Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ryan and Devereaux  06/08/2012

Ryan stands in his new office looking out the window at the Pine Valley skyline. It felt good to be back at “Cambius” and strange at the same time. He wasn’t used not being the man in charge and having someone to report to on the other hand not having that pressure was probably a good thing. He sits back down at his desk and begins to browse through the folder in front of him. Devereaux so far had the company heading own the right path and the new advertising campaign he had chosen had the potential to put the company back in its rightful place who ever had come up with it had really done their homework. He flips through the pages stopping and starring slack jawed when he comes to the name of the marketing. He closes the folder picking it up as he hastily rises then heads across the hall towards Devereaux’s office stopping at the secretaries desk.

Ryan: Morning Ingrid. (He smiles down at her)
Ingrid: Morning Mr. Lavery. (She turns her head quickly as she places the receiver of her phone back on the cradle)
Ryan: Is Mr. St Jacque in his office.
Ingrid: Yes, he is in a brief conference call he should be done any second. (Ryan opens the folder again and stares down at the name on the paperwork just as Devereaux open his office door)
Devereaux: Ingrid, could you get these notes up to accounting for me please? (He hands her the folder then turns to go back in his office)
Ingrid: Certainly.
Ryan: Umm… hey can I speak with you a moment? (Coming around the desk to stand in front of him)
Devereaux: I have about ten minutes before that conference call with Germany. (He waves his hand at Ryan signaling him to follow him back in to his office then walks to the mini frig and pulls out a bottle of water snaps the cap and drinks from it deeply) What’s going on? (He says leaning his back against the desk)
Ryan I ahh just read the marketing strategy you sent me.
Devereaux: Is there a problem Mr. Lavery? (He twist the cap back on the bottle then sets on the desk)
Ryan: I have to admit I was a little surprised by who’s heading it, (He pauses a moment starring at Devereaux who stares back at him patiently one brow raised) Annie Lavery?
Devereaux: Do you have a problem with Ms. Lavery? (He his gaze unwavering as he crosses his arms over his chest)
Ryan: Nothing accept she my ex-wife. (His voice rasping with sarcasm)
Devereaux: I know exactly who she is. (His demeanor cool and controlled)
Ryan: Then why choose my crazy ex to head this up. (His voice raising an octave)
Devereaux: Honestly, (He walks around his desk and sits in his chair leaning back his voice maintaining the same cool detached tone) I don’t care if she’s your mother’s cousin’s sister-in-law’s stepfather’s second cousin once removed. She was chosen because she had the best strategy for “Cambius”.
Ryan: So there was absolutely no one else? (He says through gritted teeth with a shake of his head)
Devereaux: As I said before she had the best strategy for “Cambius”.
Ryan: Do you know anything about this woman anything at all? (His voice rasping eyes bulging)
Devereaux: I know every detail about this woman from the time she was born, up to and including the fact that she had some mental health issues in the past. (He says waving his hand dismissively)
Ryan: Some mental Health issues? (A cynical smile playing on his lips)  She tried to kill my fiancée she held a gun on a room full of people! Of all the Marketing strategist in this country, in the entire world why would you hire her?
Devereaux: Come now Ryan, I would think as the former CEO you would have kept up with the goings on in the business community?
Ryan: Excuse me but I’ve been kind of preoccupied.
Devereaux: Sorry, I had forgotten that you’ve been shall we say, away for some time so allow me to catch you up to speed. (He stands reaching for the bottle of water and tossing the empty container in the trash as he stands)  Ms. Lavery is brilliant at what she does. She has become, since you forced the closure of “Fusion” one of the top marketers in this country. She was responsible not only for the success of “Slater-Cortlandt’s” Synergy Security project she was also the Marketer for “Kendal Hart-Slater Designs” as well as three projects for “Chandler enterprises all of which saw a seventy five percent increase in revenues over last year. Also, “Gregorian International” that new little start up company that Ms. Colby Chandler- Gregorian and her husband started a few month back by the end of this year if they keep the momentum she started for them promise to finish the year as a fortune five hundred company. So you see we are very luck to have her. (He finishes leaning back against the desk)
Ryan: Okay, so she’s the best person for the job I get that, by why put me directly in charge of this? (He stares at him confused)
Devereaux: Simple, (He shrugs) I’m a businessman and my job is to make this company profitable not cater to everyone’s personal likes and dislikes. And I intend for us to be very profitable so if that means you have to work with Annie Lavery so be it. You were hired to do a job and I expect you to do it to the best of your abilities regardless of whom you have to work with. Am I making myself clear? (He pushes off the desk walks around it and returns to his chair just as his phone rings)
Ryan: Perfectly.
Devereaux:  Besides, everyone deserves a second chance wouldn’t you agree? (He grins pressing the button on the intercom)
Ingrid: Mr. St. Jacque I have Mr. Ishikawa on line two.
Devereaux: Thank you Ingrid put him through (He says pressing the speaker button) Hello Hiro.
Ishikawa: Hello, I’m sorry our meeting in New York is going to be a bit longer than we had expected would you and Mr. Lavery be able to meet with us here in New York this evening? (He looks at Ryan questioningly one eyebrow raised the later nods in agreement)
Devereaux: That would be fine.
Ishikawa: Seven at the Plaza then.
Devereaux: That would be satisfactory we’ll see you then. (He presses the button on the phone disconnecting the call then looks at Ryan)  I hope you didn’t have plan for this evening?
Ryan: None at all. (He grinds out between gritted teeth)
Devereaux: Good if we’re done then we have the conference with Germany in five so if you’ll excuse me I’d like to freshen up before the meeting and make a quick call to my companion to make her aware of my evening plans. (He stands up right walking towards his door and opening it effectively dismissing him. Ryan inwardly seethes’ with suppressed anger walks back across the hall to his own office crushing the file in his hand as he goes. He closes the door then throws the folder down on the desk his fist clenching and un clenching at his sides as he wonders more and more exactly what he had agreed to)

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