Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Frankie and Jesse     04/02/2012

Frankie walks into the police station and looks around the room for his father spotting him as he comes out of his office and walking quickly towards him.
Frankie: Hey What’s up Pop?
Jesse: What’s happening Son? Randi okay?
Frankie: She better than okay (He says beaming from ear to ear) the blood we were hoping for came in this morning and last night an anonymous donor came in.
Jesse: A donor came in after all this time wow. (He opens his eyes wide and nods with satisfaction) Just reinforces my belief in miracles.
Frankie: That’s kind of why I came down here. (He rubbing the back of his neck frowning slightly)
Jesse: Why is there a problem with this guy I should know about. (His cop interest peaked he frowns his head cocked to one side)
Frankie: Not really (He shakes his head but still unable to loosen the gnawing at the back of his thoughts) but I’m afraid there could be. Can we go in to your office please? (He nods towards the door)
Jesse: Sure, sure come on. (They walk towards the office door Jesse leading the way he opens it for Frankie to pass then follows him in closing it behind him. He tosses the folder in his hand on top of his desk then turns towards Frankie) so talk to me what’s going on? (He leans back against the desk arms crossed over his chest)
Frankie: I don’t know Dad it could just be nothing. (Suddenly feeling foolish at his own paranoia)
Jesse: It’s never for nothing talk to me.
Frankie: I feel like I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth. (He sighs looking down at the floor shaking his head then back to his father)
Jesse: Well you better other wise you could end up with some old nag! (They both laugh easing some of the tension that had fallen between them)
Frankie: You know Randi’s blood is rare?
Jesse: From what your mother has said very.
Frankie: Yeah, (He stands pacing around the office then turning back to his father) what are the odds that someone with Randi’s blood type would be here in Pine Valley?
Jesse: I don’t know, you tell me son. (He looks at him a moment one eyebrow raised his mouth twisted to one side)
Frankie: Dad less than zero point six percent of the population have her blood type what are the odds that person would be here in Pine Valley.
Jesse: A little on the “That’s incredible side” but not such a big deal. (He throws his hands up then pushes off the desk walking around it to his chair and sitting down)
Frankie: Well here the part that makes me a little weirded out Dad it also narrows it down to the possibility that, that same person could be a relative of Randi’s. (He finishes looking at his father confused. Jesse stares at him a moment then his mind begins to fit pieces together) Aunt, uncle, sister, cousin, it could even possibly be her mother…(His voice trailing off)
Jesse: Or father.
Frankie: That’s what I’m saying Dad! Randi could have family out there that she doesn’t even know about!
Jesse: Are you sure?
Frankie: No Dad, I’m not it’s just a hunch. I don’t know it’s just something that has been nagging at me since I got off the elevator at the hospital and I just can’t shake it.
Jesse: Frankie just let it go. Be happy that your wife is getting better.
Frankie: I can’t Dad.
Jesse: How can I help?
Frankie: Do you think you could find them Dad?
Jesse: How? I don’t have access to Medical records! I’d need a search warrant for that and what am I supposed to say to the Judge? Huh? I think my daughter in-laws blood donor is her long lost relative?
Frankie: No, I didn’t want you to do anything like that! Couldn’t you just look at the security tapes from the hospital maybe ask a couple questions?
Jesse: Then what?
Frankie: I don’t know.
Jesse: Maybe you should ask yourself, why you need to know so badly?
Frankie: Because, I don’t know what the future holds for us Dad. Yeah Randi is doing better but that could all change tomorrow and if there is someone out there that knows about Randi’s childhood how she ended up in the system? What happened to her parents? She deserves to have those answers before she…(His voice trails off as he chokes back tears)
Jesse: I’ll see what I can do. (Jesse chokes back some of his own as the two embrace)
Frankie: Thanks. (He says patting his back)
Jesse: Now, why don’t you go home get some sleep, (He says walking to the door and opening it) I’ll see what I can find out. (He says as Frankie walks through the door and into the squad room) If I find out anything I’ll call you okay?
Frankie: Okay Pop! I’ll see you later? (He smiles feeling a little less tense then he was moments ago)
Jesse: And miss bath time with my grand kids? Not a chance that’s the best part of my day! (He pats his back as the two walk through the room)  I’ll be by later.
Frankie: Thanks again Dad.
Jesse: Anytime son. I’ll let you know. (Jesse watches Frankie walk out the door and wonders how big was the can of worms he may be opening) 

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