Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Brooke and Oliver

Oliver walks into the dinning sniffing the sumptuous aromas coming from the serving dishes as he walks Brooke to her place at the table holding the chair for her. She sits then he takes the one across from her.

Brooke: Last night at Chuck and Donna's was really nice wasn't it?
Oliver: it was absuloutely lovely.
Brooke: Oh did I tell you I met Tea's daughter?
Oliver: No you didn't.
Brooke: Yes she was there with Chuck's Grandson Phillip.
Oliver: Oh yes that pretty young girl he couldn't keep his eyes off of all night.
Brooke: That's the one very bright, personable young woman.
Oliver: Having met her mother I can't image she would be any other way. I really enjoyed lunch with the two of them Tea and Jack I mean. We should have them over some evening.
Brooke: I'll give them a call see if we can set something up for next week.
Oliver: Good I look forward to it. So have you heard anything about our grandson this morning.
Brooke: Not yet they're probably just getting settled in. Oh and don't forget that awards dinner we have this evening.
Oliver: Couldn't we just skip it?
Brooke: No, you can't skip out on an awards dinner when you're one of the recipients.
Oliver: I'd much rather be cuddled up on the couch by the fire with you.
Brooke: Me too but duty calls.
Oliver: Yeah sure.
Brooke: Where's Rego did he leave early this morning?
Oliver: I don't know I was hoping you could tell me.
Brooke I haven't seen him since breakfast yesterday. He didn't come home last night?
Oliver: I went by his room earlier and it looked like his bed hadn't been slept in. I mean he's a grown man he can do as he likes I just found it strange since we have the meeting this morning.
Brooke: Maybe he went into the office early.
Oliver: It's possible I called earlier and got no answer.
Brooke: I wouldn't worry about it he's probably still elated from all the excitement over the last few days and couldn't sleep. Maybe he went to the gym.
Oliver: Hmm.
Brooke: Maybe he took off for a couple of days, you know to clear his head maybe to the casino.
Oliver: Perhaps, I'm just concerned with whom he would have taken off with.
Brooke: You don't think he's back involved with Cassandra do you?
Oliver: I told you I don't think he ever stopped being involved with her.
Brooke: If he is you may have to face the fact for better or worse he could be in love with her and if he is there's nothing you can do to keep them apart.
Oliver: That could be true of him but I don't think that woman is capable of loving anyone or anything. She only cares about what's in it for her first, foremost and always.
Brooke: Isn't she living with someone?
Oliver: Deveraux St. Jacques that the other thing that worries me.
Brooke: Why would her living with him worry you?
Oliver: Deveraux St. Jacques is a very ruthless,very dangerous man he will stop at nothing and I mean nothing to get what he wants and for some UN-Godly reason he wants her. That puts him on a collision course with my son.
Brooke: You don't think he'll hurt Rego.
Oliver: I think if it came to that yes I believe he would.
Brooke: Lets just hope it doesn't come to that.
Oliver: From your lips to Gods ear.
Brooke: you know you could end this mystery by just calling him.
Oliver: Apart of me doesn't want to confirm what I already suspect.
Brooke: And, it could be absolutely nothing but, you're never going to find out sitting there.
Oliver: You're right as usual. 
Brooke: I'd better get going. (She rises from the table walking to his side and kissing him) See you at dinner.
Oliver: Okay have a good day. (He stands  hugging and kissing her) I love you! (he smiles sitting back down in his chair)
Brooke I love you too. (she walks out of the dinning then calls back) Stop sitting there starring at your phone call your son! (Oliver chuckles as he reaches in his pocket for his phone deciding to take his wifes advice at the same moment his phone rings)
Oliver: Oliver Sherrigan!
Wellington: Good Morning Mr. Sherrigan this is Wellington Swift I hope I'm not disturbing you?
Oliver: Good Morning Mr. Swift how may I help you?
Wellington: I was trying to get in touch with Rego.
Oliver: He's not here this morning.
Wellington: Oh, yes naturally. If you could would you give him a message for me please my finacee and I are going out of town for the weekend and I want to make sure he know since he expressed that it was urgent.
Oliver: Certainly Mr. Swift.
Wellington: I filed the paperwork with the courthouse this morning and I'll send their copies to the office. If he needs to reach me. I'll be back in my office Monday morning.
Oliver: Mr. Swift rather than have my son's personal documents sitting in the office all wekend why don't you send them here to the house and I'll put them in my safe till he gets beck.
Wellington: Will do Mr. Sherrigan and tell your son I said congarulations.
Oliver: I most certainly will enjoy your weekend Mr. Swift.
Wellington: You too Sir. Good-bye!
Oliver: Good-bye. (Oliver presses the receiver of his phone then dial quickly barking at his security chief on the other end) This is Oliver Sherrigan I want to know everything my son did yesterday from the time he left this house to five minutes ago! I want to know who he saw who saw him who he talked to and what they talked about. I want it on my desk five minutes ago do you understand? (He ends the call abruptly placing the phone on the table and walking to the window starring out over the lawn the dreary winters day matching the somber turn of the day. His son had done exactly what he'd feared the proof was on it's way. He wouldn't call him anymore until he'd seen it all and could formulate a plan)           


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