Friday, January 3, 2014

Adam and Lola

Adam and Lola sit in the library relaxing on the sofa sipping their after dinner drinks and chatting.

Lola: That was an absolutely fabulous dinner thank you for having me.
Adam: After beating me three straight sets dinner is the least that I owe you.
Lola: That's because you let me win.
Adam: Are you kidding? I think you you have been secretly taking lessons.
Lola: Nothing of the kind. I umm just forgot to tell you I was on the Women's tennis team when I was in college. (She laughs)
Adam: So you completely con'd me? (His eyes bright with amusement making her laugh again)
Lola: I didn't con you I said it had been a long time since I played.
Adam: I see where I'm going to have to take a couple of lessons before our next match.
Lola: With the weather change this evening I think it's going to be a while before our next match.
Adam: Well that will give me all winter to brush up.
Lola: And you should use every day of it.
Adam: Oh really that bad?
Lola: No I'm just kidding really, you have a very strong game you made me work hard for those wins. Who ever your instructor is did a great job.
Adam: I'll have to give him a raise or maybe over the long winter you could give me a few pointers. (He says inching closer to her Lola rises abruptly looking around the room as she walks to the bookcase)
Lola: This is a lovely room. I love the scroll work on theses shelves.(She runs her finger across the books quickly scanning the bindings) "Tom Sawyer" , "Wuthering Heights" , "Moby Dick" all first editions. This is beautiful.(She picks up one of the hand carved pieces examining it then placing it back)  Do you play?
Adam: Sometimes, (He smiles moving to stand next to the chess table) I haven't had a good partner in a while not since Colby moved out.
Lola: Oh that's too bad.
Adam: Yes, I miss it. Do you play?
Lola: A little. (She smiles back at him)
Adam: A little as in you were the captain of your college chess team or you've played a few times? (He teases making her laugh)
Lola: A little as in I've played a couple of times but I'm not very good.
Adam: It really isn't that difficult come I'll show you.
Lola: I think I have the basics.
Adam: All right then. (He says holding the chair for her as she sits)
Lola: Thank you.
Adam: You go first. (He pulls the chair out taking the seat opposite her)
Lola: Okay. (She smiles moving one of her pieces on to the board)
Adam: Besides bike riding what else do you do for fun? ( Grinning sheepishly and moving his chess piece)
Lola: I love to garden, curling up with a book on a rainy day occasional shopping spree, opera.
Adam: Opera? (He looks up at her surprised)
Lola: Opera! I love the opera. It's so beautiful. Not just the performance but people actually dress for it. It's just all so magical. (She sighs) 
Adam: It is when you talk about it. (He flirts boldly enjoying the blush on her cheeks)
Lola: What about you? What is your favorite thing to do when you're not working?
Adam: I like to go fishing with my brother Stuart. Sometimes we catch something most times not (He laughs) I just enjoy the time together.
Lola: Yeah, I really get that. Now that Krystal and I are back on speaking terms I realized just how much I missed my big sister. (Lola's phone begins to ring she glances down her heart skips a beat as she recognizes the number. She takes a mental breath then smiles up at Adam) Duty calls do you have a somewhere I can take this?
Adam: Sure you can use my office down the hall to the right.
Lola: Thank you. (She reaches for her phone answering it as she walks) Dr. Colgate?
Caller: Good evening Dr. Colgate. Have you gotten what I asked you for?
Lola: I'm working on it. Give me some time! (She hisses back glancing around to make sure she wasn't heard)
Caller: You don't have time doctor I need to know what "Chandlers" bid is going to be and I need to know by tomorrow or do you want your family and everyone else to know how you really regained your lofty position back in the medical field after your oh so tragic tumble?
Lola: I'll get it!
Caller: You had better (Lola disconnects the call then checks the hall before she picks up a file from the desk and quickly flips through it. Adams walks toward the door bellowing at the top of his lungs for Winifred as he pulls the door open)
Adam: Why do we even pay for servants! Winifred! (He bellows swinging open the door then smiling broadly) Colby!
Colby: Hey Dad! How are you?
Adam: Better now that you're here! (Giving her a bear hug and a kiss) Come in! Come in!
Colby: Still screaming for the servants I see.
Adam: Yeah, (He chuckles) I don't know why you rang the bell you could have just come in!
Colby: I forgot my key.
Adam: Well I'm glad otherwise I may not have seen you. What are you doing here?
Colby: I got your message about the proxy so I came over to sign them for you.
Adam: Where's that husband of yours?
Colby: Working, I just finished up myself and figured I'd stop by on my way home. 
Adam: They're in my office on the desk you can go right in and sign them.
Colby: Where are you going? (She turns back towards as he walks toward the kitchen)
Adam: I was going to find Winifred and see if she could serve coffee.
Colby: Since when do you drink coffee at this time of the evening? (Eyeing him suspiciously
Adam:  For me and my guest.
Colby: Ooo! A guest! Anyone I know.
Adam: Lola Collgate.
Colby: Lola huh? Don't let me interrupt let me go sign those papers so you can get back to whatever it is you're doing!(She teases enjoying the slight blush on her father's cheeks)
Adam: Come by the library before you go I want to say good bye.
Colby: Sure I'll be right there as soon as I'm done. (Colby and Adam head down the hall in opposite directions. Lola riffles through the folders till she finds the one she needs. She quickly punches in the bid amount in to her phone and closes it placing it back in the pile just as Colby comes in the office. She steals her nerve putting on a bright smile as she walks towards her hand out stretched)
Lola: Hi! You're Colby? I recognized you from your photo I'm Lola Colgate.
Colby: Hi. You're Krystal's sister right?
Lola: Yeah, and you're Adam's youngest daughter.
Colby: Yeah, what are you doing in my father's office?
Lola: Oh I had a call about a patient I needed a little privacy.
Colby: So your call involved rummaging around on my father's desk? (She looks at her critically one eyebrow raised her glare demanding and answer)
Lola: I was trying to find a pen and some paper so I could make a note but I couldn't find one. (She laughs nervously as Colby enters the office and to the desk pulling one on the pens from it's cradle and holding it up)
Colby: The pen is in the pen set and there's paper between the two.(She places the utensil back in holder her glare penetrating and demanding)
Lola: Yeah I tried it, it wasn't working and your father had already written something on the pad. (Colby looks down at the writing on the pad unconvinced) I didn't want to tear it off. You know just in case it was important.Then I knocked over these files and I was trying to put them back when you walked in.
Colby: Yeah thanks I'm sure my Dad will appreciate that. Not to be rude but if your finished I have some work I need to get done in here. It's been a long day and I just want to finish up and go home. You understand.
Lola: Oh sure, I'm sorry yeah and I have to get back to our chess game, the Library is that way? (She points down the hall. Colby nods then points in the other direction)
Colby: Down the hall to the left.
Lola: Thanks, nice meeting you again.
Colby: Have a good evening.  (Colby watches Lola leave waiting a moment as her steps recede down the hall. Then looks around her father's desk at the collection of folders and note pads piled upon it not sure which folder she had touched but knowing she had been doing more than looking for paper and a pen. She looks tentatively not wanting to do what she was accusing Lola of but just doing a mental summary of the ones that were there to keep track of future events before starting her own chore) 

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