Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Taylor's Memorial Service 01/14/2014

Brot stands at the podium starring out over the crowd assembled in the same room.

Brot: Good morning. We are gathered here today in the same room we all gathered just a short time ago to celebrate the start of a new life. A life filled with promise and hope for the future. Today we celebrate the end of it.
Taylor Thompson was one of the finest persons I have ever met and will ever hope to meet. She was my leader, my comrade and my best friend.  I stood in this very spot and handed her the ring she gave to Tad. It was the happiest day of her life and I had never been happier for her. It was a moment she had waited and fought a long and hard to have. From the horrors of Iraq the loss of our friends and fellow soldiers. Through paralysis and PTSD. She fought, but that was Taylor always a solider always fighting for what she wanted, what she believed in and what was right. It was an honor to know her and an honor to serve with her and an even greater honor to call her my friend.  Today we mourn the end of what could have been and celebrate the woman that was Taylor Thompson- Martin.
Frankie: Sarge, which is what I always called her was funny, smart and always in the face of opposition brave. She was brave in battle and even braver on the home front. She never allowed her fears or her doubts to rule her or anyone else. It was her bravery her strength that gave me the will and courage to re-claim my life. If it hadn't been for Taylor her love and support I don't think I would have ever been able to come home to my friends to my family. When I injures my hand it was Taylor who pushed me through or had the wonderful wife and family I thank God for every day. I'll miss her smile, her laugh, her kindness and most of all her friendship.
Reverend: As we gather here today think not what has past but what....
Tad lays in his bed staring at the TV clicking from channel to channel trying to ignore the service being held this morning for Taylor. Rhea had offered him a monitor but watching that was just a reminder at how trapped he really was and how lonely he felt without her. Instead he'd opted for the boobtube which was boring. Nothing but talk and reality shows until his recent secret passion "Fraternity Row" came on. It was just the escape he needed not feeding some voyeuristic tendency by watching people go through the paces of their "Unscripted" scripted lives. Watching "Fraternity Row" gave him an hour of peace where his brain finally shut off from the nagging voice that haunted him. There was something everyone wasn't saying a strange undercurrent that was so charged it was literally burning the tip of their tongues. What was it everyone was afraid to say? Was what happened to them not and accident? Did someone intentionally try to kill them? Why would they want to keep something like that a secret? It made no sense. It had to be something else. Something they were afraid would completely devastate him or they wouldn't be dancing around it but what would be more devastating than loosing Taylor? Were one of the kids sick? His new grandson? What?
Phil: Hey what going on? ( He pops in smiling as he stands next Tad's bed)
Tad: You're still hanging around? (He says with a roll of his eyes as he lays his head back against the pillow)
Phill: I told you I'm going to be around for a while. He smiles sitting in the chair across from him)
Tad: Yeah, yeah (He moans picking his head up and looking) why are you here now?
Phill: Its a good time to pop in besides I thought you might like some company.
Tad: Because everyone is at the memorial service.
Phill: I thought it would give us a chance to talk without being interrupted.
Tad: Are you finally going to tell me what the big man has planned.
Phill: I don't know exactly what he needs you to do but it all the wheels are in motion.
Tad: What wheels? Come on enough with this crap! Just give me something! (He growls in frustation slammimg his head back against the cushions)
Phill: All I can tell you now is in a little while Jesse is going to really need you. (He says calmly and with as much patients as he could muster choosing his words carefully and still Tad's head snapped to attention his features creased with anxiety)
Tad: Why what's going on with Jesse? NO! (He hisses his eyes wide) Not Angie! Randi! (His voice becoming more anxious by the moment)
Phill: No, They're fine and will be fine. (He pats his hand ) This has to do with Cassandra and the trouble she's headed for if we can't stop her.
Tad: What kind of trouble? (His features becoming more calculating)
Phill: The web of lies she's weaving.
Tad: That's it? (He says throwing his hands in the air his voice and smile dripping with sarcasm) That's all you got? That girl has been lying and headed for a catastrophe since the day she blew in to town what else is new? (laughing bitterly)
Phill: If she continues the path that she's on her action are going to hurt a lot of people.
Tad: So what am I supposed to do from here? (Waving his hands presenting his casted leg high in the air and grins. Then crosses his arms starring at his brother a smug smile on his lips)
Phill: You need to talk to Jesse have him check up on his stepdaughter what she been up to stuff like that.
Tad: Yeah, like she's going to listen to Jesse! She barely says "hello" to the man.
Phill: Jesse'll listen to you besides that doesn't mean he doesn't care and he needs to do this.
Tad: True but, what the hell am I supposed to say? Hey Jesse the ghost of my dead brother says to check up on your stepdaughter? (Stupid grin on his lips his eye open wide making Phil laugh)
Phill: No ass!
Tad: Then what?
Phill: Maybe appeal to him as one father to another to drop around her penthouse maybe get a feel for Mr. St. Jacques have a little chat with his butler.
Tad: What the hell aren't you telling me? (His curiosity tweaked)
Phill: Just do it, okay?
Tad: Okay, but I want you to do something for me.
Phill: Look brother I'm a spirit not a delivery man!
Tad: Ha ha! (he chuckles) Which one of us is being the ass?
 Phill: Okay what? (His smile gone his voice suddenly serious)
Tad: What is it that no one wants to tell me?
Phill: What do you mean? (he evades kowing he couldn't be the one to tell him)
Tad: Mrs' Thompson and the General came by earlier, before the service to say goodbye and I don't know I could just tell right before she said goodbye there was something else she wanted to say. Mom and Momma both had that same look too and Dad just seems to be avoiding me. Why?
Phill: Mom's going to be stopping by later why don't you talk to her? (tad glares at him his mouth twisted with anger his hand chopping down for emphasis)
Tad: Fine you know what I'm sick of riddles and double talk! I'm not doing anything for anyone until someone does something for me! I'm not!
Phill: Buddy this is God we're talking about he's not real big on negotiating.
Tad: Look all I want is to see Taylor just one more time. I know whatever it is that people are not telling me has to do with her. So if it has to do with Taylor then I want to hear it from her! And it might help me believe all this is actually real and not some wild fantasy!
Phill: What do you think? (He looks toward the right corner of the room as he speaks) It could help
Tad: Who are you talking to?
Phill: Shhh!
Tad: Don't "Shh" me! (He scowls waving his hand in the air dimissing his command)
Phill: Would you shut up I'm trying to hear! (he turns back towards him quelling his chatter with a silencing glare) I agree completely ...Okay let me know when you're ready.
Tad: Who was that? Was that... (he stammers sounding shocked and cnofused)
Phill: Okay listen, I need you to promise something before I do this.
Tad: You're going to let me see her? (He expression more full of life then he had seen in days)
Phill: I'm going to let you go to her.
Tad: What?
Phill:  I'm going to hold your place here for a few minutes but you have to promise me something first?
Tad: Anything!
Phill: Once we do you have to do this you have to do what I you're asked without moping and questioning and you can't tell anyone what you're doing and I mean no one. You understand? (his voice firm)
Tad: Yeah yeah! (Phil looks at him shakes his head a moment not hearing any sincerity in his voice)
Phil: No I mean it Tad no more negotiating and whining you got it?
Tad: Okay, okay! Now do your thing (He lays back against the pillows smiling like a cheshire cat making his brother chuckle)
Phil: Alright close your eyes and relax just....Just relax...  

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