doing here? (He tosses the ice bag on to the coffee table)
Cassandra: I came to see how you’re doing? (She reaches over brushing the hair back from his eyes retracting her hand quickly when he jerks his head away)
Rego: Why? What do you care? (He rises and walks to the bar filling a tumbler with bourbon then takes three gulps before placing it back down hard on the surface) Why don’t you just go home?
Cassandra: So this is what you’re going to do get drunk and wallow in self pity? (She walk to the bar to stand next to him watching as he reaches for the glass and drains it)
Rego: And if it is what’s it to you? (He snarls re-filling the tumbler)
Cassandra: Believe it or not I do care about you
Rego: You care about me? That’s very good. (He laughs as if at some private joke as he walks a few paces from her)
Cassandra: What, (She trails behind arms outstretched then flapping at her sides) after all the time we’ve spent together I have come to care about you.
Rego: And, what now you’re waiting for me to say the same thing. (He laughs bitterly pouring more liquor into the glass and walking to the desk picking mindlessly through the folders)
Cassandra: Look around you Rego! I’m here she’s gone and I seriously doubt if she’s coming back.
Rego: She’s coming back and when she does I’m going to be here waiting for her.
Cassandra: If and when she comes back it won’t be to you. (She chortles)
Rego: You don’t know that she loves me.
Cassandra: She loved you Rego, “loved” past tense.
Rego: She still does. Once I get to talk to her she’ll back you’ll see.
Cassandra: She was completely humiliated. (Her voice going up an octave and shakes her head)
Rego: Don’t you think I know that! (He shouts then takes a gulp of his drink) I have a plan.
Cassandra: So what is this,(She standing behind him her voice dripping with sarcasm hands waving in the air) your big plan, sitting around the house and getting drunk?
Rego: And if it is? (He tosses the folders down and stares at her)
Cassandra: So you think she’ll fall back in love with you because you’re some pathetic drunk and she feels sorry for you?
Rego: She’s coming back to me because she’s a part of me and I her were in each other’s blood. (His voice a low growl)
Cassandra: The only thing you have in your blood right now is a hundred and fifty proof and an itch she will never be able to scratch! (She laughs sliding down on o the couch)
Rego: And neither can you! Just go!
Cassandra: If I remember correctly you and I had a really good time scratching each other. (She purrs seductively) 
Rego: Get this through your thick head (He leans into her their noses almost touching) you and I will never be together ever again!
Cassandra: Come on Rego you can’t do this to yourself she not worth it. (She smiles at him her demeanor cool and controlled)
Rego: She was worth ten times what you are and I threw it all way because of you. (He spins on his heels walking back to the bar and slamming the glass down)
Cassandra: If she was so great why did you come to me?
Rego: Because you were there and you threw yourself at me!
Cassandra: You came to me because she’s boring and you were bored! (She laughs) 
Rego: I came to you because you were easy!
Cassandra: I was easy and I threw myself at you? You just keep telling your self that. (She laughs again)
Rego: You still don’t get it do you? I love her! (He snaps leaning his palms against the bar head bowed)
Cassandra: Do you even hear yourself? (She says trailing behind him) If you love her as much as you claim you would have never been with me.
Rego: And you think because you and I had a good time in bed that somehow means there’s something more than that between us? (He spins to around to face her) You really need to stop lying to yourself
Cassandra: The only one lying to them selves is you. If there wasn’t something more than sex between us you wouldn’t have made love to me the night before your wedding. Just admit it you and me make more sense than you two ever did.
Rego: Do you even care that you’ve ruined both our lives? (He stares at he his expression incredulous)
Cassandra: No, why should I? I didn’t force you to be with me that was your choice and if she couldn’t see what was going on right under her nose she even more stupid than I thought!
Rego: Don’t call her that! She is far from stupid! (His face distorted in disgust) You don’t get it she trusted both of us and we betrayed her!
Cassandra: Look it’s not like we planned it, it just happened. We can’t change it. Besides right now the only thing we have are each other. (She walks behind him wrapping her arms around him)
Rego: Just get out! (He snarls pulling him self from her grasp as Jamie enters the room)
Jamie: I hope I was interrupting something!
Cassandra: Not at all we were just talking. (She stares at him smiling seductively)
Jamie: Are you serious? What the hell are you even doing here?
Cassandra: I came to see how Rego was not that it’s any of your business!
Jamie: The fact that you’re in my house after everything the two of you did is just too unbelievable for words. (His lips curled in distastes he glances from one to the other)
Rego: Cassandra was just leaving. (He says walking back to the bar and refilling his glass)
Cassandra: I’ll talk to you later (She grins picking up her purse from the sofa and walking towards the door) Bye Jaime. (Jamie watches as she walks through the door his look full of revulsion)
Jamie: God you have to be the most…God I don’t even find the words to describe you. I can’t even stand to look at you!
Rego: Jamie wait! (He shouts he stops a moment his back to him) Have you heard from her? (Jamie starts walking again) please Jamie I just want to know if she okay.
Jamie: Are you for real? (He turns to face him)  How could she possibly be okay and if I knew anything it would be a cold day in hell before I told you. (He turns and heads out the door running up the stair two at a time as Rego drains his glass and fills it. Cassandra sits in her car a moment thinking about her conversation with Rego and sighs it didn’t go as well as she had planned but it wasn’t as awful as it could have been she still could turn it around she just needed a plan. She starts the engine then heads down the long driveway stepping on the brake as she comes to the end of the end she looks both ways before pulling out into traffic not noticing the car following behind her.
Mans voice: Stay with her and make sure she doesn’t see you. (He sits back in the seat and opens the paper to the picture of Cassandra and chuckles deeply) 

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