Friday, January 17, 2014

Tad and Taylor 01/17/2014

Tad finds himself lying on a soft bed of moss he stares up into a canopy of trees watching and listening for a moment to the sound of birds rustling and chirping in the trees above. He rolls on his side enjoying the warm fragrant breeze that washed over his body. He listens intently to the sound of humming on the heels of the breeze and rises slowly walking towards it not sure why but some how knowing he should. He walks towards it his pace quickening the closer he got. He stops at the edge of a meadow and looks around quickly till he spots the back of a lone figure sitting on a blanket staring across a sun speckled pond humming contentedly. He begins to run towards her feeling happier than he'd felt in days.

Tad: Taylor! Taylor! (He shouts running across the field towards her)
Taylor: Tad!? (She turns toward the voice confused yet happy)
Tad: Taylor! (He throws his arms around her crushing her in his arms as she stammers)
Taylor: What?...Where did you...What are you doing here... did... you? (Pushing away from him staring up into his eyes fear making her eyes bright the words trapped in her throat)
Tad: Die? (She nods) No, Phil is sitting in for me so I could come here. Honey I have missed you so much.
Taylor: I missed you too(hugging him again) but I don't understand why are you here?
Tad: I had to see you. I had to talk to you.
Taylor: But we said our goodbye that night.
Tad: I know and I was fine with that but then... (his face contorts with frustration he steps back still holding her hand) I don't know it's like there's something they're keeping from they're all afraid to tell me something. (his eyes searching her face for answers as sadness creeps over her expression)
Taylor: Because there is ...I'm so sorry I wanted to tell you but there just wasn't enough time.
Tad: Enough time for what? (She grasps his hand in hers pulling him gently toward where shed'd been sitting)
Taylor: Come on there's someone I want you to meet.
Tad: Who? Where are we going? (they stop in front of a blanket and a dark haired blue eyed little girl sitting upon it thoughtfully weaving daisies together into a crown)
Taylor: I want you to meet Elizabeth.
Tad: Hi honey! (kneeling down to eye level with her he reaches out takes her small hand and shakes it)
Elizabeth: Hi! (She stands leaping into his arms and hugging him catching him by surprise. Then sits on his bent knee)
Tad: You're pretty! (He smiles at her then looks up Taylor then back to the child)
Elizabeth: Thank you, so are you.
Tad: Thank you. (he chuckles) What are you doing here?
Elizabeth: I live here with my Mommy silly! (jumps down off his knee and looks up at Taylor)
Tad: Your Mommy? (He stands watching the two together)
Elizabeth: Can I go play now? (She bends at the waist her knees twitching her lips stretched in a pleading smile)
Taylor: Sure, stay where I can see you.
Elizabeth: I will! Bye! (She giggles then starts to run away then run back) I hope I don't see you for a long time! Bye! (She says running off again)
Tad: Bye! (He chuckles looking at Taylor confused) She's cute who is she?
Taylor: She's our daughter.(She says her tone half happy and sad as she watch the shock wash over him his eyes wide his mouth agape)
Tad: Our what? (his voice a hoarse whisper)
Taylor: She would have been our daughter.
Tad: You were pregnant?(Plopping down on the small bench Taylor sit down beside him. Drops his head in his hand then looks up at her his expression a mixture of joy and pain) Good Lord why didn't you tell me?
Taylor: That's what I was trying to tell you the night of the crash right before we were hit. You and I were going to have a baby.
Tad: I can't believe it. (Hugging her an awe struck grin on his face)
Taylor: It's true honey. I found out the day before the wedding but there was so much going on and I wanted to wait till it was just you and I to tell you.
Tad: A little girl. We were going to have a little girl. I lost you and the child we would have had together.(Standing as he talks and looks out over the meadow watching Elizabeth skip and play picking daisies as she goes)
Taylor: That's what they're all afraid to tell you. (She comes up behind him leans her chin on his shoulder wrapping her arms around his waist)
Tad: They all think I'll freak out.
Taylor: They love you, (She says coming in front of him she takes his hand leading him back to the bench)  they don't want to hurt you any more than you've already been.
Tad: Do I seem that fragile? (Disgust and anger edging his voice suddenly remembering himself as he really was. (She squeezes his hand and smiles placing her hand on head and gentle pulling it toward her shoulder and holds him)
Taylor: They're all just a little lost right now honey. They're all just trying to do the right thing , just trying to protect you. You lost your wife on your wedding day. You're going to be in the hospital for weeks maybe months. Now they have to tell you that you lost your unborn child too? Can you blame them for being afraid?
Tad: No, I guess not, not when you put it like that. (He sighs feeling some of the weight of worry)
Taylor: They love you so much. They just want you to find a way past all this. We all just want you to be happy.
Tad: I was happy not too long ago. (He mumbles)
Taylor: You still can be. (She kisses his temple) You have your family and they need you as much as you need them.
Tad: How? How can I be happy knowing the last moments of your life were so filled with pain? (She pulls away from him her brows drawn her voice chiding)
Taylor: I was happy Tad. Happier than I'd ever been in my entire life. I had you and our family a child on the way. (Her voice wistful)  If I had to pick just one moment in my life when I was the happiest it was those final moments that I had with you. Always remember I was happy don't ever forget that. (She says kissing him the feel and taste of her lips on his, reminding him how much he missed her)
Tad: I won't. (Honestly feeling better than he had moments before) Tell me something?
Taylor: Sure I'll try.
Tad: Are you happy here?
Taylor: Yes, but it's a different kind of happy that comes from knowing. (Smiling her I've got a secret smile he adored)
Tad: What do you do here? (He looks around not seeing anyone around them but Elizabeth busily counting her daisy collection)
Taylor: It's not quite what people think we keep busy. (Following Tad's glance and smiling) Tad, I need you to do something for me okay? (He pulls his eyes from Elizabeth giving Tayor his full attention)
Tad: Just name it? (She takes a deep breath rushing on her tone urgent)
Taylor: You have to help Cassandra she's really going to need it and Angie and Jesse won't be able to do it without you. You have to promise me?
Tad: I promise I'll help them anyway I can.
Taylor: And promise me you'll be happy.
Tad: I'm not sure I can do that but I can promise you I'll try. I love you Taylor.
Taylor: I love you too and I always will. Good-bye (She kisses him putting every ounce of love she felt for him in it to send him back home)

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