Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Zach and Kendal

Zach tips in to the bedroom removing his jacket as he walks tossing his jacket on the chair then his pants he reaches for his jersey slips it on over his head then slides in to bed.

Kendall: So how was your night? (She turns her head on the pillow and smiles)
Zach: Sorry did I wake you? (He leans in kissing her)
Kendall: No I heard you pull in.
Zach: So I did wake you?
Kendall: No. I just got into bed maybe five minutes before you pulled in. (She says sitting up
Zach: Everything okay? (He sits up looking at her his brow furrowed)
Kendall: No everything is fine. (She giggles patting his hand) After the kids and I had dinner I finished up a lot of work. (Crossing her arms over her chest smirking proudly)
Zach: Oh okay. (He nods grinning, still weighing what he had to tell her in his mind)
Kendall: What about you? Did you get a chance to stop by the hospital? (he smiles happily thinking about how much fun he had with with his niece and new grandnephew reminiscing with her grandmother and Francessca's cousins)
Zach: Yeah, yeah I stopped by this afternoon got a chance to see Sophia and the boys. I spent a little more time than I should have, but it was great.  Oh and I brought home some really good stuff she sent us.
Kendall: Ooo Goodies! (Her eyes brightening) Like what?
Zach: There's all kinds of stuff in the frig we can go look now if you want.
Kendall: Umm no it's a little too late.
Zach: She sent cannoli's
Kendall: As great as that sounds I can't eat that and then go to sleep I'll get it tomorrow.
Zach: We don't have to sleep.
Kendall: Ha! if you wanted more than sleep you should have been home an hour and a half ago. I guess after the hospital you went back to the office?    
Zach: Yeah (he groans) I finally sat down and finished that mountain of work I had on my desk. 
Kendall: Really what brought that on? (She looks at him surprised and suspicious)
Zach: What do mean? (He grins sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck)
Kendall: You've only been procrastinating about it to me for weeks. (She accuses knowing she was on to something by the look on his face)
Zach: I've ahh made a decision.
Kendall: Oh yeah, (She stares at him her eye narrowed)  am I going to like this decision?
Zach: I don't know it depends. (he matches her glare with one of his on a defiant twist in his smile)
Kendall: Depends on what? (knowing all to well what ever he was about to tell was already resolute in his mind)
Zach: Depends on how you feel about changing everything we've planned.(Mentally bracing himself as the storm clouds turn her eyes a stormy green her)
Kendall: Change everything we planned how? Come on Zach, just tell me! Change our lives how.
Zach: I'm leaving "Slater-Cortland" and going back to back to the casino full time. (He breaks in to her tirade ending it before it could begin)
Kendall: I can't believe...
Zach: Wait let me finish. (Halting her mid sentence before she could start building up steam) I know we said that the hours were better and more conducive to family life but I'm not cut out for the nine to five "Slater-Cortland " corporate thing anymore. (Moving from the bed and pacing the floor like a lawyer pleading his case)
Kendall: Well I was...(She starts and is cut off again)
Zach: It was fun at first but now it just wares on me.
Kendall: I can't...
Zach: And really the hours aren't really convenient I spent more time with you and the kids when I was at the casino!
Kendall: Well what...
Zach: I know I should have discussed it with you before making a decision like that but today I realized just how much I really hate it!
Kendall: You knew you were...
Zach: And the casino is just a part of who I am.
Kendall: Look you don't...
Zach: And it's not spur of the moment I've been wanting to do this for a while. Rhea and Pete they don't need me I'm just really in the way. And I'm sure the share holders would must rather have Rhea than me anyway.
Kendall: If you would just....
Zach: And the last thing is you, Spike and Ian you are what is most important to me always and I don't know some how I could feel that slipping away day by day. I was missing one thing with Spike and another with Ian. Pretty soon I'll be missing everything.
Kendall: Zach,
Zach: But I ...
Kendall: No, you listen. (She snaps getting his full attention then smiling slyly)  I get it. I was wondering how long it would be before you did!
Zach: What? (He looks at her shocked and confused not sure he should believe what he was hearing)
Kendall: I'm saying that I'm glad you're going back to the casino full time. (She smiles up at him patting the place on the bed beside her) I'm even happier that you're leaving "Slater- Cortland" I could see what it was doing to you, you weren't happy, and, you're right you were home more with us before. I was beginning to really miss that and so were the kids. So all I want to know is when do you start?
Zach: Wow, you are so amazing you know that? Here I thought you be all flipping out and you...You know me better than I know my self sometimes. (He reaches out stroking her cheek)
Kendall: Yep and don't you forget it! (She tweaks the tip of his nose then kisses him) So what really bought this on? Your talk with Michael the other day?
Zach: How did you know?
Kendall: Cause I know you better than you know your self! (She laughs pushing him back on the bed)
Zach: Oh you think so do you? (He grins devilishly pulling her to him then kissing her till she was breathless) What am I thinking now?
Kendall: Oh I know exactly what's on your mind! (She purrs seductively. He grins down at kisses her quickly then jumps off the bed)
Zach: Yeah! I'll be right back!
Kendall: Bring me one too! (She laughs making pause a moment looking back at her slightly confused)
Zach: I thought you said it was too late.
Kendall: Oh I know exactly how we can burn that off. (She stretches out on the bed starring back at him knowingly)
Zach: Me too, (He winks) be right back!

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