Friday, January 10, 2014

Devereaux 01/10/2014

Devereaux races back across the river towards the penthouse tonight had been very profitable. He'd be able to move everything he'd shipped in all worked out over an innocent high-roller poker game. Interesting Gregorian hadn't lost his touch when it came to putting just the right players together for a high-stakes game. He'd also been able to dispose of the wrecked van and replaced it before Lavery had a chance to review the the records and it had slipped right through the annual audit. It had cost him out of his own pocket so it wouldn't show up on the books he'd even been able to switch the VIN numbers. There was no way Ryan or anyone else for that matter would figure out what he'd done. For all anyone knew it was a mystery who hit Tad Martin and always would be case closed on any connection between them.
 Now to give his full attention to his other problem one Ms. Cassandra Foster. He was more than sure she'd learned her lesson.  That would be the last time she ever tried anything like that ever again. She should thank God that he loved her. Had she been anyone else he'd have killed them but they were soul mates. Bound together forever. They were apart of each other. No matter where she went or who she was with they would always be as one. That's how he knew something was amiss. He could feel it feel her the fear was gone replaced by...He couldn't place it he knew something was... wasn't right. He whips into the parking garage pulling in to his private space then swiftly to the elevator pressing the button repeatedly with impatiens. The closer he got the more he could feel something was... He taps the button for the penthouse pacing with agitations as the car speeds to the top. He burst from the elevator-car his shoes hitting the carpet hard as he walks towards the guard in front of the door his trepidation mounting .

Gaurd: Good evening Mr. St. Jacques.
Devereaux: Good evening how was every thing this evening?
Gaurd: Quiet sir, no one has been in or out all evening sir.
Devereaux: Good stay here.
Guard: Yes sir. (Devereaux enters the too quiet penthouse tossing his coat on the chair as he looks around the living room then heads straight for the bedroom. He flicks on the light his eyes wide with shock at the sight of the disheveled bedroom. Drawers were sagging open, clothes were strewn about the room. He walks quickly to the closet banging the doors against the wall. Her suitcases were gone as were some clothes and both furs. He reaches for the dress hanging in front of him the one he bought her the night she'd moved in crushing it in his fists as his rage sheaths then shredding it as he screams with rage. She was gone! Some how she managed to escape! He stares down at the shreds of fabric lying at his feet then march to the door swinging it open and barking at the man on the other side)
Deveraux: Get in here! (The man stares at Devereaux surprise and fear etched on his face as he walks into the room jumping as the door slams behind him) Where is Ms. Foster?
Guard: I told you sir no one has been in or out of here since you left.
Deveraux: If no one has been in or out all night how do you explain Ms. Foster not being here?
Guard: I don't know sir I have been there all night.
Devereaux: She's not here so some how she got past you didn't she? DIDN'T SHE! Don't go anywhere!
Guard: Yes sir. (Deveraux reaches for his phone dialing quickly then barking orders)
Devereaux: Renault! Get your men up here now! (He growls into the phone then terminates the call shoving the phone back in his pocket and turn his anger back toward the guard his gaze cold his face a mask of controlled fury) You tell me exactly what happened tonight now!
Guard: I came up here just as you asked and sat outside that door all night. In fact the butler gave me a cup of coffee after he came in.
Devereaux: Wait, Maurice was here?
Guard: Yes sir. (He stammers fear gripping every part of him he watches as Devereaux walks to the hall bellowing as he walks)
Devereaux: Maurice! Maurice! (Maurice comes through the kitchen door looking sleepy and disheveled as he approaches yawning his greeting)
Maurice: Qui monsieur? (He looks up at Deveraux's haunted and angry expression and becomes immediately aware. This was the moment he'd been waiting for)
Devereaux: Maurice how long have you been home?
Maurice: Environ deux heures ...About two hours or so.
Devereaux: Did you see Ms. Foster when you came in.
Maurice: Non monsieur. When I came in the lights were off the house was quiet I assumed you and Madame had retired for the evening. I decided to make myself some cafe I offered the guard a cup washed up the dishes and went to bed. Has Madame gone? (His voice the epitome of innocence and concern)
Devereaux: Maurice must you always state the obvious? (He barks rubbing his temple as he paces)
Maurice: Je vous demande pardon Monsieur.
Devereaux: Non, je m'excuse. Anything else?
Maurice: There was one thing monsieur.
Devereaux: Come on with it! (he snaps again his eyes hopeful)
Maurice: When I returned the servants entrance door was unlocked and I distinctly recall locking it when I left earlier. (Then turns as the bell rings and open the door letting in Devereaux's men then closes and returning to the spot he'd been standing previously and waits as Devereaux barks more orders)
Devereaux: Mr. Renault you and your men come in.
Renault: Qui Monsieur. (He snaps to attention then turns to the butler)
Devereaux: Maurice you may go.
Maurice: Is there anything I can get you sir?
Devereaux: No Maurice you may go and thank you.
Maurice: Vous êtes les bienvenus, s'il n'y a rien d'autre que je vais dire bonne soirée M. Devereaux. J'espère que vous trouverez madame.
Devereaux: Bonne soirée! (Maurice walks back to his room smiling to his self things were clicking in to place quite nicely. He could hardly wait for the next part) And you didn't see her leave? You were out there all night and you didn't move? You never left?
Guard: No sir! I was there all night.
Devereaux: So I can only assume you fell asleep.
Man1: Yes sir...I mean no sir...I don't remember...I swear Sir I never saw her go and...and from where I was sitting I could see both doors. I don't know how she....(Devereaux nods his head at his two men that grab an arm each in a vice like grip)
Devereaux: Because you are an incompetent fool! (His fist slamming into his face emphasizing each word) That's how! I you didn't see her that can only mean you weren't watching. And if it it is as you say, and you never left I can only assume you were sleeping. When you should have been doing your job. That is a very grave mistake on your part and you will pay dearly for it. (Hitting him again)
Gaurd: Please sir I...I don't know what....Pleaaa...(His head slumps onto his chest his last words trail off as the force of Devereaux's send him to stay conscious)
Devereaux: Get him out of here I don't want to see his incompetent face again.
Gaurd: Mr. Devereaux please I ... (He squeals his words cut off once more by Devereaux's blow and slumps into unconsciousness in the arms of his captors)
Devereaux: Get him out of my sight! take him down to your apartment make sure no one see's you (He says to the two men holding the unconscious guard waving them out the door)  Mr. Renault (He says calling him back and switching to french) Wake him up have your men put him on a plane back to France. Make sure he gets there. Have someone pick him up from the airport and dispose of him.
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsieur.
Devereaux: You two! I want you two to find Ms. Foster. Search every Airport, train, bus, taxi, car rental, hotel, motel, flophouse find her.  I want to know where she went and with whom and I want to know yesterday understand?
Man2: What do you want us to do if we find her?(Hiding the fear in his voice not wanting the same fate as his former companion)
Devereaux: I want you to call me immediately. (He grinds out between clenched teeth)
Man2: Yes sir.
Devereaux: What are you waiting for GO! (Nods to the man beside him and both leave as quickly as they'd come) Mr. Renault make sure this is all handled discreetly make sure there is no trace of him and call me as soon as you have something on Ms. Foster. Also check any activity on her credit cards. I want to know everything she's done from the moment she left here. Comprendre?
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsieur. (He nods leaving the apartment. Devereaux walks to the bar pulling the bottle of scotch from the shelf filling the glass and draining it then filling it again. He leans against the edge stretching his arms then picks up the glass and walks to the window staring out over the sleeping city. Closing his eyes he focuses all his attention on the image of Cassandra painted on his lids until he could see her with crystal clarity. She was lying huddle with that Sherrigan ass looking at peace and contented a smile of triumph curling her lips, as if she didn't have a care in the world)
Devereaux: Sleep well my lovely you've won this round but, if you think what I did to you before was bad? Wait till you see what I've in store for you now. I know you're with him I can feel it and I warned you. This time my love there will be hell to pay! (He opens his eyes sending his thoughts across the cosmos smiling satisfied as a little shiver creeps up his spine) Message received. (He salutes himself in the mirror drains the glass slamming it down on the bar shattering the bottom)
 Cassandra awakes with a start a cold shiver of fear racing through her as Devereaux's rage filled face flashed through her mind startling her to consciousness. She bolts up right then immediately regrets it as the pain shoots through her. She adjust her eyes quickly confused by her surroundings then remembering she sighs in relief. She stares down at the ring on her finger then to Rego snoring gently beside her and smiles. She'd finally beat him She was Mrs. Rego Sherrigan! She was finally free. She was was finally safe. She sighs then says a silent prayer of thanks. Turning her head gingerly she glances down at a sleeping Rego. She pulls up the blankets around her chin snuggling back down under the covers closer to him. Rego sleepily throws a protective arm over her pulling her close. Cassandra closes her eyes enjoying the comfort of his embrace yet couldn't silence the fear that still gnawed at her.

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