Monday, February 3, 2014

Ryan and Griff 02/03/2014

Griff sit at the kitchen table flipping through the newspaper not really reading the pages his thoughts going back to his talk with Randi yesterday. He talked to her for about two hour about things he hadn't thought about in years some happy other painful all worth sharing with his daughter.
 It had been wonderful and petrifying talking with her yesterday getting to know her and his new family through her. He couldn't wait to to get to know them all on  his own.He places the paper on the table as Ryan walks in.

Ryan: Morning Buddy! What going on?
Griff: Morning! Fresh coffee in the pot breakfast is on the stove. (Ryan pulls a cup from the cabinet and fills it then grabs a plate)
Ryan: What are you doing home? I thought you'd be at work?
Griff: No, we're closed this morning.
Ryan: Oh yeah Taylor's memorial service right?
Griff: Yeah, what are you doing home? (He gets up from the table and refills his cup then walks to the frig for the creamer placing his cup on the counter while forges through the frig. Ryan watches sliding up on the counter and sitting as he talks and eats)
Ryan: Devereaux canceled our meeting for this morning so I decided to to take the morning off.(Sipping his cup as Griff turns towards him and scowls)
Griff: Man get your butt off the counter! I prepare food there! (he closes the refrigerator door and walks back to the table)
Ryan: Sorry, (He chuckles sliding down off the counter and walks to the table taking the chair across from Griff) I saw Greenlee yesterday.
Griff: Wow, your dectectives work fast! (Cocking one brow staring at him over the cup brim)
Ryan: I didn't have to call them, she called me.(His voice lowering disappointment written on his face)
Griff: Was that the phone call the other night?
Ryan: Yeah, yeah (He smiles pulling himself out of his reserve) she told me where I could meet her and I drove out there yesterday morning.
Griff: Well spit it out man what happened?
Ryan: It was okay. (He shrugs) It didn't turn out like I wanted.
Griff: I'm sorry.
Ryan: No it's okay I mean sure, I would have loved the fairytale ending but she's moved on or backwards. (He chuckles at the irony) whichever her new life definitely doesn't include me.
Griff: You seem pretty okay with it.(Surprised by his demeanor)
Ryan: All I ever wanted was for her to be happy and she is.
Griff: She may be happy but what about you? 
Ryan: I'd be lying if I said I'm happy with the way things turned out. If nothing else at least I have closure. Anyway what about you? Did you talk to Randi?
Griff: Yeah we had a long talk yesterday. (Sitting back in his chair and smiling)
Ryan: From the look on your face you had way better luck than I did. (Smiling glad his friends life was coming together and his genuinely happy expression)
Griff: It was good we put it all out there. I'm not saying it's perfect but a least the door is open and that's all I wanted.
Ryan: Good for you man! I'm really glad.
Griff: Yeah I feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders you know what I mean?
Ryan: I know exactly what you mean.
Griff: Hey Sunday I'm supposed to go over there for Sunday dinner you want to come?
Ryan: No, you enjoy being with your family and those beautiful grandkids of yours. You don't need  me tagging along. Besides Sunday I'm taking Emma ice skating.
Griff: That sounds like fun!
Ryan: I'm really looking forward to it.
Griff: How is Emma?
Ryan: She's good in fact she's better than she has been in a long time. We all are.
Griff: Well you know if the adults in her life are at peace so will she.
Ryan: Keeping my fingers crossed that we can keep it going.
Griff: You can you all just have to work at it.
Ryan: I'm sure going to try.
Griff: So what are you going to do with your morning?
Ryan: Probably catch up on some work what about you?
Griff: I'm going by my daughters house and spend some time with my grand children. (doorbell rings) Hey I'll get it I have to finish getting ready.
Ryan: Thanks! (Griff walks out the kitchen and to the front door)
Griff: Hey Morning Aidan! (Reaching out and shaking his hand)
Aidan: Morning Griff! Is Ryan here?
Griff: Yeah we were just finishing breakfast you hungry?
Aidan: No, I'm good thanks! Oh and congratulations Grand-dad!
Griff: Hey thanks man! (Smiling proudly) Who told you?
Aidan: I ran in to Jesse this morning he told me. That's really great the Hubbard's are a great family!
Griff: Thanks! Listen I have to finish getting dressed Ryan's in the kitchen.(He nods his head towards the kitchen then walks up the steps) See you later!
Aidan: Thanks see you later! (He takes a deep breath shakes off his reservations and walks through the door)

Aidan: Hey Ryan Griff told me to come in.
Ryan: Hey how you doing want some coffee? (Placing his dish in the sink and rinsing it) Griff just made it.
Aidan: No, I'm good thanks.
Ryan: What brings you here? (Shaking the water from the dish and placing it in the dishwasher) Is Emma and Annie okay? (He turns towards him concerned and puzzled)
Aidan: They're fine.
Ryan: Then what's up? (His curiosity peaked. Aidan steals himself by taking a mental breath ever fiber in his being revolting against this plan)
Aidan: I saw where you still had an opening for a Chief Security Officer. (He spits half enjoying the look on Ryan's face then tempers his enthusiasm and keeps his expression and tone sincere) 
Ryan: So you want your old job back? (His curiosity now gnawing at him)
Aidan: Yeah if you haven't already filled the position. You haven't have you? (Secretly hoping he had so he wouldn't have to follow through on this stupid idea)
Ryan: No, it's still open but I'm curious. Why would you want to come back to "Cambius". From what I remember the last time we talked you said you would never come back.
Aidan: For one thing I want the stability of the hours I had. With Tad in the hospital I've had double down on some of our cases and I'm not spending enough time with either of them. Thank God Adrian has stuck around or I'd be lost but he's can't stay forever and until Tad is up and about I can't carry it by myself. And Emma has been so much better lately I don't want to hinder that by not being around and honestly you"re a better person then you were back then. (Inwardly struggling not to choke on the last words satisfied when Ryan smiles)
Ryan: Well were still looking so if you want the job it's yours.
Aidan: I really appreciate it Ryan thanks you won't regret it!
Ryan: No problem.Come by the office tomorrow and we'll fill out the paperwork.
Aidan: I'll be there bright and early.
Ryan: Not too early nine o'clock will be fine.
Aidan: Okay I'll see you then.
Ryan: One thing though how does Annie feel about you coming back to "Cambius"?
Aidan: I'll find out when I tell her. (He shrugs knowing this decision wouldn't go over well as opens the door and exists hastily doing same with the front door)
Ryan: Yeah see you tomorrow (He shouts after him then reaches for his cup and the newspaper as he pushes through the door) and good luck with that! (he mutters saluting the closed door as he sits on the couch and opens the paper)     


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