Thursday, September 27, 2012

Krystal and Jesse

Krystal and Jesse  09/27/2012
Jesse walks into Krystal and Carmen’s walking directly to the counter where Krystal stands looking through receipts.
Jesse: Hey Krystal! (He swing his leg over the stool in front of her)
Krystal: Hey! What are you doing here?
Jesse: I had a couple of errands to run and I figured I’d stop in and pick up some lunch.
Krystal: Well you’re too late (Her grin filled with mischief) Carmen and Griff left here with a basket full of food for y’all.
Jesse: You didn’t have to do that.
Krystal: I know I didn’t I wanted too. What me to make you a sandwich or something?
Jesse: Naw, thanks I’m on my way back to the hospital any I’ll wait till I get there. I’ll take a cup of Coffee.
Krystal: Sure I just made a fresh pot. (She places two cups on the counter and pours coffee in each cup) How’s Randi doing? (She pushes a mug towards him)
Jesse: We don’t know yet. (He reaches for the sugar shaking down the pack before tearing it open and pouring it in to the liquid)  I’m just hoping no news is good news. (He sighs moving the spoon around the cup)
Krystal: Well I hope you’re all hungry. Griff and Carmen were cooking all morning. (She grins picking up the spoons and tossing them in the tub beneath) This thing’s get full. (She mumbles shoving it back underneath)
Jesse: Oh wow (His eyes wide as he smacks his lips in anticipation making Krystal laugh)
Krystal: Carmen said Griff had half the basket packed before she got here this morning.
Jesse: Yeah?
Krystal: Yeah, he’s been a Godsend. (She reaches for the coffee pot behind her pouring more into her cup)
Jesse: Really? (His ears perking up as his instincts jumping on the opportunity)
Krystal: He shows up everyday on time if not early he’s always working, most days I have to remind him to take a break. He actually has pride in his work that’s rare these days. (She says with a shake of her head looking at Jesse who nods in agreement) 
Jesse: You ain’t kidding there!
Krystal:  He’s kind, funny and caring .You know he walks Carmen and me to our cars every night? I don’t know how he ended up in prison but he’s a good man. (She moves around the counter preparing the coffee maker)
Jesse: I’m impressed. Does he ever talk about his family any bothers sisters wife anything like that.
Krystal: Not that I know of during the day we barley get to talk he spends most of his time in the kitchen with Carmen. Why?
Jesse: Just curious that’s all. (Using his suspicious cop voice) I like to know who’s hanging around my friends.
Krystal: That’s sweet but I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
Jesse: Just the cop in me sweet heart. (He grins sipping from his mug)
Krystal: Well you can stop worrying Griff’s a nice guy and he seems happy here at least I think he’s happy. (She twist her mouth in thought)
Jesse: What do you mean? (He coaches watching her over the brim of his cup)
Krystal: I don’t know he always seems a little sad to me. But who wouldn’t be after spending twenty some odd years of your life behind bars?
Jesse: You got that right. (He drains the contents of the cup placing it back down on the counter)
Krystal: You want some more coffee? I just made a fresh pot.
Jesse: No, I’d better get back to the hospital. (He stands)
Krystal: Do me a favor?
Jesse: Sure. (Reaching in his pocket and checking the contents)
Krystal: Call me latter and let me know how Randi is.
Jesse: Sure.
Griff: Hey!
Krystal: Hey Griff! (She waves as Jesse stands to greet him)
Griff: Jesse, how you doin? (He shakes his hand smiling a half grin)
Jesse: I’m good, I’m good thanks for preparing all that food for my family today.
Griff: It was my pleasure. Carmen’s been telling about what your Randi is going through I thought was the least I could do.
Jesse: Well I just want you to know I really appreciate it.
Griff: Your welcome.
Jesse: So how you been?
Griff: Can’t complain I have a job I love and I spend my days with two beautiful women what more could a man want. (He leans his elbow on the counter and winks at Jesse and chuckles)
Krystal: You keep talking like that and I’m going to have to give you a bonus! (She slides her cup into the tub under the counter then lifts the tub and places it on the top of the counter) Griff do me a favor?
Griff: Sure.
Krystal: Could you take this tub of glasses into the kitchen from please?
Griff: Yeah, sure. (He lifts the dripping tub from the counter and begins to walk in to the kitchen. As he walks his foot slides on the beads of water falling to the floor from the tub and slides dropping the tub and falls to the floor.)
Krystal: Oh, my God are you okay? Oh my look at hour hand you’re bleeding! (She takes some tissues off the counter and places them on top of his cut then pulls them back and looks at his cut tossing the tissues to the side) Jesse hand me that towel please?
Jesse: Here! (He says kneeling next to her shoving the towel at her quickly.  Krystal takes it from him and wraps it around his hand) We better get you to the hospital and have that checked out.
Krystal: Yeah it looks like your going to need a few stitches.
Griff: I’ll be fine I’ll wash it off but a Band-aid on it and I’ll be okay.
Krystal: Nothing doing buddy you’re going to have that looked at and that’s final. (She says tossing the glasses back into the tub standing and placing them on the counter as Jesse helps Griff to his feet picking up the bloody tissues and crumpling it in his fist) 
Griff: I can’t go now Carmen’s at the hospital that leaves no one in the kitchen I can’t leave you to handle this all by yourself. (As the two bicker back and forth Jesse turns his back to them slipping the blooded tissue into a small plastic bag and slips it into his pocket)
Krystal: I’ll be fine besides I have an entire staff to help me and I’m no stranger to the kitchen you go get yourself checked out. Jesse could you run him over to the hospital and have that hand looked at.
Jesse: Of course! Look man there’s no point in arguing in the end you’re going to end up going to the hospital anyway. (He grins devilishly as he shrugs)
Griff: Yeah you’re right. (He grins back)
Krystal: That’s right now get going! And I better not see you here tomorrow!
Griff: Yes ma’am. (He grins walking towards the door)
Jesse: Krystal I’ll call you as soon as I know something.
Krystal: You better! Take care of yourself Griff!

1 comment:

  1. ooh Jesse's got his testing sample he's going to find out whether he is Randi's daddy.
