Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Devereaux and Ryan  08/07/12

Ryan and Devereaux step out of the elevator and walk down the hall towards their rooms both smiling and talking amiably satisfied with the evenings events.

Devereaux: That went very well Ryan I’m glad you caught that clause on the third page they tried to slip in. How did you find it?
Ryan: I knew there was something just a little different than the one they sent over this morning.
Devereaux: I’m glad to see that your time away hasn’t dulled your business sense.
Ryan: Maybe just a little around the edges. (They both laugh Devereaux stops at his door fishing in his pocket fro a moment for his key then unlocks the door pushing it open slightly)
Devereaux: Would you like o come in for a nightcap?
Ryan: I really should be getting to bed we have that meeting with advertising in the morning and that long drive home.
Devereaux: Are you sure? I’ve called the Cambius jet to take us home in the morning and I had my assistant push back the meeting with advertising.
Ryan: Sure why not.
Devereaux: Good, (He reaches around the frame flicking on the light switch as he walks towards the glass bar set against the wall by the long window looking out on the traffic below. Ryan looks around the room he hadn’t been to his yet they had left their bags at check in and gone straight to the meeting but if his was anything like this one he liked it a lot)
Ryan: Nice room (He sits down on the couch loosening his tie then spreads his arms along the back)
Devereaux: What would you like? 
Ryan: Scotch and rocks.
Devereaux: Here you go (He hands his a glass then takes the chair opposite him)
Ryan: You really knocked them for a loop how much did you just save Cambius?
Devereaux: Thirteen point five million. (He smiles confidently leaning back against the cushions)
Ryan: Wow! That is incredible. (He lets out a low whistle still impressed by Devereaux’s maneuverings)
Devereaux: I couldn’t have done it if you hadn’t spotted that clause. (He leans forward sitting holding his glass up in salute) We work well together you and I.
Ryan: So far so good.
Devereaux: How did your meeting go this afternoon with Amanda and Annie?
Ryan: Fine no problems
Devereaux: Good. I can’t express enough how important this is for the company.
Ryan: If every thing goes as planned it will be very good for Cambius.
Devereaux: Have you had a chance to get through the Hoffbrau proposal?
Ryan: Read it earlier.
Devereaux: What about the Acadia account?
Ryan: Skimmed through it on the way here. Can I ask you something?
Devereaux: Certainly.
Ryan: Exactly when do you sleep? (They both laugh)
Devereaux: Most days I average about six hours a night but with business all over the world. (He says with a sigh then shrugs)
Ryan: Must be hard to have any sort of personal life.
Devereaux: That’s one of the reasons I came to Pine Valley so perhaps I could have some sort of personal like.
Ryan: I ah heard you mention a companion before? So you have been what in Pine Valley five, ten minutes?
Devereaux: No, I’m good but not that good. Cassandra and I have been on again off again for years. Finally I just realized that she and the life we could have meant more than the money I make.
Ryan: So who is this lucky anyone I know?
Devereaux: You may her parents are very prominent citizen Cassandra Foster daughter of Dr. Angela Hubbard and stepdaughter of Chief Jesse Hubbard.
Ryan: Oh yeah I remember. Last time I saw her was a few years back. She was a good friend of Colby Chandler I think. Wow, small world.
Devereaux: Very, refill (He says standing tipping his glass in the air)
Ryan: No, I’m fine.
Devereaux: She’s quiet grown up now. (His smile leaving Ryan feeling a fleeting moment of uneasiness)  How about you Ryan anyone special in your life right now?
Ryan: My roommate Griff is special to me but I don’t think that’s what you meant. No, no one but I’m really not looking.
Devereaux: Well when you find them hold on tight don’t let them slip away. (He stares down into his glass his lips becoming a thin line as he grows quiet for a moment almost sullen before looking up again) I know I’ll never make that mistake again.
Ryan: I feel you there but sometimes you don’t have a choice.
Devereaux: I’m Sorry, I’d forgotten about your wife.
Ryan: It’s okay really. So what time do we have to be at the airport in the morning?
Devereaux: The limo will pick us up at six-thirty we should be back in Pine Valley by seven-thirty at the latest.
Ryan: Will the sun be up by then or do we have to wake it? (They both laugh at the same moment Devereaux’s phone rings) Excuse me a moment.
Ryan: Listen I’m going to get going I’ll see you in the morning.
Devereaux: In the Lobby! Good night.
Ryan: Night. (Devereaux waits a moment for the door to close before pressing the receiver)
Devereaux: Devereaux here.
Maurice: Maurice Sir. (His voice betraying no emotion)
Devereaux: Where is she? (He growls)
Maurice: It’s as she said sir she’s out with her friends the Gregorian’s for the evening they just arrived moments ago.
Devereaux: Is Ms. Foster alone?
Maurice: No Sir, she is in the company of young Mr. Sherrigan and they both looked rather snookered. (The phone goes silent a Maurice waits a moment before continuing) There was something else Sir?
Devereaux: What?
Maurice: There was an altercation between Ms. Foster, Mr. Sherrigan and another couple I believe were James and Francessca Martin. (Devereaux’s brow knit together as his mind slowly digests information)
Devereaux: Interesting, what was that about?
Maurice: From what I could discern Mrs. Martin is pregnant. (He examines this information quickly then finds the piece he needs) 
Devereaux: What was Ms. Foster’s reaction?
Maurice: Surprise as far as I could tell from where I was sitting.
Devereaux: What else? (He says waiting for the next piece)
Maurice: She was also very influential in convincing Mr. Sherrigan that Mrs. Martin was having an affair with her now husband and the child she’s carrying was the husbands. (Devereaux hangs his head for a moment fitting the last piece in to the puzzle but the complete image was still a blur)
Devereaux: This is becoming more curious by the minute keep an eye on her and keep me informed. Oh, and see what you can do to put her companion out of commission for the evening. (His voice even betraying nothing of the rage simmering with in him)
Maurice: Yes Sir.
Devereaux: Our plane arrives in Pine Valley at seven thirty.
Maurice: I’ll be waiting Sir.
Devereaux: Bonne nuit! (Devereaux presses the off button on his phone placing it down on the bar as he stares off in to the distance a moment then picks up his glass and drains it his grasp on the glass turning his knuckles white as he inwardly sheath with rage his lips becoming a thin white line before a primal scream erupts from with in him and crescendo as the glass slams against the far wall the spraying the room with shrapnel from the force)

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