Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tea and Dani 01/29/2014

Tea walks into the kitchen scurrying to the cabinet and pulling down a cup quickly filling it then sits at the table.

Tea: Good morning mi hija!
Dani: Morning Mom! (She says putting down the paper and pushing the bag of bagels towards her)
Tea: Sorry we didn't get to really talk last night. (She pulls a bagel from the basket breaking off a piece and dunking it in her coffee)
Dani: No, it's okay I was tired anyway. (Biting off a piece of bagel and chewing it)
Tea: So how was your evening?
Dani: Wonderful! (Talking around the food in her mouth) Doctor and Mrs. Tyler are so nice.Oh, (She swallows hard her eyes lighting up with excitement) and I got to meet Brooke English!
Tea: Oh wow! (Nodding in approval) Congratulations I know she's a big hero of your's!
Dani: Mom she is absolutely more amazing than I thought! She's so real and smart! It was really great talking to someone that runs one of the top magazines in the country a real reporter!
Tea: Don't let your Aunt Vicky and Todd hear that. (She smiles dipping the bread in the cup popping it in her mouth then taking a sip from her cup)
Dani: Aunt Vickie oh yeah Todd not so much. (They both laugh)
Tea: You have a point (She laughs) but when you get past the headlines there's some very good well written articles. (Dani's eyes open wide as she laughs)
Dani: That's funny that's exactly what Brooke said.
Tea: See it's not just me!
Dani: I was so nervous when Phillip introduced me to her. He kept telling me not to be but I couldn't help it. Then we started talking and it was if I'd known her all my life. She even told me to come see her in spring she might have a summer job for me. Oh and then I told her how much you like that photo she featured from that winter festival they had here a few years ago. Did you know that her husband did all that for their wedding?
 Tea: No I didn't. (Smiling and nodding enjoying her child's enthusiasm)
Dani:  Anyway she said the photographer was a close personal friend and she could get you an autographed copy of it.
Tea: Wow! (She nods impressed by her daughters thoughtfulness and Brooke's generosity)  I'll have to give her a call and thank her for that.
Dani: Wait, (She stares her mother eyes wide with surprise mouth agape) you have Brooke English's phone number?
Tea: Yea, I met her and her husband when I went out to lunch with Jack yesterday.
Dani: Oh my God I can't believe you didn't tell me!
Tea: I was going to I didn't have a chance.  
Dani:  My Mom hanging out with Brooke English and her mega mogul husband we have hit the bid time! (They high five then laugh) Oh! Then Phillip introduced me to the famous Dr. David Hayward. He's a little self important but nice.
Tea: I met his wife yesterday we had lunch at her restaurant. Oh that reminds me I left that file we were working on in my bedroom I'll be right back. (She stands walking out of the kitchen back toward her bedroom as Dani answers her phone her cup in the other hand she walks in to the living room)
Dani: Hey Blair! Thanks for calling me back.
Blair: No problem what's up? You guys okay?
Dani: We're fine I wanted to ask you for a favor if you can? (She squeezes her eyes shut crossing her fingers) 
Blair: I'll try what's up?
Dani: I was wondering if you could let me have six passes for tonights concert?
Blair: Is that all? Sure I'll leave them with my guy at the door no problem
Tea walks into the living room carrying her briefcase her head swiveling toward the voice coming from the couch and notices her daughter talking on the phone. She walks to her desk placing the briefcase on the chair and opening it then places the folders on the desk in it)  
Dani: Thanks Blair. I owe you big time.
Blair: I'm going to hold you to that. I'll see you tonight!
Dani: See you tonight. (She smiles picking up her cup and walking back in to the kitchen and to the coffee pot Tea behind her)
Tea: So how's Blair? (She says over her shoulder as she walks to the table and sits)
Dani: She's great. (She fills her cup and joins her mother at the table)
Tea; What's going on? (Eying her suspiciously)
Dani: There's a band playing at the Ultra Violet and a bunch of us are going tonight. (Tea's face turns to a mask of disappointment)
Tea: Oh I was hoping you'd be able to watch Victor tonight.
Dani: Oh come on Mom any night but tonight.(Dani starts whines sounding more like the little girl she used to know so well) 
Tea: Well I have an awards dinner to go to.
Dani: Can't we just get a babysitter? I really want to go tonight.
Tea: Honey we just moved here I don't know any babysitters do you? (She shrugs as Dani slams back in the chair)
Dani: No! This totally sucks!
Tea: Why what's so important about tonight?
Dani: Well Phillip and...
Tea: Oh Phillip huh?
Dani: Yeah Phillip. (Sounding more disappointed by the moment) I really like him Mom.
Tea: He seemed to be quiet taken with you. (She says looking over the brim of her cup as she sips it)
Dani: You think so? (Sounding less disappointed and more curious)
Tea: Are you kidding he was practically mesmerized. (She teases)
Dani: Mom it wasn’t that bad. (She half grins slumping in her chair)
Tea: I watched you too in line yesterday he was completely gaga!
Dani: Oh my God just stop!(She sits up her and rolls her eyes) 
Tea: Okay killer. (She smirks then winks)
Dani: Its not just him a group of us are going and how does it look the girl that got every body in doesn't go?
Tea: I have to be in court this morning then I have this award dinner to go to with Jack tonight. Plus I have to go to Llanview after court to pick up your brother from your Aunt Vickie's.
Dani: Can't we ask her to watch Victor just one more night please? I can go tomorrow after class and pick him up I promise.
Tea: I can ask her but I don't know...(her phone rings) excuse me a moment. (She says walking in to the living room)
Dani: Okay I'm going to get some more coffee you want some?
Tea: Love some. Hello! (She tosses over her shoulder. Dani walks to the kitchen table reaching for two cups as her phone rings she pulls it from her pocket smiling as she looks down at the number)
Dani: Hey what's up?
Phillip: What’s up beautiful!(He shouts over the roar of the truck engine as he wields his way through traffic)
Dani: Nothing having some coffee chatting with my Mom what are you doing?
Phillip: I'm moving to my Cousins?...Uncles, I don't know if we're even related? He's my uncles brother from his natural mother...So what does that even make us? (He laughs making her laugh) Any way however that works Pete Cortland's place to move my stuff in.
Dani: Oh yeah how’s that going?
Phillip: I just picked my stuff up out of storage and I'm on my way there now. What are you up to?
Dani: I was going to go jump in the shower before I meet my friend.
Phillip: Okay I won’t hold you up. I just wanted to tell you that Justine can score tickets but he's going to need a hundred a piece. (he mentally winces waiting for the disgruntled shriek)
Dani: Whoa! I can do way better than that! (She laughs smiling proudly)
Phillip: Oh yeah? (Hoping she could beat Justine's price by at least a fifty the otherwise he's be short all next week but it was worth it to spend more time with her)
Dani: I got us passes for tonight’s show and it won't cost us a dime to get in.
Phillip: You’re joking right? (His words filled with awe)
Dani: No I'm serious, I called my stepmother and she set aside six passes for us.
Phillip: Wow! You're even more amazing then I thought you were!
Dani: There's just one thing (She sighs leaning against the kitchen counter)  I may not be able to go with you guys.
Phillip: What? You're joking right? (His Irish accent becoming thicker) 
Dani: I wish! (She moans biting with frustration at her thumb nail) My Mom's got something to do and since we're new here I don't know any babysitters. You don't happen to know any do you. (Sounding hopeful)
Phillip; No, that's why I watched my little cousins all summer that, and the money they paid me.(Feeling as disappointed as she sounded)
Dani: Oh man!
Phillip: I'll check with Justine his sister babysits I think. (Slowing the truck to a stop scratching his head as his thoughts begin to turn as a list begins to form in his head) I'll ask my new roommates if they know anyone. Hey I know who’ll know a babysitter. (His mind latching on to an idea)
Dani: Who? (Pushing off the counter and turning toward the coffee pot and filling the cups as he talks)
Phillip: My Uncle Jake’s wife Amanda they have a we one of their own and she works. I’m sure they know a good babysitter. I’ll call her straightaway and call you right back.
Dani: Thanks Phillip. (She sighs wishing it was more than just an idea she'd really been looking forward to being with him)
Phillip: Don't worry about it we'll find you a babysitter. (He cheers then grins impishly) I'm very resourceful.
Dani: I’m finding that out. (She laughs enjoying his bravado)
Phillip: There is no way you’re not going tonight and that’s final! Listen I'm here (He says stopping the truck in front of building)  I call you when I'm done unloading the truck and don't worry you're going tonight no excuses! (He says firmly making her believe what he was saying wasn't just possible he'd some how make it happen and she smiles feeling better than before)
Dani: Okay.
Phillip: I'll call you in about an hour and a half. 
Dani: I'll talk to you later bye. (She picks up the cups walking back in to the living room and handing her mother one) Here you go. (She says handing her mother a coffee cup)
Tea: Ahhh thank you! (She takes a sip from her cup placing it a top the desk then turning and locking her briefcase)
Dani: I have to finish getting ready. (She remarks walking through the living room back toward her room. Tea quickly swallows the coffee in her mouth and croaks waving her hand to stop her daughter)
Tea: Hey, hold on a second.
Dani: What's up? (Stopping mid step turning back to face her)
Tea: That was your Aunt Vickie, Jessica's coming to visit and she asked if she could keep Victor for another night so you’re free for the evening!
Dani: Oh cool! Thanks Mom! (Giving her Mom a hug)
 Tea: Your welcome. (She says giving her a quick hug and releasing her. Dani smiles devilishly)
Dani: So I guess you can go on your date with Mr. Montgomery.
Tea: It’s not a date it’s business.
Dani: Okay whatever you say but you two sure do spend a lot of time together for it to be just business.
Tea: All of it was business. 
Dani: Yeah well somebody should tell the monkeys.(She laughs as she walks back to her room)
Tea: Yeah Ha ha! (She chuckles to her self shouldering in to her coat as she heads out the door)I'll see you later! 
Dani: I'll see you later!( She grins locking the door behind her then heading for the bathroom)

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