Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jack and Molly 01/15/2014

Jack walks into the kitchen cabinet and pulls a mug from the mug tree walks to the coffee pot fills his cup then sits down at the table and opens his newspaper as Molly walks in to the kitchen.

Molly: Morning Uncle Jack! (Stopping at the entrance to the kitchen and smiling she had hoped he'd have left already)
Jack: Morning sweetheart. (he smiles looking up from his paper)
Molly: Is the coffee ready? She says walking toward the cup tree)
Jack: Yep! Are you hungry?
Molly: Starved! (She walks to the frig reaching for the creamer and pouring it in to the cup and places it back)
Jack: Mrs. Sharp bought some muffins and rolls from the "Serving Spoon" this morning they're in the basket.
Molly: Oh great! (She reaches in to the basket taking a napkin from the pile and places it on it) Where'd she go? (she wonders looks a round the kitchen door not seeing her in the living room)
Jack: She ran to the supermarket about ten minutes ago. Hey, hand me a blue berry one? (he places the paper to the side smiling up at his niece)
Molly: Sure. (She reaches in the basket pulling out a muffin then hands it to him along with a napkin)
Jack: How was your evening?
Molly: Fabulous! How was yours?
Jack: I'm sure not half as fun as yours. (He winks taking a piece of muffin and popping it in his mouth)
Molly: Oh I don't know? (She teases a devilish grin curling her lips) You and Ms. Delgado looked really comfortable when I left. (Jack blushes then chuckles)
Jack: We were just working on a case.
Molly: Ah huh! (She smiles knowningly)
Jack: What is with the women in my family? (Rising from the table shaking his head)
Molly: Why? Did Lily come by last night? (Smiling as she truns watching Jack refill his cup feeling a little sad she'd missed)
Jack: No, I was talking to Greenlee. (Placing the pot back on the hotplate and walking back to the table some of the lightness leaving the room as he watches Molly slump in her chair at the mention of Greenlee)
Molly: Joy.(She groans as Jack sits his brow drawn together looking confused)
Jack: What is with you two?
Molly: I don't have a problem with her she has a problem with me. (Her defense up)
Jack: Greenlee doesn't have a problem with you as you say.
Molly: Come on Uncle Jack you can't even say that with a straight face.(Sarcasm dripping from her voice making him smile)
Jack: She just a little protective of her old man that's all.
Molly: What does she think I'm going to do to you?
Jack: Nothing honey,(Hearing the defensiveness in her voice he tries to choose his words carefully) she just wants to make sure everything is okay with you and me.
Molly: So what did you tell her? (She sits up folding her arms across her chest)
Jack: I told her everything's great you've been a model citizen and she has no reason to worry.
Molly: God she's worse than my mother!
Jack: Have you heard from your mother?
Molly: No have you?
Jack: No. (He says flatly knowing from her expression she was disappointed) So what did you and what's his name?
Molly: Justine. (her face immediatly brightening)
Jack: Justine, do last night?
Molly: Nothing really we went down to the river and hung out on Justin's boat for a while.
Jack: A little cold to be out on the river this time of year isn't it?
Molly: Oh we didn't take the boat out we just hung out for a while. I love being out on the water it kind of reminds me of home.
Jack: So what was it some kind of party?
Molly: No not really just a two or three other couples. We were supposed to go to Llanview to some new club but with my curfew we wouldn't have been back in time.
Jack: Oh well maybe you can go some other time.
Molly: I could have gone last night if I didn't have some ridiculous curfew like I'm twelve.
Jack: Sorry honey but those are the rules we all decided on when you came here remember?
Molly: Of course I remember but come on Uncle Jack! I've done everything you guys asked. When are you going to give me some freedom?
Jack: You have freedom just not the kind you want. (tossing over his shoulder as he walks to the sink and places his cup down then turns back towards her) Look I promise you keep doing what you've been doing and I'll talk to your Mom see if we can come up with something okay?
Molly: Oh Thank you! (Popping up from her seat and hugging him) Thank you! Thank you!
Jack: I'm not promising you anything but I'll see what I can do.
Molly: Thank you so so much! (squeezing him again then letting go)
Jack: Look I got to get out here. (looking up at the wall clock then back at her) I'll see you at dinner?
Molly: Yep! (She says following him in to the living room. She leans back againt the frame as he quickly pcks his briefcase)
Jack: What do you have planned today?
Molly: I'm going shopping with Dani.
Jack: You mean Tea's daughter? (looking back over his shoulder as he snaps his case closed)
Molly: Yeah and then we're going to lunch.
Jack: Thant's wonderful! I'm glad you two hit it off.
Molly: Yeah she's pretty cool.
Jack: Great listen sweetheart I got to get out of here.(looking at his watch as he walks to the door Molly trailing behind)  I'll see you later.Oh and do me a favor? (turnig arond to face her)
Molly: What's up?
Jack: Tonight would you mind turning down the volume on your TV? I dreamt I was in some weird car chase romantic comedy. (He laughs pulling the door open and walking through)
Molly: Not a problem see you.
Jack:: Bye have a good day! (he turns walking quickly to the car)
Molly: You too! (Molly waits for the car to leave the driveway then locks the front door, She scampers to the kitchen takes a muffin from the basket. She walks to the cabinet and takes down a plate she places the muffins on it then pulls a cup from the tree and fills it with coffee putting the cup on the plate next to it. She walks back to the table and picks up her cup then heads up the stairs to her room. She place her cup on the floor then turns the knob pushing it open with he foot. She places the plate on the corner of the desk then bends and picks up her cup closing the door and locking it behind her)
Justine: Hey what took you so long?
Molly: My uncle was still here I had to make nice, nice and wait for him to go. I bought you a muffin and a cup of coffee. (handing him the plate and smiles as he takes a big bite from the muffin)
Justine Oh thanks I'm starved! (His voice muffled has he talks around the food in his mouth)
Molly: So I still have a couple of hours before I have to meet my friend what do you want to do? (She says lying down on the bed next to him)
Justine: What do you think? (He places the plate on the nightstand then reaches for rolling on top of her in the same motion nuzzeling her neck till she squeals)
Molly: I like the way you think.
Justine Man! I can't believe your uncle didn't hear us last night! (grinning down at her as he pulls the laces of her night gown apart)
Molly: Now aren't you glad I told you to leave the TV on! (running her finger across the curve of his back making him shiver and her giggle)
Justine: How much longer am I going to be climbing through windows? It's getting kind of old.
Molly: Come on you have to admit it's kind of fun.(pulling him to her and kissing)
Justine: Yeah but happens when your uncle figures out what you're up to? (he chuckles)
Molly: Are you kidding I have him exactly where I want him by this time next week I'll be out of here. Now do you want to keep talking or.... (She pushes him back against the pillows strateling him) That's much better!

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