Friday, November 22, 2013

Randi and Fracessca 11/22/2013

Francessca walks to Randi's door knocking gently as she calls to Randi.

Francessca: Hey! it's me!
Randi: Hey girl!
Francessca: Heeeeeey! What's going on? (She runs to the bed giving her a big hug then sits on the side of it facing her)
Randi: Nothing! I'm so glad you came down to see me! I gets so boring here at night.
Francessca: Well this is your last night you must be excited?
Randi: Girl, I'm already packed! (They laugh)
Francessca: I can't blame you! (With a roll of her eyes) I can't wait to get out of here and get home! I've been here less than two days and I'm going crazy you must be climbing the walls!
Randi: Climbing? Honey I was about ready to tear them down!
Francessca: I bet the kids can't wait to have their Mommy home.

Randi: Not being with my babies every day has been the hardest part of this. I just want to go home and get back to my life! (She throw her hands up and groans then laughs hen humbles) I truly have so much to be thank for fall this year.
Francessca: Yeah we really do. So what's the first thing you want to do when you get home?
Randi: Hug my kids watch them play and plan Thanksgiving dinner. What are you and Jamie doing for Thanksgiving?
Francessca: We're going to Chuck and Donna's it's their turn to host Christmas Dinner this year.
Randi: Okay (She says cocking her head to the side as she quickly runs through her guest list) so that going to be with maybe Cassandra and that Deveraux guy (She groans) that makes eleven.
Francessca: That's going to be a lot of work.
Randi: Honey I've been looking forward to this for month and you know how we do it will be all right. (She winks and they both laughs) Besides I have someone extra special coming to dinner this year. That's kind of why I asked you to come by.
Francessca: Why? Who's coming to dinner? (Her posture and voice suddenly defensive making Randi laugh)
Randi: No nothing like that I just wanted to talk to you. (Her voice becoming serious) I figured you would be the only person I knew thatwould understand how I feel right now.
Francessca: I'll try, what happened.(Her voice concerned her eyes searching Randi's face)
Randi: Today, I found my father.
Francessca: What...Who? (Her eyes wide with surprise)
Randi: Griff, he's my father.
Francessca: Wow...Griff?...That's awesome (She reaches over hugging her)  I'm really happy for you. You are happy right?
Randi: Yes, kind of I've always wondered and dreamed about having my parents it's exciting and terrifying.  
Francessca: But, it's strange too you feel happy and angry at the same time.
Randi: Yeah! I think I've felt every emotion I have since he told me.
Francessca: That's going to happen for a while but then it starts to fade. I remember when I found out about Michael I felt so angry and betrayed. I mean I understood what happened but I still felt lied to. It made me second guess myself for a while. It rattles who you thought you were.
Randi: Yeah! You have that...
Francessca: Like Rumpelstiltskin or something.
Randi: Yes, or one of those games where you have to shake the pieces back into place. Its just weird you know?
Francessca: For weeks after I found out about my Dad I didn't know if I was coming or going. Everything I thought I knew abut my self I questioned and there was this man who was all excited about finally being with his daughter wanting that relationship he'd been dreaming about and all you can think is who the hell are you and what do you really want from me?
Randi: And if I give in to what you want am I going to end up being hurt? How'd you deal with it all?
Francessca: My Mom, Natalia, Brooke, Jamie Zach, YOU were all there to help. And, my Dad was great he wasn't pushy or smothering.What about Griff?

Randi: He was alright wasn't pushy he wasn't angry in fact he was very apologetic and there's a sadness about him.
Francessca: Yeah ( She sighs) my Dad had that for a while it takes a while but it works itself out.
Randi: I think it's guilt! (Her tone emphatic then calms) At least with Griff.
Francessca: I know with my Dad it was definitely a part of it.
Randi: Griff blames himself for everything that happened to me and mother and sadly it was. (She looks at Francessca her face a mask of hurt and confusion. Francessca takes her hand and holds it gently in hers)
Francessca: I guess his being in prison was a part of that?
Randi: Yeah, a big part. I'm trying not too...(She stops herself swallowing down hr anger before continuing) but after hearing his story it's hard. (Her expression pained her eyes pleading)
Francessca: Believe me I get that. Sometimes the anger was overwhelming.
Randi: How did you deal with that?
Francessca: I pretended I had this beautiful fantasy life with Rego and I went to the gym a lot and Tad was a lot of help
Randi: Tad?
Francessca: At one point the man had three mothers.
Randi: Oh my God!I had forgotten about that!
Francessca: If anyone knows what it's like to have multiple parents he does!
Randi: Wow! This is crazy!
Francessca: That was when he thought he was Ted Orsini. That's  how he and my mom met.
Randi:Oh yeah I remember Frankie telling me something about that. I guess that makes him the authority. 
Francessca: It could be worse. We could have two complete idiots claiming to be our fathers. (They both laugh) Griff seems like a very decent man and Carmen likes him. Holly Crap! Does Carmen know?
Randi: We had a long talk this afternoon after Griff left. From what Carmen says he's a really good guy. We tlked for a while this morning  he seems to be okay. We'll see how it goes.(She shrugs)
Francessca: It's get easier, after a while it will be as if he's always been there. (She smiles hugging Randi)
Randi: Thanks Cess! (She pats her gently on the back giving her squeeze the lets go)
Francessca: One good thing is a least we have each other. 
Randi: I can think of anyone better. So tell me how was it really yesterday you know with Rego being there?
Francessca: It wasn't bad I figure it was just meant to be. (She shrugs) 
Randi: Judging by the look on your face I take you haven't changed your mind?
Francessca: No, I came close but I didn't thank God. Rego is a manipulative liar and a fool his still being with Cassandra proves it. As long as he's with her I never will. I don't want her anywhere near my son!
Randi: Come on, do you really think she would hurt a child? (Her face construed in dis belief one eye brow raised)
Francessca: Maybe not intentionally but, I think she will do whatever, say whatever and use whomever to get what she wants. I won't let her make my son a part of her games.(Her arms folded over her chest her mouth twisted in to a grimace and resolute)
Randi: Honey you're Mom now your job is to protect your child. If you think this is the best thing for your son I can't argue with you on that. (She reaches out taking Francessca's hand in hers) Just think about what what we're going through now. Do you want your son to go through what we're going through.?
 Francessca: Hopefully he'll never find out so he won't have to. (She mumbles)
Randi: Honey, (She says with a laugh shaking he hand) you and I both know the truth will come out sooner or later it always does
Francessca: I hope it's later but if and when it comes out I'll deal with it then. Right now I have to protect my son and as long as Rego is the same immature idiot he always was and with Cassandra, I'm not telling him.

Randi: Your secrets safe with me I promise. (She says giving her hand a reassuring squeeze)
Francessca: Thanks Randi.
Randi: Baby that's what girl friends do. (She grins hugging her tightly then letting her go, She smiles her eyes bright with mischief as she moves closer) And the other thing girl friends do is give their other girl friends relationships a push in the the right direction.
Francessca: Which girlfriend are we talking about?
Randi: Your best friend and my sister in-law Nataila.
Francessca: Oh yeah!! Way past time! I'm in!


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