Tuesday, December 31, 2013

JR and Rebeka

Rebeka sits in the "Château" waiting for JR to join her. She'd purposely made their reservation here because it seemed as if every time they had a reservation at the Pine Valley Inn they had Ryan Lavery as a dinner guest. After today's encounter the last thing she wanted was to see him again. He gave her and eerie feeling of discomfort. He felt both foreign and familiar at the same time. She was both attracted and repulsed by him. It was just hard to explain. It was as if every time she was around him something eminent was about to happen and she didn't want to be there when it did! All she wanted to do was stay as far away from the man as humanly possible and was glad their business was finished.
JR: Hey beautiful! Been waiting long? (He leans in kissing her cheek then takes the seat in the booth next to her)
Rebeka: No, I just got here a minutes ago. (She leans in and kisses him enjoying the feel and smell of him and the peace she always felt in his embrace)
Rebeka: I missed you too I'm glad you're finally here.
JR: I missed you too. You know we could skip dinner completely. ( he gives her hand a loving squeeze smiling seductively at her sending a thrill through her as it always did making her thoughts waver momentarily she grins pulling her hand from his and reaches for the menu)
Rebeka: No, you promised me a night out.
JR: Fine just as long as we don't take the whole night. (He chuckles reaching for his menu and opening it)
Rebeka: Dinner is nice (She purrs)  but I have bigger plans for you Mr.Chandler. (The expression on her face the touch of her lips as she kissed him had him boiling it was all he could do to keep from having her. Forcing him to remind himself they were in a restaurant and stifle the impulse)
JR: I love the sound of that.
Rebeka: The sooner we order the sooner we can get to desert.
JR: My favorite part of the night.
Rebeka: Mine too. (She kisses him lightly on the lips then turns back to her menu)
JR: What are you going to get?
Rebeka: I don't know. (She frown turning the page)
JR: Hey, how did the meeting go with St. Jacques?
Rebeka: He wasn't there. (The encounter with Ryan Flashes though her mind disrupting her mood and throwing her thought in to chaos)
JR: So you couldn't pick up the contracts?
Rebeka: No, I picked them up from Ryan Lavery. (The sickening feeling she had when ever she thought of him threatening to overwhelm her)
JR: How did that go?
Rebeka: Fine I guess. (She shrugs then focuses her attention on the menu trying to block the memory of the afternoon and the queer sensation she'd felt when he'd touched her. JR watches over the edge of the menu. noticing Rebeka's sudden nervous demeanor)
JR: Are you okay? (He places the menu down searching her expression. Something was wrong he could tell)  Rebeka: I'm fine. (She smiles weakly then goes back to her menu)
JR: I know how much that guy gets to you.
Rebeka:It was okay really.(She places her menu to the side smiling at JR but her eyes betray her)
JR: Did something happen? ( He reaches for her hand his fingers burning the spot where Ryan had touched her making her snatch it from his grasp)
Rebeka: No nothing. (The withdrawal of her hand shouting her feelings a thousand times louder than her words filling him with concern and a simmering anger. Lavery was up to something and it involved Rebeka and he was going to find out exactly what it was)
JR: Are you sure because if Ryan said or did anything to upset you again you know I'll...
Rebeka: God, JR stop I'm fine! (She huffs a little more forcefully then she meant but unable to stop) Nothing happened I picked up the contracts and I left! I told you I'm fine could we please talk about something else?
JR: Fine! (He huffs his tone terse and defensive) I was just checking no need to jump down my throat!
Rebeka: I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you.I just find him so creepy. (She shivers with repulsion) I'm just glad it's done and I don't have to work with "Cambius" anymore.(She reaches out her had taking JR's in hers snuggling closer to him) Lets concentrate on you and me. The kids are out of the house for the night we finally have an evening to our selves We'll have a nice dinner go home maybe use that hot tub we never get to use? (She leans in kissing him behind his ear making him shrug then and blush. Rebeka smiles seductively back at him then reaches for her menu)
JR: Sounds great! (He grins back pushing all thoughts of Ryan away and focusing on the moment at hand) I'm going to have the the Steak au Poivre what about you?
Rebeka: Umm Spring Lamb “ Chasseur” (She waits a moment as JR signals to the waiter and gives him their order) How was Tad?
JR: He seemed okay. Jamie and I told him about our plan for the girls.
Rebeka: What did he say?
JR: He was happy and glad for the help but it's going to be a long time before he's back to being the Tad we know.
Rebeka: It's just so awful and sad.
JR: He tries to be brave for us but I can see it.
Rebeka: I see it with Kathy and Jenny not all the time but every once in a while.
JR: I know sometimes it's hard for me to watch them. It brings back all those feelings I had when my Mom died. I look at their little faces and it just breaks my heart. (His tone becoming somber as those memories flicker through his mind)
Rebeka: Mine too. (She reaches out taking his hand in hers as her own painful memories embrace her. At the same moment Colby walks to the table breaking the momentary melancholy with her cheerful greeting)
Colby: Hey JR! (She squeals leaning in to kiss her brother then slides in to the seat next to Rebeka and giving her a quick hug and kiss)  Rebeka! How are you?
Rebeka: I'm great and you?
Colby: Couldn't be better! Nice to see you both out without your entourage. Where are my nephews?
Rebeka: They're spending the night over Krystal's
Colby: Lucky you two, a romantic evening out huh? (She winks and teases making them both blush)
JR: Yeah just the two of us. (He wraps his arm around Rebeka's shoulder pulling her close)
Colby: Have you seen Tad?
JR: Yeah we were just talking about Tad. I saw him this afternoon.
Colby: How's he doing?
JR: He's hanging in there. Have you seen him?
Colby: Not for a couple of days I got really busy closing this thing we were working on. I was planning on stopping by tomorrow.
JR: He'd like that. What are you doing here?
Colby: I had a dinner meeting with some clients and just wrapped up a fat deal.
JR: Congratulations! So I guess you two are celebrating?
Rebeka: Where's Lenka?
Colby: He's entertaining some clients at the casino. You know he works his magic his way I work mine and together we make millions! (She laughs devilishly sounding and looking happier then he'd seen her in a long time making him happy for her.)
JR: So things are going good for you two I'm really happy for you both. (His smile sincere and full of pride)
Colby: Thanks JR its really good to hear you say that. (Feeling for the first time that maybe the tension between he and Lenka was fading and the hope of having her big brother back in her life)
JR: I mean it. Your happy that's all I care about.
Colby: How are you guys? How's that deal you were working on with "Cambius"?
JR: Rebeka picked up the the contracts today! (He grins with pride)
Colby: That's really great you guys! So do you have any more projects planned with them?
Rebeka: No we're done with them. (She say with finality her tone a little too sharp for JR and Colby's the tucks the moment away and continues while Colby decides perhaps she and her future sister in-law needed some girl time)
JR: She means we signed on the dotted line.
Colby: Oh us too. We just wrapped up our business with them and it was very profitable! (She draws out smiling slyly)  I hope it works out for you guys too.
Rebeka: Why don't you join us we could catch up? (She slides out of the booth and stands quickly smoothing the front of her dress as she talks)
Colby: I'd love to but I have to stop at Dad's and sign my proxy for the share holders meeting. Then I'm going home and sliping in to a nice hot bath but, why don't you and I have lunch tomorrow at "McKays" one o'clock. (She demands glaring at her one brow raised giving Rebeka little wriggle room. Didn't matter if they were bickering in JR was still her brother)
Rebeka: That sounds great! (She reaches for her phone pressing the buttons and noting on her calendar)
JR: What about me don't? I rate sometime with my sister? (He teases puffing out his lower lip in a pout as he stands)
Colby: You big baby I'll see you tomorrow remember? (She laughs then rolls her eyes as he stares at her quizzically. She stares back at him looking annoyed and amused at the same time. She begins to speak slowly waving her hand as if leading him down a path) I'm picking the kids up from Krystal's? Bringing them back to Tad's?
JR: Oh yeah I almost forgot! (He slaps his forehead and laughs)
Colby: Have it tattooed on your forehead or something but don't be late! (She laughs then kisses his cheek giving him a quick hug)
JR: Okay, okay I promise I'll be on time! (He laughs)
Rebeka: Don't worry I'll make sure he's on time!
Colby: Thanks! (She laughs glancing quickly down at her watch) I've got to run I'll see you both tomorrow.
JR: See you Colby! (He waves sliding back in to his seat) Why don't you and I get back to our romantic evening? (His eyes hooded his voice heavy his mind filled with thoughts of after dinner and taking full advantage of an empty house )
Rebeka: Lets! (She smiles back the look of seduction on her face putting a power behind that one word making him wish dinner had already been served and eaten and wondering if they would make it past the parking lot)


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