Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tad ,Jamie and JR 11/12/2013

Jamie and Tad

Jamie calls to his father as he walks into his Dad’s room grinning from ear to ear carrying his son.

Jamie: Hey! Hey, hey! Look who came down from the nursery to see his Granddad!
Tad: I can’t believe you bought him down! (He tosses the last of his ribs on to the plate)
Jamie: We were sitting up in the nursery bored out of our skulls when Logan here had a brilliant idea to see his Granddad. (He stares at Tad with a start his as he stares at his father who's face and hands are covered in Barbecue sauce resembling some deranged mime) 
Tad: Oh yeah give me the baby! (he reaches out waving his sauce lacesed fingers
Jamie: Not till you clean the barbeque sauce from your face and hands. He laughs and shakes his head) 
Tad: Your Grandma Opal brought me back some ribs from Krystal’s. Man they were good! (He pats his belly leaving a palm print)
Jamie: What did you take a bath in them? (He laughs again)
Tad: That bad huh?
Jamie: You look like you let Kathy and Jenny play dress up with your face. Let me get you a washcloth. (he looks down at the baby then at his father then around the room and finds no place to lay his son. He reaches for the door handle and smiles at his luck)  Hey Lori (He says to the young nursing assistant passing in the hall) Can you help me here?
Lori: Sure Dr. Martin. (Jamie smiles as she walks in the room then points to his father she looks at Tad stopping dead in her tracks eyes wide her mouth agape) Oh good Lord! (she rushes to the bed pulling away the snack tray and discarding the empty packaging then pulls off the stained sheet tossing it in the corner. She scurries to the bathroom runs the water)
Tad: You want me to hold him? (A facetious grin playing on his lips waving his hands "come hither" motion)
Jamie: Nah he might get stuck to you. (he teases back)
Tad: You’re a funny kid a regular laugh riot!
Jamie: Here! (He takes the damp cloth from the attendant and hands it to him)
Tad: Thanks! (He says taking the warm damp cloth and wiping his face and hands) How’s that?
Jamie: One second (He takes the cloth from him handing it back into the bathroom he is handed a clean one and hands it back to Tad. He takes it from him wiping his face and hands)
Tad: Better?
Jamie: Much!
Tad: Do me a favor?
Jamie: Sure.
Tad: Would you take this sheet off and hand me that clean one on the chair over there?
Jamie: One sec. (He glances around searching for a place to set the baby)

Lori: I got it (She smiles shaking her head coming from the bathroom grabbing the sheet and laying it over him) I'll come back later and give you a bath Mr. Martin.
Tad: My favorite part of the day. (He smiles and winks at her making her giggle as she picks up the soiled linens then walks toward Jamie)
Lori: Ah what a cutie congratulation to you and your wife Dr. Martin!
Jamie: Thank you.
Lori: I'll see you on about an hour. Try to stay clean till then. (She grins wagging her finger at him playfully)

Tad: I'll be counting the minutes. (He winks making her giggle again as she walks from the room carrying the soiled linens.) Now give me the Baby!
Jamie: Here you go! Logan say “Hi” to your Granddad.
Tad: He little man looking cute as hell and no worse for wear just like your old Grandad!  You and I have had a rough couple days but we made it you and me. That's because we're a couple of fighters huh? You're one lucky little guy you've got two great parents that love you more that anything in this world and will make sure you're always safe. And you've got your Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins I think that's everyone...Yeah... you can depend on too. I promise you it gets better. I promise you and me we're going to get through them together. That's right Grandpa's going to keep his special eyes on you.  Man he’s strong.(grinning broadly as Logan grasp his finger)
Jamie: Yeah and he's got a pair of lungs on him too! (He grins snapping a picture of his Dad and the baby with his phone)
Tad: How’s Cessie?
Jamie: “Cessie” is on top of the world! I haven’t seen her this happy in a while.  (he pulls the chair closer to the bed and leans back closing his eyes as he talks.)
Tad: What's going on with you?
Jamie: Nothing I'm a little tired I was here late last night then I got up early so I could finish setting up the nursery and I worked a full shift.
Tad: You should go home and get some rest before this little guy gets home. (Adjusting the baby in his arm then back to Jamie)
Jamie: Yeah I told Cess I'd be back in an hour and then I'm going home to crash. I have to be up early I promised Grandma Ruth I'd pick up Jenny from Krystal's.
Tad: Have you seen Kathy today?
Jamie: Yeah for a couple of minutes when they came by to see the baby. (he picks his head up from the back of the chair then straightens his posture)
Tad: Does she seem okay to you?
Jamie: She and Jenny both seemed sad (he shrugs)  but otherwise okay.
Tad: I know you have a lot going on but can you do me a favor please?
Jamie: Sure. (His ears perking at th tone of his fathers voice his playful manner gone for the moment)
Tad: I'm going to be in here for a while so could you and your brother keep an eye on your sisters for me please?
JR: We're way ahead of you Tad. (Grinning broadly as he comes through the door shaking Jamie's hand as he rises to greet him.Then walks to Tad's bed side) 
Tad: Hey! What are you doing here? Good to see you! (He hugs him gingerly then smiles down at his nephew)
JR: Jamie told me he'd be here so came to see you and my new nephew! Wow! He's beautiful man.
Jamie: Thanks man, how are you Rebeka and the the boys?
JR: We're good. The kids are spending the night a Krystal's and Rebeka went to pick up the contracts from "Cambius" So I came here to see you guys! 
Tad: So what do you mean you and Jamie worked something out with your sisters? (Pulling the conversation back to where it started)
Jamie: I'm going to be taking maternity leave so I'm going to be filling in for you.
JR: I'll be keeping the usual schedule that we have. (They look at each other nodding satisfied. Tad looks from one to the other and grins back his voice dripping with sarcasm)
Tad: Great what happens when Maternity leave is over?
Jamie: Then JR and I are going to split up your schedule between us, and Grandmas' Opal and Ruth will fill in when we need them. (they look at each other nodding in agreement)
JR: That's one of the beauties of owning our own business (He shrugs grinning like a Cheshire cat) we can make our own hours. So I'm going to be around a lot more you don't have to worry.
Jamie: Yeah we have it under control. (Tad looks from one to other still feeling leery)
Tad: That's exactly what I'm worried about. The two of you have a lot going on I'm not sure you're going to be able to handle it all.
JR: They're our sister Tad were going to make sure they're okay you have to trust us.
Tad: I do trust you I'm just worried.
Jamie: Dad we get it the girls have been through a lot. We get it and JR and I are going to take care of them we'll make sure they have everything they need or want.
JR: and they both know that they can come talk to us about anything, anytime night or day it's going to be okay.
Jamie: You don't have to worry. (the earnestness in their expressions melting his last reservations) 
Tad: How did I get so lucky to get two great sons? 
JR: We love you Tad. I don't know about Jamie but I know my life would be a mess without you in it. 
Jamie: That goes double for me!
Jr: So do I get to hold my nephews or are you going to keep hogging him? (He puts his arms out reaching for the baby)
Tad: I think I'm going to keep hogging him.(He grins snuggling him a little tighter)
JR: You're kidding right? (He eyebrow raised in surprise)
Tad: Yeah! (Holding baby slightly away from his body so JR can take him from him) Here I need to get myself situated.(He gasp the bar over head pulling himself up in the bed then adjusting the bed)

JR: Hey little guy! (He brushes his cheek wit his finger then smiles up at Jamie looking reminiscent and humble) Wow! It's been a long time since I've held a "Baby" baby, he's beautiful man. How's Francessca?
Jamie: She's great she went to visit Randi for a little while and we decided to come down here.
Tad: I'm really glad you did.
JR: So am I, gave me a chance to see both of you and this little guy.
Tad: Next time you'll have to bring Rebeka and the boys.
JR: I was going to pick up the girls and the boys after school tomorrow and bring them all by. If you want I can stop by Krystal's for you.
Tad: Yeah! Pick me up some of Carmen's Black beans and rice, a couple slices of her roast pork and a big slice of bread pudding!
JR: You got it.(He takes out his phone taps on the keyboard quickly then places it back in his pocket)
Jamie: You are going to be huge by the time you get out of here! (He says with a snort)
Tad: Have you eaten the food here? (he says sounding slightly insulted)  I'm not that bad and how far do you think that snack size Cherrios they give you gets you? I have one big meal a day lunch and I don't eat the dinners they serve, and I'm not on some special diet "Dad".
Jamie: Sorry, (throwing his hands up in surrender then laughs) well at least you won't be painted in sauce. Speaking of which what time is it? (He glances at the clock) I better get him back up to the nursery before the nurses kill me.
Tad: How did you two get out of there in the first place? It's like fort Knox up there.
Jamie: Thank Grandpa. He pulled a little Grandpa magic (He reaches for the baby in JR's arms) but I had better get back. Say bye to Grandpa and Uncle JR.
Tad: Night Logan. (he and JR wave)
JR: Night little man!
Jamie: Night Dad. Good to see you JR talk to you tomorrow. (He pats his brother on the back with his free hand and walks to the door) We'll stop by on our way out tomorrow Dad. (Calls tosses over his shoulder)
Tad: Okay see you tomorrow. So what's going on with you? (Turning toward his son who seemed very please with his elf))
JR: We just finished signing a deal with Cambius. Rebeka and I set the date for our wedding. Tad for the first time in a long time everything is great and I'm happy. (He looks at Tad his expression happier than Tad had seen in him in a long time)





1 comment:

  1. aw they're going to look after their sisters love this and JR is happy but how long with Ryan in the mix? love your stories Takeitish.
