Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rego 01/22/2014

Rego sits up in the he bed starring at a sleeping Cassandra. It had been a long night he was glad she was finally asleep she needed the rest. Thank God her injuries looked worse than they were. He'd taken her to a private doctor he knew here in Vegas to have her checked as soon as they'd landed practically kicking and screaming but he had made her. There was no telling what kind of internal injuries he may have caused or what harm he could have done to the baby.
  A baby, he was now a husband and future father and just hours ago he'd been a foot loose carefree bachelor. He didn't regret it she and the child needed to be protected from that monster even if the child wasn't his. He wasn't as naive and so easily manipulated as Cassandra thought. He'd be a fool to believe wholeheartedly that the child she carried was his. She'd been sleeping with both he and Devereaux there was a very good possibility the child was his. It had been sometime since he and Cassandra had been together but, if things happened the way she said wouldn't she be showing by now? She said it would have to have been the night of his bachelor party he couldn't recall any other time. Accept maybe the last night they'd spent together before she moved in with Devereaux? That night was a complete blur and oddly none of the blurs included sex or much of anything else for that matter. All he could recall from the time they'd left the bar was walking in to the apartment. Either way it just didn't matter if the child was his or not. The child needed to be protected and in order to protect the child that meant protecting the mother. So be it was for the good of the child then.
   Funny, ask him a few month ago if he'd have done this for Cassandra and he would've laughed in their face but having held a brand new life in his arms had changed him and he couldn't just walk away. Not anymore not after that day. It was the most amazing experience of his life and he was still feeling an odd sense of elation from and a strange kinship to the child. He'd even gone to Francessca's FaceSpace page and looked at some of the pictures she'd posted from the day Logan was born and the days following. There was even one of him holding him the day he'd visited. He was going to stop by their house and give him the gift he'd bought him for some unknown reason and an almost over whelming desire see how he was doing. Why he couldn't explain. Perhaps the guilt over what happened those last moments they'd spent in the elevator after the baby was born or those last seconds before the door had opened when she'd been on the verge of saying something and then it was lost in the frenzy. Maybe if he'd have done...No. there was no point in that especially considering the circumstances he found himself in now. It was the present and the future that real concerned him.
    He was going to have to face his father and that was not going to be easy. There was no way he would ever understand anything he'd done, He would definitely not understand his marrying Cassandra. He himself barely understood, it would be almost impossible to convince him she needed his protection. All he could see was as he'd so succinctly stated "a money hungry gold digging tramp that would do anything to get what she wanted and what she wanted was her hands on the Sherrigan fortune". He wasn't stupid he'd made her sign a prenup. The lawyer had been waiting on the plane when they'd gotten there. The poor man looked tired and some what disheveled he'd felt a little guilt and it was a little extravagant but necessary. Besides wasn't the entire reason they kept lawyer at their beck and call, for just such occasion?  She'd get a nice settlement should they divorce and that was all and should the child turned out not to be his she got nothing. He wasn't sure if she'd read that part of it in fact he was positive she hadn't because she hadn't bitched about before signing. As soon as the lawyers filed it he'd tell her. She wouldn't bitch too much she hadn't gotten what she really wanted. the protection of the Sherrigan name and the prenuptial should make his father happy he hoped. The hardest part would be getting him to agree to let her move in to the house with them.The mansion offered far more protection than any place he could get for them. His only option was Brooke. She'd get it she was kind and compassionate.She was friends with both Angie and Jesse she want to help protect their daughter and why she couldn't, they couldn't allow this story to get out. The company had just bounced back from the least one. Brooke also had a unique perspective having with battered women at the shelter she could help through what she's been through with Devereaux. All he had to do was get her on his side. Good luck with that! This was the the same woman that had betrayed her beloved daughter in-law the mother of her grandson with her fiancĂ©e. Why in the world would she want to help Cassandra or him in any way? He'd have to convince her some how! That house was veritable fortress there was no way Devereaux or his men could get at her there and when she went out she'd have protection. No this had to be done and he was going to do it.
    He gets up from the bed and walks to his pants draped across the chair and retrieves his phone. He glances over at a still sleeping Cassandra and walks in to the living room sliding open the glass door and out on to the terrace closing it behind him he sits on the lounge chair tapping his phone trying to decided which one to call. Just as it rings he stares down at the keypad frozen by his fathers number flashing trying to work up the courage to answer it.         

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