Wednesday, October 23, 2013

David and Michael 10/23/2013

Michael sits at the lad table at Wild wind starring absently down at the notes he’d taken earlier unable to concentrate. His mind kept drifting back to the scene at the hospital and what he’d heard while standing outside the door. Hearing them all talking about his daughter had only served to remind him of what he’d missed and everything Alexander had taken from him. He rises leaning against the table his anger festering as he remembers the years that had been stolen from him, his life wasted trapped inside that living hell fuels the anger boiling inside him. He was glad Alexander was dead he’d gotten what he deserved his only regret was he hadn’t been the one to send him the damnation he deserved. He’d spent year imagining the moment when he’d finally meet him and then watch as he slowly crushed the life from him.
“Dam!” He groans sweeping the papers from the desk on to the floor. He runs his hands through his hair as he storms towards the window his eyes catching Darius then AJ followed by Endre darting in and out to the shrubbery little Jenny chasing behind making him wonder what his daughter was like at that age then angered at the realization that he would never really know. Sure there were pictures and video of her but it would never be the same they would never be his memories. Awful as it may be her memories of another man and her uncle when it should be of him filled him with anger and jealousy. It was just another bitter reminder of what Alexander had truly stolen from him. It wasn’t just missing those years and even though he new the truth, it was as if Alexander had planned it. Right down to Zach being in his place. Once again ensuring his eldest son had everything and the youngest breadcrumbs or nothing! Although he knew in his head that what had happened was not Zach fault he couldn’t ignore the stinging realization in his heart that he would never be as close to his daughter as his brother was. Making him feel like the “uncle” and when she thought about her father it would always be shadowed by the memories of another man. That was the simple fact that had hit like a lightening bolt when he’d stood outside that door.
Michael: I hope you rot in Hell! (He grinds out turning back towards the lab and comes face to face with David)
David: What happened?
Michael: Nothing…I’m sorry! (He says bending to pick up the paper scatter on the floor)
David: Nothing’s wrong with the formula? (He looks from the papers on the floor back to Michael)
Michael: No, no I ahh…(He looks at the paper scattered on the floor then back to David feeling embarrassed and childish over his outburst and having been caught) just had them too close to the edge.
David: Okay, so if it’s not work then it has to be Zach. (He huffs with a roll of his eyes) Is he still harping?
Michael: No…yes… sort of no. (He sighs running his hand through his hair sounding exasperated as David looks) 
David: What does that mean?
Michael: I haven’t seen Zach in weeks. (He confesses as he sits on the stool his feeling weighted down by his emotions. David watches the emotions flow across Michael’s pulls the other stool closer and sits his voice softening)
David: I don’t understand.
Michael: It’s just…He starts then stops as he flounders for the words to express his feelings. David reaches out laying his hand on Michael’s shoulder his voice filled with compassion and concern)
David: Look you can talk to me and I promise anything you tell me stays with me. (Michael looks at him and smiles weakly)
Michael: You know you’re probably the only one I know who would understand. (he says with a bitter laugh and shake of his head making David more curious by the moment)
David: Understand what? (Michael sighs heavily)
Michael: I stopped by the hospital today to see my daughter and my new Grandson.
David: How are she and the baby doing? (His voice concerned thinking the problem was with his daughter or grandson)
Michael: They were fine when I left them last night. (He sighs again rising from the stool and walking to the window David trailing behind him)
David: I thought you just said you went to the hospital?     
Michael: I did go I went upstairs and got outside the door but I never went in.
David: Why not?
Michael: When I got there she was there Zach, her grandmother and cousins. They were laughing and talking about some camping trip they took when Francessca was a child….(His voice trails off his face contorted in anger and pain) I don’t know just hearing them talk about Mike Logan made me realize just how much I truly missed from my daughters life. (He chokes out his eyes welling with unshed tears) 
David: Yeah I get that. (He sigh emphasizing with Michael’s pain and remembering his own)
Michael: But it wasn’t just that when I was listening to them talk I realized just how close my daughter and her uncle really are and I’m… (his voice trails off as David nods understanding fully what was truly the crux of his problem)        
David: Jealous. (Michael nod looking embarrassed by his confession)
Michael: I don’t want to be but yeah I am. It feels as if she and I will never be as close as the two of them because their pasts bind them together.
David: And you feel like that because you two don’t you’ll never be close that’s crazy I’ve seen you two together, your daughter loves you it’s just going to take some time.
Michael: See in my head I know that but when I think about all that was taken from me sometimes I …well you see. (He says pointing to the papers on floor) I thought I was doing okay …but today I don’t know listening to them talk…it just came out of no where the anger the resentment…When I saw the nurse walking towards me I smiled some excuse and got out of there.
David: Come on Michael after everything you’ve been through you have a right to be a little resentful and a little jealous. Why wouldn’t you be? (he shrugs) He got to experience all the things you didn’t and she looks up to him like a father. Who wouldn’t be a little jealous? If it were me, I might even turn in to that “Mad Dr. Hayward” I’m sure everyone’s told you about! (He rolls his eyes making Michael laugh as well)  Come on cut your self some slack it’s hard, especially in times like this. New babies bring back old and new feelings good and bad and you have a right to your feelings.  As harsh as this may sound unfortunately you’re never going to get those moments back but at least you have a chance to make some new ones with her you have a second chance, forget about what you didn’t have and concentrate on what you do. I only wish I had that opportunity with Babe. Don’t forget you have a new Grandson. That’s something you never thought you’d ever see. You’ll get to watch him grow up and you’ll get to see your daughters face on his in when he reaches some of those milestones you missed, when he makes them. (His voice and face betraying his sadness)
Michael: Is that what you do? (Feeling the full weight of David’s sadness)
David: Sometimes when I look at AJ it’s as if Babe’s right there.
Michael: I’m sorry David. (He says feeling foolish and childish)
David: What are you sorry about?
Michael: You made me realize how small and petty I’m being. (Guilt edging his voice.)
David: Michael how you feel isn’t small or petty. (He smiles lifting some of the heaviness that had fallen around them) Why don’t you get out of here and go visit your daughter and that new Grandson of yours.
Michael: Yeah, I think I’ll go do that (He smiles back feeling better than he had moments before) as soon as I clean up this mess I made.
David: No, (He smiles waving his dismissively) go I got this.
Michael: You sure? (He says looking down at the scattered papers then back to David)
David: Yeah go. (He smiles broadly handing Michael his jacket from the back of the chair)
Michael: David thanks...(he reaches for his jacket and walks toward the door then turns back) You’re a good friend
David: Hey careful you don’t want that getting around. (He teases making them both laugh) I’ll see you tomorrow. (David watches Michael leave then bends down picking up the scatters papers smiling to his self. Zach had better walk a very thin line if what he’d witnessed tonight was any indication of things to come. It was all he could do to keep from laughing at the irony. Zach and his stupid misplaced arrogant mistrust was only serving to bring he and Michael closer together and the two of them further apart. The best part was all he had to do was be a good friend sit back and wait for them to implode)
 David: Zach you’re making this way too easy.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha I knew it was too good that David was being nice he wants Zach to suffer.
