Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cassandra and Rego 12/10/2013

It was cold and dark he couldn't risk that slut seeing him. He had to make sure the whore did exactly what he wanted and she had with just a little assistances. He'd enjoyed watching that little bitch getting exactly what she deserved for so long. Now to make sure that arrogant, pretentious, murdering bastard got his. Except for the cold, luck was really on his side tonight he had been on his way out the door when he'd heard the ruckus. He had decided to wash up the dishes rather than leave them for the morning despite the request not too. He had been just about to leave when heard Devearuax strike the fist blow and her shrieks of terror. He'd crept down the hall silently and watched the entire thing. In fact he'd made himself a copy from the security tapes then put the original back. He'd left the shadows and went to his room after he raped her. He needed to find that pill he'd stolen from the vial she'd had hidden behind the bar.At the time he'd had no idea what to do with it but he might have some use for it later he'd thought. If she were smart she'd get the hell out of here tonight and he needed to be ready at a moments notice. He took it from it's hiding place in his night stand trucking it in his jacket pocket. Then sat on the bed a moment trying to make a tentative plan of action it couldn't have been more than five minutes when he'd heard the Bastards phone ring and crept back towards the living room to listen. What a pure stroke of luck when he'd heard him say he'd be there shortly getting him out of the house. That's when he'd decided that it had to be tonight. As soon as he heard the bitch in the shower he got busy making the coffee for the guard assuring her escape. Sure enough that was exactly what she did. Then he'd followed her here it was easy. He took the elevator down and she the steps he had the advantage. He was in his car and waiting by the time she'd gotten to hers. She slowed down at the Bill board a little when she'd pulled in and he'd hadn't known why, now it made perfect sense a hiding spot away from prying eyes. The only worrisome spot was the train. When she'd first gotten on and handed the conductor her ticket his heart had given a lurch. Thinking she was smarter than he thought but then he'd watched her through the windows of the train as she walked through and changed swiftly then out the other end and cheered. She walked back through the station to a phone booth then out again.  Now all he had to do was make sure the right person picked her, up plant that pregnancy test he'd stolen from the trash where that Demon Spawn could "accidentally" find it, and wait for the next moment of mayhem between the two.  Ahh, there was prince charming coming into the lot now what a glorious night!" He thought smiling to himself as he watched her slip into the car as the driver got out and put the bags in the trunk giving him a good look at that Rego idiot as he'd hoped then drive off. If that dupes world exploded because of her he didn't care. He was no better than she, no he took that back she was worse but they still made a prefect pair and deserved what ever befell them and if he could help it along all the better. The two deserved each other "What a glorious night indeed!"
At the same moment 
 Casandra paces hidden in the shadow of the billboard she'd spotted pulling into the parking lot waiting, She'd ditched her car and walked into the station and quickly scanned the board in front of the ticket booth for the next train. Her luck so far was running was with her one had just arrived.She'd peered through the window spotting the line of people disembarking at one end and boarding on the other she'd handed the conductor her ticket then walked through taking her coat off as she walked folding it inside out. She walks up the steps stops quickly at one of the seats opens her bag and shoves it inside.Then down the steps through the next three cars till she see passengers leaving and walks out behind them mixing into the crowd entering the station. She'd stopped at a phone booth at the furthest end of the plaza quickly calling telling Rego where to meet her then out the exist to meet him. This had got to work she was completely out of options. If she didn't leave Deveraux now she'd never be away form him and next time she was sure he'd kill her.She needed the protection of the Sherrigan name and tonight she was going to get it.
Cassandra: And you little man are the key to everything! (she smiles to herself at the same moment hears the low purr of a car engine approaching. She peeps out the side and sees Rego's car approaching.
"Cassandra: Show time!" She mumbles as she reaches back gathering her things then steps out from the shadows.
 Rego rolls slowly his head swiveling from side to side looking for some billboard she'd hysterically mumbled into the phone then hastens when he spots it and sees someone slip from behind it. He rolls the car to a stop popping the trunk and existing the car in one swift motion. He grabs the suit cases from her tossing them into the back as she climbs in to the car. Then back in to the drivers seat and out of the parking lot back to the highway.
Rego: What the hell is going on the clandestine phone calls, hiding behind placards?
Cassandra: Deveraux found out about us.
Rego: So he knows so what!
Cassandra: This is what! (She turns on the over head light showing him her body then turns out the light off just as quickly. He reaches over turning the light back on and lifting her blouse.He stares mouth agape at the long red whelps and a nasty bruise forming on her back.)
Rego: My God! (He recoils on odd empathic pain going through him. He reacheshes over gentely grasping her face examining the bruise formimg on her cheek under her make up. She pulls her face from him clicking off the light and starring out at the window,)
Cassandra: Just get out of her! Drive!(Rego stares at her a moment then speeds out on to the highway. He begins to search the road signs looking for the hospital exisit) Are you alright? We should go to the hospital right now!
Cassandra: NO! Are you crazy! (She shouts) Do you think I did all this just to get caught.by going to the hospital? (She shrieks making him growl back at her)
Rego:  What the hell are you talking about? What kind of sick animal is this man!  We have to go to the police! For God sake your own step-father is the chief of police!
Cassandra: He's the last person I can go to. Do you think Devereaux cares? He wouldn't hesitate to hurt my mother, father or anyone else that stands in his way.  You don't really understand how dangerous he really is.
Rego: That animal belongs in prison! (His voice filled with anger and frustration)
Cassandra: And who is going to put him there you? (She laughs bitterly) How with what? His lawyers would rip me to shreds and in the end I'll be known as the Gold-digging whore living with one man while getting pregnant with her lovers baby. Look what they did with you and Francessca! (Her laugh burgeoning on hysteria) 
Rego: Wait a minute did you just say you were pregnant? (He looks over at her his face white his eyes bright)
Cassandra: Yes (She mummers and then begins to cry. Sobbing out her story as Rego listens his heart racing his mind reeling he stares blindly at the highway unable to do anything but go forward having lost all sense of direction) He found out about you and me when he came in to the bathroom I had the the test from the doctor in my hand that's when he slapped me the first time. He looked at the due due date and knew the baby couldn't be his. He went crazy! God I was so scared. I waited till after he left and called you.
Rego: Where did he go. (He looks at her again his anger barley in check a part of him wanted to kill him for what he'd done to her. Cassandra begins to sob softly hoping her tears would wear at his resilience)
Cassandra: I don't know he got a phone call and left me locked in the penthouse with a guard at the door. I had to sneak out the servants entrance and down the fire stairs to get away.
Rego: God! Cassandra this is unbelievable!
Cassandra: Which part? (She chuckles sounding hysterical again. He takes a deep breath o calm him self )
Rego: Lets start with the fact that you're pregnant. How far along are you?
Cassandra: Three month almost four. Probably the night of your bachelor party. (She throws in making sure the timing was just right to make it believable) or that last night before you dumped me!  
Rego: Four months? And you're just now noticing?
Cassandra: Do you remember everything that happened after that night? Excuse  me for being a little distracted.(She yelps forcing a few more tears for affect)
Rego: I'm sorry. (He mutters his emotions raw) 
Cassandra: So am I. What are we going to do? (She whines pushing his emotions to the breaking point)
Rego: I need to think! (He shouts hoping she wishing for five minutes of to unravel the knot forming in his brain)
Cassandra: While you're thinking Devereaux is writing a list of ways he can make my life a living hell. (She presses)
Rego: Just give me a minute! (He shouts again his knuckles white as he grips the steering wheel)
Cassandra: We don't have a minute! (She howls looking panicked again like a deer ready for flight) The more time you spend trying to make up your mind the more time you waste! If you're not going to do something then let me out now I can take care of myself!
Rego: That's not what I'm saying! (He grunts then shouts) You want to give me a second you just dropped a all this on me about thirthy seconds ago mind if I take a moment to digest it?
Cassandra: I'm sorry I don't have a minute! (She states calmly but her voice becomes more shrill with each word)  This man just tried to kill me I'm not sitting around waiting for him to get it right!
Rego: This is all happening so fast! (He shouts exasperated. He slows down pulling the car off the road on to the shoulder and stopping. He throws the car in park then turns towards her) What do you want me to do?
Cassandra: I want you to stand up be a man and help me! Help us! I have to get away from here! When he realizes I'm gone he's going be furious! You have no idea what he is capable of!
Rego: I have a pretty good idea! Any one that would do that to you or any woman for that matter is capable of anything thing! (He sighs rubbing his hand across the back of his neck. Cassandra watches him closely knowing he was almost there he needed just one more push as the lie slips easily from her lips) 
Cassandra: He threatened to take the baby and send me to prison! You can't let him take our baby!  You can't let him find me! (The hook was baited now it was time to reel him in)
Rego: Why would you go to prison?
Cassandra: I don't know! (She sobs again forcing her tears to flow by allowing herself to feel some of the emotions she'd been ignoring) I told him I haven't done anything wrong!!  He just laughed at me and said he was one of the most powerful men in the world who do you think they would believe? He said I had only one choice I had to marry him he would raise the child as his own and I could never see you again. When I told him no he told me he'd send me back to France and have them put me in prison and as soon as my baby was born he'd take it and I'd never see my child or the light of day again. I told him I wouldn't let him steal my baby that you would stop him and he said you wouldn't be around long enough to do anything. Then he....He....his lips and hands were every where...then he....he .... God I was so scared!  I didn't know what to do I just let him......It was so awful!.... I feel so ashamed!(She begins to sob uncontrollably in earnest finally releasing some what she'd kept pushed down for so long)
Rego: It's alright sweetheart shhh. (He wraps his arms around her pulling her to him and gently strokes her hair trying to quiet her not needing her to tell him what he already knew) You have nothing to be ashamed of Shh, please calm down it's all right. Shhh! (He pulls her closer holding her tightly) It's okay you're away from him now. 
Cassandra: But for how long? As soon as he realizes I'm gone he is going to come after me and If I don't do what he wants he'll do exactly what he threatened! We have to stop him.
Rego: How? (He said sounding lost and some what dazed. It was time to spring the trap and reel him in she just hoped her emotions didn't betray her)
Cassandra: You have to marry me as long as the two of us are married Deveraux can't make any claims on the baby. (Her eyes sparkling with unshed tears giving her a crazed expression in light of the dashboard) 
Rego: He can't make any claims on it now! (He looks at her his mouth twisted in disbelief she needed something her panic starting to rise she was loosing him)
Cassandra: Yes he can! (Sounding truly as fearful and panicked as she felt) I've been living with him for the last three month's! He could claim the baby is his or he could just make things really ugly for you and your family! He isn't above playing the victim he'd love the news papers dragging though the mud us hauling us through the courts. He'll look like the used and abused lover and we'll look like the slut and the deviant again.Your father will just love that! Not to mention the stress that would put on me and the baby. And the law could very well find in his favor considering the scandal we've both had they could deem us both unfit. Devearaux is a very powerful very dangerous man he'd pay a judge to do just for spite! (She sobs again smiling secretly to herself as the look on his face show the wanted effect her lies have on him. It was always best to play to his ego) 
Rego: Don't forget the Sherrigan family is more powerful than Devereaux St. Jacques could ever dream of being. No one not him or anyone else is taking our child or you anywhere! I'm going to make sure of that!(He huffs making Cassandra smile inside she had him! Finally he had him! She just had to play coy for a little while longer) 
Cassandra: Do really mean that? (She looks at him her wide eyed and hopeful)
Rego: I Promise I'm not going to let anything happen to either one of you. (He pulls her to him giving her shoulder a reassuring hug) We have to get going!
Cassandra: To where? (Watching him from the corner of her as she snuggles in to the seat)
Rego: You and I have a plane to catch! (He looks in the rear-view mirror and smiles then speeds out in to the flow of traffic)
Cassandra: We can't take a plane he'll check the the manifest he'll know exactly where we are. (Feigning fear knowing full well what his plan was before he said it)
Reg: We have a private jet he won't be able to trace you through there.
Cassandra: To where? (She stares at him giving him her best doe eyed look)
Rego: Where else darling Vegas!(He laughs stepping on the accelerator as Cassandra sits back in the seat her eyes feeling heavy and closes them feeling secure for the first time in months)

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