Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Jack and Greeenlee

Jack lies back on the couch head propped on a pillow his head phone plugged in his ears chatting with Greenlee.

Jack: So hows Granddad's girl? (He smiles glancing up at the picture of his granddaughter and Greenlee)
Greenlee: Beautiful as ever. Leo upstairs reading her a story. What are you up to?
Jack Nothing really just just reading through a brief for tomorrow. Trying to make up for some lost time.
Greenlee: What were you out playing hooky?
Jack: Yeah, yeah Tea and I had a big beak on the other case we we were working on so we went out to celebrate. (He sits up tossing the folder on to the table as Greenlee's ears perk up)
Greenlee: So you and Tea huh? (She teases enjoying the quick intake of air coming from the other end)
Jack: No it was nothing like that. (He grins knowing fully the direction her thoughts had taken) We just stopped at Krystal's for lunch.
 Greenlee: You and Tea had a lunch date at Krystal's go on. (She continues ignoring the protest in his voice)
Jack: It wasn't a date.
Greenlee: Sounds like a date.
Jack: We ran in to Brooke and Oliver.
Greenlee: A double date! (She laughs as Jack continues ignoring her laughter at his expense) 
Jack: and spent a little bit too much time celebrating with them.
Greenlee: Yeah Kendall told me her niece had a little boy.
Jack: Logan Michael Martin eight pounds twenty-two inches. 
Greenlee: Ohh they must be so happy. Tell them congratulation for me.
Jack: They are and I will.
Greenlee So tell me more about this Tea. (Pulling the conversation back to what she hoped was her father's new love interest and he'd finally given up on Erica)
Jack: Tea is the new Assistant District Attorney.
Greenlee: So where did you meet her?
Jack: She's from Llanview one the best criminal defense attorney's I've ever seen.  Over the years I've consulted with her on some of my cases.
Greenlee: Sounds like you really like her.
Jack: She's the best addition to my office in a very long time.
Greenlee: Ah huh, is she pretty?
Jack: Look I know what your driving at and there's nothing going on.
Greenlee: Okay what ever you say. (She decides to let it go not wanting to be too pushy and turning him off) So where's your new room mate?
Jack: Molly went out for a little while she should be back later.(Happy for the topic change)
Greenlee: Doesn't Molly have classes tomorrow? (Her annoyance showing)
Jack: She's out with her friends for a little while having a little fun that's all. (He excuses hopping that would be the end but knowing full well it was just the beginning)
Greenlee: I'm sorry but didn't she come to Pine Valley for school and to get her life together in the first place and now she's out partying? Sounds like same old same old to me.
Jack: I told her she could go out.
Greenlee: You let her go?
Jack: Yes, she's been great all summer she obeyed every rule I set down. I think she's changed and grown up since she got here, so I thought it was time to loosen up the reigns a little.
Greenlee: And that's exactly when the horse throws you!(She snipes appalled by her fathers naive attitude where Molly was concerned) You know it's just a trick don't you? She hasn't changed! All she's done is moved her act to a new town and laid low for a little while. All so you would buy into this "good girl" act hook line and sinker!
Jack: Look, honey I can only go by what I've seen. (He starts but is cut off)
Greenlee: Then you're not looking hard enough.
Jack: Why are you so suspicious of your cousin?
Greenlee: I don't trust her Dad. I think it's all an act!
Jack: The two of you barley know each other.
Greenlee:  Oh I know her Kendall told me everything. Then I called Bianca to get the rest from her
Jack: So now you think you know all about her?
Greenlee: Because I was her! I know the games I invented them! Look I'm just warning you to keep your eyes open.
Jack: I will, I promise. (He sighs)
Greenlee: Promise me you're not just saying that, that you're really going to keep any eye on her?
Jack: I promise and despite what you think I'm not as naive.
Greenlee: I don't think you're naive maybe just a little too trusting when it comes to the people you love.
Jack: So what's going on with you? How are the things at your Inn?
Greenlee: Things are great I just booked a two week convention for January and a one week for February.
Jack: That's wonderful!
Greenlee: Thanks Dad. Oh, and Leo sold one of his sculptures to a hotel in New York and they contracted him for two more.
Jack: That's fantastic honey!
Greenlee: Leo is so excited. Kind of makes up for this afternoon. ( She
Jack: Why, what happened this afternoon?
Greenlee: I ahh called Ryan and asked him to meet me so we could talk.
Jack: You did WHAT! (he bolts upright and stands then starts pacing the space around the coffee table his anger barley in control) After everything your mother and I went through you called Ryan? Why the hell did you call him?
Greenlee: I had too. (her voice calm and even as she tries to keep the conversation from exploding)
Jack: Why on earth would you have to call Lavery? (Plopping down on the sofa shaking his head confused by her actions) We all worked so hard to keep you away from him! To keep him out of your life and the hell away from you and you call him? Just tell me why you would invite him back in to your life?(Shouting the last part into the phone)
Greenlee: I didn't invite him back in my life! (She shouts back sounding as exasperated as he felt)
Jack: Then what do you call it when you ask him to meet you to talk! (He stands again his pacing more rapid)
Greenlee: I needed to explain to him what happened. (She struggling to keep her tone even)
Jack: Explain what? He didn't even know you were alive! What could a dead woman have to possibly explain? (He shouts his annoyance reaching peak)
Greenlee: He already new I wasn't dead! (She whispers)
Jack: WHAT? (He growls his eyes wide)
Greenlee: He already knew I wasn't dead.
Jack: How did Lavery find out? (He sits slowly back down on the couch his mind whirling)
Greenlee: It doesn't matter how he knew the point is... (He cuts her of before she can finish as Jack thoughts land on the only conclusion)
Jack: The point is that the only way Ryan would have found out is if someone told him. (Sounding more lawyer than father by the moment)
Greenlee: Come on Dad Ryan's not stupid..
Jack: I didn't say he was stupid (Annoyed by her defense of him) I said in order for Ryan to find out someone would have had to told him. I know it wasn't me or your Mother so who was it?
Greenlee: I don't know Dad he just did!
Jack: No, don't even bother, there is no way he could have found out unless someone told him now who was it Kendall? (Latching on to the idea then dismissing it) No Kendall wouldn't have any reason to tell Ryan besides she agreed it was better not to tell him. Your Mother Kendall and I were the only ones who knew and...(His eyes widening with revelation) Erica! it was Erica wasn't it? Erica told Ryan didn't she? (He accuses as Greenlee squirms on the other end wishing she could lie but knowing she couldn't)
Greenlee: She only did it because she thought he was dying!
Jack: So she thought she would give him something to live for! (Throwing his head back smiles at the predictability of it all his voice rich with sarcasm) Once again Erica put Ryan Lavery before what's right and everyone else!
Green;ee: It's okay really Dad. (She pleads unsure of what his reaction would be fearing the the vengeful tone in his voice)
Jack: No It's not okay! I can't believe that she stood there and lied to my face! (He collapses on the sofa shaking his head in disbelief Greenlee's ironic laugh adding to his irritation)
Greenlee: Oh come on Dad, like this was the first time Erica has ever lied to your face! It's what she does best. (Then feeling slightly guilty at the sound of his disappointed sigh) Really Dad it doesn't matter. I'm glad it's out there I don't feel like I'm living in hiding anymore and I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop. I can just live my life and be happy. And, I am happy Dad. Ryan understands that. (The sincerity in her voice melting some of his anger)
Jack: I'm glad you're happy honey and as long as Lavery keeps his distance I'm okay with that.
Greenlee: What about Erica? (Jack glances down at the empty carry home container from Krystal's and smiles as an idea begins to form)
Jack: Don't worry about Erica I know exactly how to deal with her. 
Greenlee: You're not going to do something insane are you? (Not fully trusting the tone in his voice)
Jack: No, I'm just going to give Erica Kane the Erica Kane treatment. (Enjoying his plan more and more)
Greenlee: Hmm!(Not sure as sure of his plan as he seemed to be) Just do me a favor please?
Jack: Sure honey.
Greenlee: Make sure that when you give her back her own medicine you don't emd up with the disease please? (She jokes half heartedly making him chuckle)
Jack: I won't good night honey.
Greenlee: Good night I'll talk to you soon. Love you Dad.
Jack: I love you too honey goodnight. (Jack looks at his phone a moment then walks to his desk and shuffles through his mail pulling out an envelope for the benefit dinner for the charity Erica's show was hosting this year. He smiles ruefully to himself as he dials the phone) Hey Tea I'm sorry it's so late.
Tea: Don't worry about it I was waiting up for Dani to come in what's up?
Jack: Nothing important really I just thought you might want to keep me company at a charity evemt.
Tea: You mean the one that "New Beginnings"  is throwing for the heart something? (She glances down at her invitation knowing exactly what he wanted but decided to play along)
Jack: Yeah, yeah that one, I have two tickets.
Tea: Yeah they sent me a pair also.
Jack: If you don't have a date I thought maybe you and I could go together.
Tea: So what did she do now?
Jack: Who?
Tea: Erica of course! Her program is the one hosting the event and I'm more than sure she's done something to really tick you off and you want to use me to get back at her. Am I right so far?
Jack: Yeah I umm...
Tea: It's okay. We can give her something to stew about (She laughs) besides, it'll be fun watching Ms. Kane spit and hiss like a wet cat all night and not have to say a word.(Making them both laugh)
Jack: My thoughts exactly. You sure you don't mind? 
Tea: You'll just owe me one should one of my ex's blow in to town. (She teases making him laugh again)
Jack: You just let me know where and when.
Tea: I'm going to hold you to that. Dani: is coming in and I want to play nosy Mom. I'll see you at work tomorrow we can work out the details then.
Jack: Thanks Tea I owe you one see you in the morning.
Tea: Night Jack.
Jack: Night Tea. (He clicks the phone off stares down at it a moment smiling to his self. Tomorrow night was going to be very interesting)  




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