Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Aidan and Adrian 11/27/2013

Adrian sit in the room bellow the suite watching the activity on the monitor as Aidan works at the computer on the table.

Aidan: I am really hatting this man. (He huffs pushing away from the table and standing. He stretches then walks to the window peering out over the river)
Adrian: It's almost over. (Glancing up at him from the monitor)
Aidan: That's what you keep saying yet here we are. (He growls throwing his hands in the air and shacking his fist. Then plops down on the chair in an exasperated heap)
Adrian: Hopefully tonight he'll do something we can use. (he glances back at the monitor watching as Devereaux and Fats walk to the banquet table. He moves the camera as they walk then adjust the volume)
Aidan:  Why should tonight be different from all the other nights? (He reaches for his computer punching each key like a boxer in a ring) We've been at this for weeks and have come up with nothing! (He pushes the computer away and rises rubbing the back of his neck)
Adrian: He's going to slip up. (He moves the camera watching the two as they chat) No one can go as long as he has and not make a mistake we just have to find it.
Aidan: Well I have been at this for weeks and I haven't found anything useful! (he shakes his head pulls the keyboard back to him and continues typing then reading as he talks)
Adrian: We just have to keep digging it's there somewhere. (he pans the camera back as the two resume their seats at the gaming table)
Aidan: I guess it's better than listening to those idiots again all night. (He grins as Adrian pulls the head phones away from his ears as a big guffaw of laughter booms through them)
Adrian: I feel you the crap is getting deep in there.
Aidan: Have you gotten anything from Anna on that truck?
Adrian: No, she still looking but she did find something interesting.
Aidan: Please tell me it's something useful! (He says with a roll of his eyes as he closes another of Devereaux's emails then open another)
Adrian: She was able to trace that packet you found on the scene of the accident.
Aidan: Don't keep it to yourself man what's she got?
Adrian: She found a similar match to whats been floating through France and England. It seems to have found its way across the channel. The packaging changes slightly between countries Anna has her people trying to break the coding, but the residue she tested from the packet you found matches all of them.
Aidan: Was she able to trace where it came from?
Adrian: No, not yet but matching the source of all three is a big step. (Aidan nods in agreemen going back to scanning the plethora of emails in Devearux's mail box)
Aidan: Any idea how it ended up here?
Adrian: From what she can tell it's just like you thought it showed up here the same night as Tad's accident and on the streets.    
Aidan: So we were right it was Devereaux's truck that ran Tad off the road.
Adrian: We just have to find a way to tie him to it.
Aidan: Makes me wish I still had my security pass back at "Cambius". (He says off offhandedly tossing another useless email aside then pulling up another)
Adrian: then you really could do some searching!
Aidan: Why not? (He turns towards Aidan his eyes bright as the idea formulates in his head)
Adrian: Why not what?
Aidan: Why not go back to "Cambius".(The thought holding more promise by the moment)
Adrian: Do you think you could?
Aidan: Why not? (He shrugs) Ryan has been dying to make it up to me.
Adrian: It would definitely get us a lot closer than we are now. Maybe we could finally figure out where he hides his files. Aidains eyes brighten again then lessen as the moment wear on and reality begins to take root)
Aidan: One thing though how do I explain it to Annie? (He scratches his head looking perplexed as the reality of his idea looses luster)  She'd never go for it. She's worked her butt off to get free of Ryan and I'm talking about put us right back where we were started. 
Adrian: You don't have to stay once the job is over you can leave. )He smails and shrugs liking the idea more and more as the moments wore on and a planned formulated in his head)
Aidan: Argh! (He groans rolling his hand his forehead) What the hell was I thinking! You're not getting it! Going back to "Cambius" could put my relationship with Anne in dangerous water. How am I going to explain going back there? (He mind whrirls with with with guilt and trepidation for even thinking to put them in that situation ans Adrian with plans of possibility to access to hidden files and secrets he longed for)
Adrian: With Tad laid up for who knows how long business is really slow and since you're getting married soon you could really use the money. There's an opening you thought you'd take it for just a little while at least till Tad gets out. (He leans back in his seat smiling proudly)
Aidan: I see you've thought this all out! (His brow creased with anger at Adrian's presumptuous grin)  Have my life all planned out now do ya mate?
Adrian: It's what I do.(His grin broadening as he shrugs)
Aidan: Well do it with your own life! (His voice sunding as agitated as his expression looked)Why don't you take the job and I'll keep our surveillance! (he nods liking the idea more and more)
Adrian: Because it would look suspicious if I went for the job!
Aidan: And it wouldn't if I did? (his eyes wide with disbelief)
Adrian: It would less suspicious if you went since you've already worked there. It would be a lot easier for you than me. (His voice level and reasonable only his grin betraying his underlining mockery)
Aidan: And a lot more destructive to my life! (He groans wishing he'd never thought of it)
Adrian: It could get us done with this crap sooner. Aren't you tired of sitting around hotel rooms stalking this guy? You being at Cambius could get us out of here a lot faster.
Aidan: You're right but (he groans) I can't and I'm not jeopardizing my future with Anne if she says one word against this I'm out got it? (He say with finality nodding his to accent his point)
Adrian: If you talk it over with Anne and she say no I promise I'll do it. (he concedes as he mentally weighs the pros and cons on the situation)
Aidan: What cover story have you worked out for yourself? (Knowing from years of experience Adrian already had his cover already pieced together)
Adrian: Basically same as yours Tad in the hospital I want to stick around for my family. It also gives me a reason to stay around Pine Valley without making this guy suspicious. Either way one of us needs to get in there. 
Aidan: Sounds good to me. Congratulation you've got the job! (He stretches his hand out to shake Adrian's who bats it away and laughs then his his voice takes a deadly tone all laughter evaporated)
Aidan: I don't know if I can be that close to this guy without killing him.
Aidan: I don't know if I could be with Ryan everyday without killing him.(They look at each and nod in agreement each knowing the other reservations with the plan)
Adrian: Flip a coin? (He reaches in his pocket trying to fish out a coin as Adrian reaches for the deck of cards on the side table)
Aidan: High card?
Adrian: Here you shuffle. (He tosses him the deck. Aidan opens the packaging ossing the celeophane on the table then discarding the the jokers and shuffles)
Aidan: Okay draw. (Adrian puills the card from the dck then waits while Aida pulls his) Now me.(They both flip the crds on the table. Adrain grins broadly thanking his luck and Aidan sighs resolutely cursing his) I guess it's me.
Adrian: Sorry man. (He picks up the card stuffing them back in to the box then places them back on the table)
Aidan: No, it was fair hopefully Anne will understand. (He walks back to the table pulling the computer to him as Adrian picks up his head set smiling as he places then on his ears)
Adrian: You could always throw in "regular hours" so you can spend more time with her and Emma" 
Aidan: Do me a favor don't help! (He shakes his hands in the air warding off  his assistance his eyes wide) No I can't say that because I'll still be doing stuff with you. (He sighs realizing being at Cambius and working with Adrain would mean less time with Annie not more) Don't worry about it, it will be fine. Besides, this guy is responsible for killing Taylor.
Adrian: Don't worry about working with me (Reading the teltype going across Aidans forehead as his emotions played across his face) I can probably get Sergei to fill in. I'm sure Lenka would love to spend some time with his wife. Besides he needs to keep up his real life cover. (Enjoying the small smile spread across Aidan's face)
Aidan: You've thought of everyone what about you? (His grin fades a little as he realizes that his absences could mean more hours for him)
Adrain: I'm going to keep on him like a pit bull! Once I get a real hold on him I'm not letting go! I'm going to make him pay for what he did to my family!  

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