Thursday, December 5, 2013

Michael and Francessca 12/05/2013

Michael walks to the door hesitating a moment and listens hearing no voices he enters.

Michael: Knock, knock! (He smiles peaking around the door)
Francessca: Hey Dad come in! (She smiles as he comes towards hugging her tightly and kissing here cheek)
Michael: Hi honey how are you?
Francessca: I'm good how are you?
Michael: I'm good. (He says sitting on the edge of the bed facing her)
Francessca: Where's Mom?
Michael: She'll be by in a bit I came over a little early.
Francessca: Good I'm glad. I missed you this afternoon.
Michael: I ahh got held up at David's. (He looks at her sheepishly)
Francessca: Nah, you were afraid Zach would be here and my Grandmother, my cousins you got overwhelmed and decided not to come. (She states matter of factually her her brow raised her mouth twisted in a sardonic) 
Michael: No, no I didn't. (He lies pulling his eyes from her penetrating stare)
Francesca: Yes you did I know you well enough by now. (She grins reaching out playfully nudging his shoulder reminding him so much of her mother)
Michael: How do you know?
Francessca: You really think you're this big mystery don't you?(She teases taking his hand in hers)
Michael: I'm not? (He says laughing at his own folly giving her hand a loving squeeze)
Francessca: No! (She says making them both laugh) I'm an artist Dad I notice stuff like the look on your face last night when my grandmother was here she didn't see it but I saw it.
Michael: Yeah sorry I was tired it was a late night. (He shakes his heed not wanting to hurt her feelings)
Francessca: Just admit it, it it has to be a little annoying. (She grins squinting one eye and pinching her index finger and thumb together making him laugh)
Michael: Have you been talking to David?
Francessca: No! (She squishes up her face shaking her head in disgust) Why would I talk to David?
Michael: Why do you dislike him?
Francessca: Basically for the same reason Uncle Zach does but you're trying to avoid my question. (She finishes flatly then smiles sarcastically)
Michael: You're not letting this go?
Francessca: Nope, now admit it, it bothers you.
Michael; Yeah kind of (He stammers as he stands looking uncomfortable and mildly confused) ...I mean I get it but... Please don't get me wrong they are all very nice people but it's a little.
Francessca: Over whelming, over shadowing and loud, all you hear in Mike Logan this and Mike Logan that.
Michael:  Sometimes... a little. (He sighs sitting back down on the bed starring down at his shoes then back up at her) You know I did come by earlier. I got to the door and I heard  you, your grandmother your cousins, Zach you were talking about when you were kids. It just hit me. I never got to see my little girl grow up. Alexander stole all those moments from me. (He stands walking to the bassinet starring down at his sleeping Grandson) Sometimes I feel like I've missed so much, as if I'm always playing catch up. (He looks back at his daughter ten walks back to stand in front of her) Then I was angry with myself. I finally have a moment that should be joyous and all I can think about is everything I missed. Honestly I know it's not your fault or his for that matter but sometimes when I see you and Zach together I'm a little jealous.(He admits feeling foolish and embarrassed by admission. Francessca stand and gives her father a hug)       
Francessca: It can't be easy for you where me and Uncle Zach are concerned I'm sure sometimes we make you feel like an outsider. I'm sorry for that.
Michael: Don't be sorry honey, (He pulls away sitting down on the bed and patting the place next to him bidding her to sit. She smiles siting next to him enjoying the warmth of his arm around her shoulder) your uncle Zach is a good man and a great uncle. I'm glad he was there for you as you grew up since I couldn't. I guess the birth of this little one (Glancing at the bassinet then back to her) just reminded me of everything I missed and sometimes I feel like you and I will never have that closeness the two of you share. (She turns towards him feeling his sorrow permeate the space between them)
Francessca: What Zach and I share is different you're my Dad.Yeah Uncle Zach and I are friends besides Natalia and Jamie he's my best friend. Ever since I was a little girl especially after Mike Logan died but he's not my Dad and I will always love him but neither is Mike Logan. You are, no one can take your place I love you Dad. (She wraps her arms around him hugging him tightly)
Michael: I love you too. (He gives her a squeezing enjoying the close moment between them)
Francessca: And whatever weird feud you have going on with Uncle Zach don't put me or my son in the middle of it okay? (She scolds wagging her finger at him playfully)
Michael: I promise I won't (He smiles patting her hand) and your right my problems with your Uncle have nothing to do with you or my grandson.
Francessca: What is it your fighting about?
Michael: What's going on between me and Zach should stay between us. So how's my grandson? (He smiles then stands and walks to the bassinet pulling the blanket up around him)
Francessca: I know what the problem with you two is you're a lot alike. (She mumbles shaking her head at his "Zach" like maneuver)

Francessca: Perfect! Jamie took him up to see Tad for a little while.
Michael: How is Tad? (Concern edging his voice)
Francessca: Physically he'll be okay (She shrugs) but mentally I think he's in a lot more pain than he lets on.

Michael: I'm sure he is. I can only imagine how he feels. Jamie still with him?
Francessca; No, he finally went home, poor thing he looked exhausted. (She smiles down at her son) I think he wore Logan out too I fed him and he's been sleeping ever since. (She looks down at him as he starts to stir and smiles) Oh I spoke too soon somebody is waking up. Why don't you hold him see if you can get him to go back to sleep like you did last night.
Michael: Lets see what your old Granddad can do here. Come here little one.(He says picking up his grandson placing him on his shoulder and patting his back. Smiling pleased as he feels a small expel of air brush his neck) Somebody had a bubble. Yeah that's a good boy! Granddad could make a habit of this.  
Francessca: All Granddad has to do is walk across the lawn whenever he likes.
Michael: You mean that? (He says taking the chair across from her)
Francessca: I want Logan to be able to have all the moments I missed out on with you and that includes bed time stories.(She reaches down into her bag and pulls out a a children's book and hands it to him)
Michael: "Hurry Up Slowpoke" (He grins his eyes wide withe merriment) this was my favorite story when I was little how?
Francessca: Mom used to read it to me. (She smiles back at him enjoying the delight on his face and comforting tone of his voice as he opens it and begins to read aloud to the both of them)

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